Ekelund's Diversity Icebreaker scale

the Diversity Icebreaker scale was originally developed specifically for classification of different market segment of comsumers requiring different market communications strategies.Ekelund attempted to create a more parsimonious proxy typology of personality styles, which can be used both for team role analysis, and as guidelines for effective marketing communications.

Thus far, the scale has went through three major formative stages of reliability
testing, which ended up with internal reliability scores ranging between .75 and .82.
Under this conceptualization, three main dimensions emerged which may be more
dominant in one person versus another, labelled simply as ‘blue’, red, and green.

People with ‘blue’ orientation were identified as task-oriented, structured and logical successful executers;

people with ‘red’ orientation were characterized as integrators
with a relational focus, personal involvement and social perspectives;

people with‘green’ orientation were identified as those with a focus on change, vision and ideas.

1,Ekelund, B. Z. (1997), The Application of a Model which Integrates Market
Segmentation and Psychological Theories to Change Energy Consumption in
Households, Henley Management College, Brunel University, London.
2,Ekelund, B. Z. and Langvik, E. (2008), Diversity Icebreaker: How to Manage Diversity
Processes, Human Factors Publishing, Oslo.
3,Maehle, N., & Shneor, R. (2010). On congruence between brand and human personalities. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 19(1), 44-53.
