【leetcode刷提笔记】Container With Most Water

Given n non-negative integers a1a2, ..., an, where each represents a point at coordinate (iai). n vertical lines are drawn such that the two endpoints of line i is at (iai) and (i, 0). Find two lines, which together with x-axis forms a container, such that the container contains the most water.

Note: You may not slant the container。



算法的正确性:每次移动高度较小的游标,是因为以该游标为高的最大盛水量已经计算过了。比如序列1 2 3 2 2的过程如下:

(start)1 2 3 2 2(end)  answer = max(answer,1*5) = 5;此时height[start] < height[end],将start右移,因为以start=0为高的水瓶,宽度最大就是5;

1 (start)2 3 2 2(end)  answer = max(answer,2*4) = 8; 此时height[start] = height[end],将start右移,因为以start=1为高的水瓶,宽度最大是4;

1 2 (start)3 2 2(end)  answer = max(answer,3*3) = 9; 此时height[start] > height[end],将end左移,因为此时start左边的板高度都比end板高度低,所以此时start指向的位置就是以end为高度的水瓶宽度最远能到达的地方,即宽度最大的地方。所以以end板为高的水瓶最大的盛水量已经计算出来了,就可以把end左移了。

1 2 (start)3 2(end) 2  answer = max(answer,3*1) = 9; 此时height[start] > height[end],将end左移,start=end,循环结束。


 1 public class Solution {

 2     public int maxArea(int[] height) {

 3         int start = 0 ;

 4         int end = height.length-1;

 5         int maximum = 0;


 7         while(start < end){

 8             int width = end - start;

 9             int h = Math.min(height[start], height[end]);


11             maximum = maximum > width*h?maximum:width*h;


13             if(height[start] > height[end])

14                 end--;

15             else {

16                 start++;

17             }

18         }


20         return maximum;

21     }

22 }

