1.赚钱报告错误 (1. Make money reporting bugs)
You can earn money by helping other companies fix bugs in their software code. With debugging alone, you can earn thousands of dollars. You will also earn the respect of various companies for submitting valuable mistake.
您可以通过帮助其他公司修复其软件代码中的错误来赚钱。 仅通过调试,您就可以赚到数千美元。 您还将因提交宝贵的错误而赢得各公司的尊重。
什么是Bug赏金计划? (What is the Bug Bounty program?)
In a Bug Bounty program, websites and open-source software pay cash rewards to developers for finding bugs and vulnerabilities. The bug rewards program is offered by larger companies and open-source software.
在Bug赏金计划中,网站和开放源代码软件会向开发人员支付现金奖励,以查找错误和漏洞。 错误奖励计划由较大的公司和开源软件提供。
The world of cybersecurity has many career options associated with them. Hunting bugs is one of them.
网络安全领域有许多与之相关的职业选择。 狩猎错误是其中之一。
All companies that have a software product. Security is one of the concerns for them. They register on some websites so that people can find bugs in their code. You may find bugs in the software code of these companies once you register on these websites.
所有拥有软件产品的公司。 安全是他们关注的问题之一。 他们在某些网站上注册,以便人们可以发现其代码中的错误。 在这些网站上注册后,您可能会在这些公司的软件代码中发现错误。
Hackerone is a common platform to find such websites and software companies. Over Hackerone different companies are looking for developers who can find bugs.
Hackerone是查找此类网站和软件公司的常用平台。 在Hackerone上,不同的公司正在寻找可以发现错误的开发人员。
查找错误的一个小技巧。 (A little trick in Finding Bug.)
Suppose you decide to work on a project. You cloned the project from GitHub. Set up the project on your local machine.
假设您决定从事一个项目。 您是从GitHub克隆项目的。 在本地计算机上设置项目。
Now, You can take the help of different tools that look for errors in the code. There are code analyzers that do this type of work. A limitation of code analyzers is that they cannot find all the errors by themselves. You can find the initial level of warnings with this kind of tools.
现在,您可以借助其他工具来查找代码中的错误。 有代码分析器可以执行此类工作。 代码分析器的局限性在于它们无法自行发现所有错误。 您可以使用这种工具找到警告的初始级别。
Once you find the initial level of warning, you may encounter a major vulnerability that exists in it. Thus, the use of code analyzers can help find errors.
找到初始警告级别后,您可能会遇到其中的主要漏洞。 因此,使用代码分析器可以帮助发现错误。
2.设计和销售技术主题产品 (2. Design and sell tech-themed products)
Skitterphoto form Skitterphoto形式的 Pexels Pexels摄Today several websites allow you to promote and sell products online. You can design and sell your product online through various platforms.
今天,有几个网站允许您在线推广和销售产品。 您可以通过各种平台在线设计和销售产品。
As a programmer, you have a great advantage over other people who sell Product online. You may be wondering how programming can help you sell products online. Many people are in programming. Many people are aspiring programmer. The love for programming will increase in the future.
作为程序员,您比其他在线销售产品的人有很大的优势。 您可能想知道编程如何帮助您在线销售产品。 许多人正在编程。 许多人都是有抱负的程序员。 对编程的热爱在将来会增加。
If you are designing your product. You will need to have creative titles and logos that you can put on the product. People in programming love to buy a technology-themed product. If you are a programmer, you know what people like in the programming world.
如果您正在设计产品。 您将需要具有可放入产品上的创意标题和徽标。 编程人员喜欢购买以技术为主题的产品。 如果您是一名程序员,那么您就会知道人们在编程世界中会喜欢什么。
You can design many technology-themed products based on your knowledge. Even if you are a beginner, you can also spend your time designing your tech-themed product.
您可以根据自己的知识设计许多以技术为主题的产品。 即使您是初学者,也可以花时间设计技术主题的产品。
If you can come up with creative lines like “I need a
!” You can design your product with this kind of humour. You can earn thousands of dollars by making online sales. You can use websites like Teespring, Merch by Amazon, Redbubble.
!”这样的创意内容 您可以用这种幽默来设计产品。 您可以通过在线销售赚取数千美元。 您可以使用诸如网站Teespring , 亚马逊货品 , Redbubble 。
You can design T-shirts, masks, stickers and other products. You don’t need to invest any amount of money to design. Different websites have dedicated platforms to design your product.
您可以设计T恤,口罩,贴纸和其他产品。 您无需投入任何资金来进行设计。 不同的网站有专门的平台来设计您的产品。
Also, You don’t need to spend a lot of time working on your design. You can design your technology-themed product in a couple of hours in a week. You will not only learn the design work. You will learn how to run a business in this way.
另外,您不需要花费很多时间来进行设计。 您可以在一周的几个小时内设计出以技术为主题的产品。 您不仅会学习设计工作。 您将学习如何以这种方式开展业务。
3.制作在线课程 (3. Making Online Courses)
Online learning is increasing at a very fast rate. Many people want to start making online courses. The only fear they have is that they do not consider themselves to be very experienced.
在线学习正在以非常快的速度增长。 许多人都想开始制作在线课程。 他们唯一的恐惧是,他们认为自己不是非常有经验的人。
If you are someone who is waiting for the ideal moment to start making courses online, that moment will never come. You can’t learn everything about a subject.
如果您正在等待理想的时机开始在线制作课程,那么这一刻将永远不会来临。 您无法了解有关该主题的所有知识。
If you want to make online courses, you don’t need to be an expert on that subject. You need to know more than the people trying to learn that subject.
如果您想进行在线课程,则无需成为该主题的专家。 您需要了解的不仅仅是尝试学习该主题的人。
You can use various platforms like Udemy and others to sell your courses online. Creating online courses may take some time.
您可以使用Udemy等平台和其他平台在线销售课程。 创建在线课程可能需要一些时间。
You should have an internal motivation to create an online course. If you are not motivated enough, do not try to enter this market. Due to lack of motivation, you will not be able to fully create an online course.
您应该有内部动机来创建在线课程。 如果您没有足够的动力,请不要尝试进入这个市场。 由于缺乏动力,您将无法完全创建在线课程。
如何确保您的课程无需投资即可获得销售 (How to make sure your course get sales without investment)
If you are offering your course on sites like Udemy. Udemy has many instructors who offer different courses. Thousands of people buy courses on Udemy. You can take advantage of the built-in audience that’s there to learn about programming.
如果您要在Udemy等网站上开设课程。 Udemy有许多提供不同课程的讲师。 成千上万的人购买有关Udemy的课程。 您可以利用那里的内置受众群体来学习编程。
You must first design and give a free course on Udemy. Make your free course very informative. People should love the course, which is available for free.
您必须首先设计并提供有关Udemy的免费课程。 使您的免费课程非常有用。 人们应该喜欢这门课程,它是免费提供的。
Once people find a free course useful, they will start looking at other courses you are offering. This free course will help to market your other courses. Also, make sure that other courses you offer are related to the free course you offer.
一旦人们发现免费课程有用,他们就会开始查看您提供的其他课程。 该免费课程将帮助您推广其他课程。 另外,请确保您提供的其他课程与您提供的免费课程相关。
Suppose your free course was about Introduction to javascript. Next course should be on ReactJs or NodeJs. In this way, you will ensure that the same people who were on your free course will take your premium courses.
假设您的免费课程是关于javascript简介的。 下一门课程应该在ReactJ或NodeJ上。 这样,您将确保参加免费课程的人也可以参加您的高级课程。
Once people start buying your course. The rating of your courses will improve and you will earn more money. By doing more courses in the future, you can make a positive impact in the lives of thousands of people.
一旦人们开始购买您的课程。 您的课程等级将提高,您将获得更多的收入。 通过将来开设更多课程,您可以对成千上万人的生活产生积极影响。
4.建立聊天机器人并从中获利 (4. Building Chatbots and Monetizing them)
什么是聊天机器人? (What is a chatbot?)
A chatbot is a software application that can simulate a conversation. Artificial intelligence is the technology behind this. A chatbot can speak to humans to provide them with all the information they need.
聊天机器人是可以模拟对话的软件应用程序。 人工智能是其背后的技术。 聊天机器人可以与人类对话,为他们提供所需的所有信息。
Chatbots are used for various purposes. Companies are using chatbots to answer customer queries. They are also using it to answer frequently asked questions.
聊天机器人用于各种目的。 公司正在使用聊天机器人来回答客户的查询。 他们还使用它来回答常见问题。
Chatbots is available as assistant 24/7. Chatbots are used to provide information about company policies.
聊天机器人可作为24/7助手使用。 聊天机器人用于提供有关公司政策的信息。
Google Trends Google趋势如何通过您的聊天机器人获利? (How to monetize your chatbot?)
If you are a programmer, it may take more than 1–2 months to build your first chatbot. Once you have created your first chatbot, you will now understand how to build it again.
如果您是一名程序员,则构建第一个聊天机器人可能需要1-2个月以上的时间。 创建第一个聊天机器人后,您现在将了解如何重新构建它。
Earning by building your chatbots is a very effective way to earn money. Now you must be thinking about how to monetize your chatbot. These are some of the ways to monetize them.
通过构建聊天机器人来赚钱是一种非常有效的赚钱方式。 现在,您必须考虑如何通过聊天机器人获利。 这些是通过它们获利的一些方法。
1.会员营销聊天机器人 (1. Chatbots for Affiliate Marketing)
When people interact with your chatbot. They ask a lot of questions about the platform on which your chatbots exists.
当人们与您的聊天机器人互动时。 他们问了很多有关您的聊天机器人所处平台的问题。
When users have queries related to any product. You can show them another product with your affiliate link.
用户有与任何产品相关的查询时。 您可以通过会员链接向他们展示其他产品。
This way you can send them to your affiliate product with your link. Once they buy that product, you make an affiliate commission for that product.
这样,您可以通过链接将它们发送到您的会员产品。 一旦他们购买了该产品,您就可以对该产品进行会员佣金。
2.出售您的聊天机器人 (2. Sell Your Chatbot)
You can also sell your chatbot to various companies. Since most companies are moving online, they need 24/7 customer support.
您还可以将聊天机器人出售给各种公司。 由于大多数公司都在上网,因此他们需要24/7的客户支持。
Chatbots can do good customer service. They can also give answers to frequently asked questions.
聊天机器人可以提供良好的客户服务。 他们还可以回答常见问题。
Using Chatbots, companies can provide excellent customer service. This way they will give them more business.
公司可以使用Chatbots提供出色的客户服务。 这样,他们将为他们带来更多业务。
Once you have created your chatbot, which could meet all these business needs. You should start pitching to different companies that work in the B2C domain.
创建聊天机器人后,它可以满足所有这些业务需求。 您应该开始向在B2C领域工作的其他公司推销产品。
You might think about what you should pitch to these companies.
Tell them the importance of chatbots for their business. You could target companies in different sectors like Finance, Travel and Transportation.
告诉他们聊天机器人对其业务的重要性。 您可以针对金融,旅行和运输等不同行业的公司。
Keep in mind that pitching to e-commerce companies will be competitive. Many chatbot creators are approaching e-commerce companies, so be careful.
请记住,向电子商务公司推销将具有竞争力。 许多聊天机器人的创建者正在接近电子商务公司,因此请当心。
Others industries that you should go for pitching includes.
- Real Estate 房地产
- Food and Restaurants 食物和饭店
- Photography and Design 摄影与设计
It may take 2–3 months to land with your first client. But it is worth the effort. Not only will you get a one-time deal. You will receive recurring income for updating your chatbot.
您的第一个客户可能需要2到3个月的时间才能着陆。 但是值得付出努力。 您不仅会获得一次性交易。 您将获得经常性收入,用于更新您的聊天机器人。
5.销售网络主题 (5. Selling web themes)
As more people are moving online. They are understanding the importance of building a personal brand online.
随着越来越多的人上网。 他们了解在线建立个人品牌的重要性。
Almost all companies want to have an attractive website. They try to take help of a platform like WordPress. It is an excellent platform to configure your website.
几乎所有公司都希望拥有一个有吸引力的网站。 他们尝试利用WordPress之类的平台。 这是配置您的网站的绝佳平台。
Many people do not know how to write code. Thus, they try to buy templates from an online marketplace like ThemeForest, Mojo Marketplace.
许多人不知道如何编写代码。 因此,他们尝试从在线市场(如ThemeForest,Mojo Marketplace)购买模板。
These templates help in establishing personal and business websites.
You can earn a good amount of money if you know how to build these templates. By creating good website templates, you can sell it to thousands of people online.
如果您知道如何构建这些模板,则可以赚很多钱。 通过创建良好的网站模板,您可以在线将其出售给成千上万的人。
制作和销售网络主题的正确方法。 (A correct way of making and selling web themes.)
Starting to develop the WordPress theme can be a little difficult. If you approach it the right way, it won’t be difficult.
开始开发WordPress主题可能会有些困难。 如果您以正确的方式进行操作,这将不会很困难。
If you’re getting started, try submitting a free theme at Wordpress.org. Starting to build your theme from scratch is going to be time-consuming.
如果您是入门者,请尝试在Wordpress.org上提交免费主题。 从头开始构建主题将很耗时。
Try to build upon the themes that are available in WordPress.
Once you build upon some existing themes, you need to submit it for review in WordPress. You must submit it as a free theme.
一旦建立了一些现有主题,就需要将其提交以供WordPress审查。 您必须将其作为免费主题提交。
After sending it, WordPress can take 10–15 days to review it.
They will do a very detailed review. The topic review team will provide detailed comments. They will point out all the mistakes you made when making a free theme. You must correct it and send it again.
他们将进行非常详细的审查。 主题审核小组将提供详细评论。 他们会指出您制作免费主题时所犯的所有错误。 您必须更正并再次发送。
Once WordPress accepts theme, you will have the best practices for submitting themes.
Now next time when you submit your theme on a marketplace like ThemeForest. You will understand what are the best practices to follow. This time your theme will get accepted by the marketplace without getting into trouble.
现在,下次当您在ThemeForest等市场上提交主题时。 您将了解要遵循的最佳实践。 这次,您的主题将被市场接受,而不会遇到麻烦。
Once your web theme starts getting accepted, you can get a good amount of money when someone buys your theme.
结论 (Conclusion)
Programming is one of the most in-demand skills. So if you are a programmer, there are many ways to earn money online. In this guide, I have mentioned five of them. You can choose anyone you like.
编程是最需要的技能之一。 因此,如果您是一名程序员,则有多种在线赚钱的方法。 在本指南中,我提到了其中五个。 您可以选择任何喜欢的人。
The best way to become a billionaire is to help a billion people.
— Peter Diamandis
—彼得·迪亚曼迪斯(Peter Diamandis)
翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/3-unique-ways-to-make-money-as-a-programmer-7bbcb78b778