import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from random import uniform, seed, shuffle ,sample
import math
import logging
from random import random
class Jy_makeDataset(object):
def random_state(random_seed):
def draw_HalfMoon(n_sample: int = 1000, # 样本点个数,两个分类一共 n_sample
w: float = 1, # 半月的线宽
radius: float = 4, # 半月的半径
hor_distance: float = 4, # Horizontal direction distance for two point
ver_distance: float = 0, # Vertical direction distance for two point
slope: float = 0, # 半月倾斜的角度 [0 ~ 180]
positive_val: int = 1,
negative_val: int = -1,
slope %= 180 # make the `slope` between 0 and 180
# 将 n_sample 和样本分为两类每个样本 n_sample / 2 类
each_m = n_sample//2
# circle origin point of positive moon [x , y]
p_origin = [1 + w/2 + radius, 1 + w/2 + radius + ver_distance]
# circle origin point of negative moon [x , y]
n_origin = [p_origin[0] + hor_distance, p_origin[1] - ver_distance]
# product positive point
p_sample = []
n_sample = []
for i in range(each_m):
# Randomly generate l
temp_l = radius + uniform(-(w/2), w/2)
# Randomly generate angle i.e. theta
temp_angle = uniform(slope, slope + 180)
point_x = p_origin[0] + temp_l*math.cos(math.pi/180*temp_angle)
point_y = p_origin[1] + temp_l*math.sin(math.pi/180*temp_angle)
p_sample.append([point_x, point_y, positive_val])
for i in range(each_m):
# Randomly generate l
temp_l = radius + uniform(-(w/2), w/2)
# Randomly generate angle i.e. theta , but the angle of negative point should between `slope + 180` and `slope + 360`
temp_angle = uniform(slope + 180, slope + 360)
point_x = n_origin[0] + temp_l*math.cos(math.pi/180*temp_angle)
point_y = n_origin[1] + temp_l*math.sin(math.pi/180*temp_angle)
n_sample.append([point_x, point_y, negative_val])
sample_points = p_sample + n_sample
sample_points = np.array(sample_points)
return sample_points[:, 0:2], sample_points[:, 2]
class Jy_dataSetProcess(object):
def Jy_train_test_split(X,
test_size : 0.2,
data = np.column_stack((X,y))
if test_size >=[PerfectMoney下载]( 1 and test_size <= 0:
logging.exception('test_size must be greater than 0 less than 1, we will assign test_size value of 0.2')
test_size = 0.2
sample_count = int(len(data)*test_size)
先将输入的数据集打乱,然后取前 test_size 部分为测试集,后部分为训练集
X_test = data[0:sample_count-1]
X_train = data[sample_count:]
return X_train[:,0:2], X_test[:,0:2] ,X_train[:,2] , X_test[:,2]
if name == '__main__':
random_seed = 52
np_data, label = Jy_makeDataset.draw_HalfMoon(n_sample=2000)
p_point_x1 = [np_data[i][0] for i in range(len(np_data)) if label[i] == 1]
p_point_x2 = [np_data[i][1] for i in range(len(np_data)) if label[i] == 1]
n_point_x1 = [np_data[i][0] for i in range(len(np_data)) if label[i] == -1]
n_point_x2 = [np_data[i][1] for i in range(len(np_data)) if label[i] == -1]
fig = plt.figure(num="HalfMoons", figsize=(8, 8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.scatter(p_point_x1, p_point_x2, c='red')
ax1.scatter(n_point_x1, n_point_x2, c='blue')