




Tools -> Options -> Environment -> General: 取消 Visual experience

Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> General: 取消 Track changes

Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced: Disable IntelliSense: False->True (导致没有提示)

Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced: Disable Database: False->True (导致ClassView 、Resource View为空)

Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced: Enable Logging: True->False

Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General: 取消 Ask before deleting all breakpoints

                                 取消 Enable address-level debugging

                                 取消 Enable breakpoint filters

                                 取消 Step over properties and operators (Managed only)

                                取消 Enable property evaluation and other implicit function calls

Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Edit and Continue: 取消 Enable Edit and Continue

Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Project Setting:    Build Logging: Yes->No



修改 vs2010环境生成的中间文件路径


Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced: Fallback Location

    Always Use Fallback Location : TRUE

    Do Not Warn If Fallback Location Used : TRUE

    Fallback Location : E:\ComputeGame\TempFile\VS2010\

