


  • data(Object): the data u'll post to modaldialog.
  • buttonText(String): button text.
  • okEvent(Function): button event.
  • initWidth(Interger): the init width of modaldialog.
  • title(String): title of modaldialog.
  • content(String): content of the modaldialog(u can use html tags).
  • overlayCss(Object): the css of overlay.
  • jmodalbgCss(Object): the css of modaldialog background(used to generate shadow).
  • jmodalCss(Object): the css of modaldialog.
  • closeCss(Object): the css of close anchor.
  • titleCss(Object): the css of title.
  • contentCss(Object):the css of content.
  • bottomCss(Object): the css of modaldialog bottom.
  • buttonCss(Object): the css of ok button.



$.fn.jmodal({      title:  ' Information ' ,  
' Hi,you displayed me? ' ,   
' Yes,It\ ' s me ' ,   
    okEvent:  function (e) {   
' jmodal\ ' ll be closed after u click me: - ) '  );

