Magento真神奇,神奇的magento商品详细页product page 404错误,404 Error on Magento Product Page

magento站点中突然不知什么原因有个神奇的商品详细页product page 404,找了很多方法处理(索相正常,缓存也清存)还以为是.htaccess的问题,尝试了很多方法但不见效,困扰了整整十几个晚上,但今天最后功夫不负有心人,原来是数据库出问题了,运这以下可以解决,给大家参考
在phpmyadmin sql中运行,注意数据表名称改成report_event_types你所定义的前辍


INSERT INTO `report_event_types` (`event_type_id`, `event_name`, `customer_login`) VALUES
(1, 'catalog_product_view' , 1),
(2, 'sendfriend_product' , 1),
(3, 'catalog_product_compare_add_product' , 1),
(4, 'checkout_cart_add_product' , 1),
(5, 'wishlist_add_product' , 1),
(6, 'wishlist_share' , 1);

If you are using Magento 1.5 or 1.6 , and your product pages are all going to 404 Not Found Page, then thats a headache for sure. We just spent an hour trying to fix this. And finally found the bug!

It was report_event_types .

Last week, we optimized the Magento Database and cleared all the report events tables and log tables. And then we saw that all product pages were sending me to 404 not found error.

So, here is the fix :

Goto phpmyadmin and run this command :

INSERT  INTO  `report_event_types` (`event_type_id`, `event_name`, `customer_login`)  VALUES
(1,  'catalog_product_view' , 1),
(2,  'sendfriend_product' , 1),
(3,  'catalog_product_compare_add_product' , 1),
(4,  'checkout_cart_add_product' , 1),
(5,  'wishlist_add_product' , 1),
(6,  'wishlist_share' , 1);
