rgb rgba hsl hsla hue saturation lightness alpha saturate desaturate lighten darken fadein fadeout fade spin mix greyscale e escape % round ceil floor _math argb percentage color iscolor isnumber isstring iskeyword isurl ispixel ispercentage isem _isa
tree.functions = { rgba: function (r, g, b, a) { //返回一个tree.Color 实例 //https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js/blob/master/lib/less/tree/color.js }, rgb: function (r, g, b) { return this.rgba(r, g, b, 1.0); }, hsl: function (h, s, l) { return this.hsla(h, s, l, 1.0); }, hsla: function (h, s, l, a) { //内部调用rgba }, hue: function (color) { //传入一个tree.Color实例,返回它的色相 //http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hue return new(tree.Dimension)(Math.round(color.toHSL().h)); }, saturation: function (color) { //传入一个tree.Color实例,返回它的饱和度 //http://www.ncsu.edu/scivis/lessons/colormodels/color_models2.html return new(tree.Dimension)(Math.round(color.toHSL().s * 100), '%'); }, lightness: function (color) { //传入一个tree.Color实例,返回它的亮度 //http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/aa358801(v=vs.85).aspx //http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightness return new(tree.Dimension)(Math.round(color.toHSL().l * 100), '%'); }, red: function (color) { //传入一个tree.Color实例,返回它的red值,一个颜色是由红绿蓝这三原色组成,外加透明度 return new(tree.Dimension)(color.rgb[0]); }, green: function (color) { //传入一个tree.Color实例,返回它的green值 return new(tree.Dimension)(color.rgb[1]); }, blue: function (color) { //传入一个tree.Color实例,返回它的blue值 return new(tree.Dimension)(color.rgb[2]); }, alpha: function (color) { //传入一个tree.Color实例,返回它的透明度 return new(tree.Dimension)(color.toHSL().a); }, //上面hue,saturation,lightness,red,green,alpha是用于取得颜色值的具体属性值的 luma: function (color) { /* 返回一个与当前传入的颜色值对比比较强烈的颜色 This adds a contrast function that given an existing colour, returns a contrasting colour value, either black/white, or other configurable light/dark values, and the threshold at which the colour choice is made is configurable too. Cases where you might want to use this: ensuring text contrasts with a given background colour ensuring background contrasts with a given text colour ensuring borders contrast with background ensuring links contrast with normal text building gradients with sufficient colour range 这形成了对比函数,给出一个现有的色彩,返回一个对比颜色值,要么黑/白,或其他可配置的光/暗值,和的门槛,颜色的选择也是可配置的。 情况下,您可能想要使用这个: 确保文本与给定的背景颜色 确保背景与给定的文本颜色 确保边界与背景相比 确保与正常文本链接的对比 创建具有足够的颜色范围渐变 https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js/pull/730 */ }, saturate: function (color, amount) { // 增加饱和度,第二个参数为百分数,内部调用hsla }, desaturate: function (color, amount) { // 减小饱和度,第二个参数为百分数,内部调用hsla }, lighten: function (color, amount) { // 变淡一点,第二个参数为百分数,内部调用hsla }, darken: function (color, amount) { // 变暗一点,第二个参数为百分数,内部调用hsla }, fadein: function (color, amount) { //通过改变透明度,让它显示出来 }, fadeout: function (color, amount) { //通过改变透明度,让它隐褪 }, fade: function (color, amount) { //通过改变透明度 }, spin: function (color, amount) { //在color的hue 中增加或减少amount值,amount为数值 }, // // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Hampton Catlin, Nathan Weizenbaum, and Chris Eppstein // http://sass-lang.com // mix: function (color1, color2, weight) { //将两个颜色合并成一个新的颜色 }, greyscale: function (color) { //减少当前颜色的灰度 return this.desaturate(color, new(tree.Dimension)(100)); }, contrast: function (color, dark, light, threshold) { if (typeof light === 'undefined') { light = this.rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0); } if (typeof dark === 'undefined') { dark = this.rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0); } if (typeof threshold === 'undefined') { threshold = 0.43; } else { threshold = threshold.value; } if (((0.2126 * (color.rgb[0]/255) + 0.7152 * (color.rgb[1]/255) + 0.0722 * (color.rgb[2]/255)) * color.alpha) < threshold) { return light; } else { return dark; } }, e: function (str) { return new(tree.Anonymous)(str instanceof tree.JavaScript ? str.evaluated : str); }, escape: function (str) { return new(tree.Anonymous)(encodeURI(str.value).replace(/=/g, "%3D").replace(/:/g, "%3A").replace(/#/g, "%23").replace(/;/g, "%3B").replace(/\(/g, "%28").replace(/\)/g, "%29")); }, '%': function (quoted /* arg, arg, ...*/) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), str = quoted.value; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { str = str.replace(/%[sda]/i, function(token) { var value = token.match(/s/i) ? args[i].value : args[i].toCSS(); return token.match(/[A-Z]$/) ? encodeURIComponent(value) : value; }); } str = str.replace(/%%/g, '%'); return new(tree.Quoted)('"' + str + '"', str); }, round: function (n, f) { // round(1.67); //四舍五入 returns 2 }, ceil: function (n) { //ceil(2.4); //向上取整 returns 3 }, floor: function (n) { // floor(2.6); //向下取整 returns 2 }, argb: function (color) { // 兼容之前的版本,内部调用rgba }, percentage: function (n) { // percentage(0.5); // returns 50% }, color: function (n) { if (n instanceof tree.Quoted) { return new(tree.Color)(n.value.slice(1)); } else { throw { type: "Argument", message: "argument must be a string" }; } }, iscolor: function (n) { //判定是颜色 }, isnumber: function (n) { return this._isa(n, tree.Dimension); }, isstring: function (n) { return this._isa(n, tree.Quoted); }, iskeyword: function (n) { //判定是关键字 }, isurl: function (n) { //判定URL }, ispixel: function (n) { //判定单位是px return (n instanceof tree.Dimension) && n.unit === 'px' ? tree.True : tree.False; }, ispercentage: function (n) { //判定单位是% }, isem: function (n) { //判定单位是em }, /* Blending modes */ multiply: function(color1, color2) { var r = color1.rgb[0] * color2.rgb[0] / 255; var g = color1.rgb[1] * color2.rgb[1] / 255; var b = color1.rgb[2] * color2.rgb[2] / 255; return this.rgb(r, g, b); }, screen: function(color1, color2) { var r = 255 - (255 - color1.rgb[0]) * (255 - color2.rgb[0]) / 255; var g = 255 - (255 - color1.rgb[1]) * (255 - color2.rgb[1]) / 255; var b = 255 - (255 - color1.rgb[2]) * (255 - color2.rgb[2]) / 255; return this.rgb(r, g, b); }, overlay: function(color1, color2) { var r = color1.rgb[0] < 128 ? 2 * color1.rgb[0] * color2.rgb[0] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color1.rgb[0]) * (255 - color2.rgb[0]) / 255; var g = color1.rgb[1] < 128 ? 2 * color1.rgb[1] * color2.rgb[1] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color1.rgb[1]) * (255 - color2.rgb[1]) / 255; var b = color1.rgb[2] < 128 ? 2 * color1.rgb[2] * color2.rgb[2] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color1.rgb[2]) * (255 - color2.rgb[2]) / 255; return this.rgb(r, g, b); }, softlight: function(color1, color2) { var t = color2.rgb[0] * color1.rgb[0] / 255; var r = t + color1.rgb[0] * (255 - (255 - color1.rgb[0]) * (255 - color2.rgb[0]) / 255 - t) / 255; t = color2.rgb[1] * color1.rgb[1] / 255; var g = t + color1.rgb[1] * (255 - (255 - color1.rgb[1]) * (255 - color2.rgb[1]) / 255 - t) / 255; t = color2.rgb[2] * color1.rgb[2] / 255; var b = t + color1.rgb[2] * (255 - (255 - color1.rgb[2]) * (255 - color2.rgb[2]) / 255 - t) / 255; return this.rgb(r, g, b); }, hardlight: function(color1, color2) { var r = color2.rgb[0] < 128 ? 2 * color2.rgb[0] * color1.rgb[0] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color2.rgb[0]) * (255 - color1.rgb[0]) / 255; var g = color2.rgb[1] < 128 ? 2 * color2.rgb[1] * color1.rgb[1] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color2.rgb[1]) * (255 - color1.rgb[1]) / 255; var b = color2.rgb[2] < 128 ? 2 * color2.rgb[2] * color1.rgb[2] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color2.rgb[2]) * (255 - color1.rgb[2]) / 255; return this.rgb(r, g, b); }, difference: function(color1, color2) { var r = Math.abs(color1.rgb[0] - color2.rgb[0]); var g = Math.abs(color1.rgb[1] - color2.rgb[1]); var b = Math.abs(color1.rgb[2] - color2.rgb[2]); return this.rgb(r, g, b); }, exclusion: function(color1, color2) { var r = color1.rgb[0] + color2.rgb[0] * (255 - color1.rgb[0] - color1.rgb[0]) / 255; var g = color1.rgb[1] + color2.rgb[1] * (255 - color1.rgb[1] - color1.rgb[1]) / 255; var b = color1.rgb[2] + color2.rgb[2] * (255 - color1.rgb[2] - color1.rgb[2]) / 255; return this.rgb(r, g, b); }, average: function(color1, color2) { //取两个颜色的平均值 }, negation: function(color1, color2) { var r = 255 - Math.abs(255 - color2.rgb[0] - color1.rgb[0]); var g = 255 - Math.abs(255 - color2.rgb[1] - color1.rgb[1]); var b = 255 - Math.abs(255 - color2.rgb[2] - color1.rgb[2]); return this.rgb(r, g, b); } };