
'专辑《Hex》中创造了这个词——Post Rock。后来又在之后另外的几篇文章里对这个词的意义进行了更多的阐释。

当时,Simon Reynolds 发现越来越多摇滚乐队,开始在歌曲中加入別的类型音乐风格元素。

酷派爵士、即兴爵士、氛围音乐、雷鬼音乐(主要集中在混音技术上),或者 70 年代的前卫摇滚等等多重的风格,都成为了当时一批乐队的创作元素。

其中比较典型的例子,就是英国乐团 Bark Psychosis 的专辑《Hex》。

2020年7月27日,《Q》停刊,Dream is Destiny



He was like the city itself...cold,infuriating and exhausting.have laid the foundations for London’s fertile jazz scene in 2018. It’s about the renaissance which jazz has experienced over the past few years. It’s also about friendship, community and the influences of the city that these musicians call home. The film tells the journey of these young, gifted players, many of whom have trained and come up together, and whose sounds are now becoming an integral part of London’s musical landscape – as well as representing the city around the UK and the rest of the world.
