好文 - Cache is the new RAM (DB 技術演進史)

這篇文章簡單描述了 資料庫的 技術演進 與 解決問題的簡述, 簡單的圖示說明了一切~

好文 - Cache is the new RAM (DB 技術演進史)

每個時代遇到的問題都不一樣, 資料庫的類型、技術都是為了解決當下的問題而設計, 非常有趣的歷史回顧~

下述摘錄此文圖片文字敘述: Cache is the new RAM | MemSQL, 詳細說明請回原文觀看.


  • CPU Register: 1ns
  • Main Memory: 100ns
  • Flash Drive: 100,000 ns
  • Hard Drive: 10,000,000 ns

Database 相關技術的演進歷史

  1. 2000: Load Balancing Sloves Everything!
  2. 2002: Replication Sloves Everything!
  3. 2004: Memcached Sloves Everything!
  4. 2006: Sharding Sloves Everything!
  5. 2008: NoSQL Sloves Everything!
  6. 2010: Map/Reduce Sloves Everything!
  7. 2012: NoSQL Sloves Everything, Again!
  8. 2014: What now?
    • Load balancing (with failover)
    • Replication (without wasted hardware)
    • RAM Storage (without cache invalidation)
    • Sharding (with management)
    • Analytics (without ETL headaches)
    • SQL (because, math)
  9. 2014: SQL RAM Clusters Solve Everything
    • Throughput and Latency always have the last laugh.
  10. 2016: [???] Sloves Everything!

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