Cassandra2.0 JNA配置



  • Since 0.6.2: JNA for  mlockall. This prevents Linux from swapping out parts of the JVM that aren't accessed frequently. Chris Goffinet reported a 13% performance improvement in his tests from this change.  CASSANDRA-1214

  • Since 0.6.6: JNA for hard links, improving snapshots. Previously Cassandra would use the  /bin/ln binary to create hard links to SSTables when creating a snapshot. On nodes with thousands of SSTables, this would take a very long time, because it had to fork+exec the JVM to run the new process. With JNA, Cassandra uses the  link call directly.  CASSANDRA-1371

P.S. JNA配置不是必须的,但官方建议生成环境下使用JNA。


我的软件环境:CentOS6 64bit + Cassandra2.0(DataStax社区版,通过YUM安装的)




1. 下载并放置JNA

cp jna-4.0.0.jar /usr/share/cassandra/lib/jna-4.0.0.jar


2. 开启JNA


vi /etc/security/limits.conf

cassandra soft memlock unlimited
cassandra hard memlock unlimited

注意: 通过yum安装的dsc是通过cassandra用户启动的,所以我配置上面为cassandra用户。


3. 验证安装

如果没有配置JNA,cassandra log将会打印如下信息:


INFO 12:17:58,616 JNA not found. Native methods will be disabled.



INFO 09:59:59,184 JNA mlockall successful


4. 错误诊断

将JNA jar包放置后,但如果没有配置好系统limit的话,将会出现如下log:

WARN 10:49:53,587 Unable to lock JVM memory (ENOMEM). This can result in part of the JVM being swapped out, especially with mmapped I/O enabled. Increase RLIMIT_MEMLOCK or run Cassandra as root.









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