2018-01-24 Are you truly strong?「转」

Are you average when it comes to mental strength or has putting in some effort made you more resilient than most? You can read on for a taster of 10 signs of mental strength to watch out for if you're looking to monitor your progress and celebrate your newfound resilience.


1. You balance emotion and logic


You can't make good decisions without some emotion, but you can't make good decisions with too much emotion either. The truly resilient strike the right balance.


2. You feel confident you can adapt to change


Change is a constant. That reality doesn't stress out the truly mentally strong.


3. You face your fears


Everyone has fears and not every one of them needs to be conquered, but the very resilient among us strive to face the fears that hold them back.


4. You learn from your mistakes.


Don't justify them. Don't hide from them. Learn from them. That's what mentally strong people do.


5. You balance self-acceptance with self-improvement


Mentally strong people accept themselves for who they are, while simultaneously recognizing their need for personal development.


6. You celebrate others' success


If you truly feel strong, there's nothing to fear when others do well--in fact, there's a great reason to celebrate. The truly mentally strong don't feel as though other people's success somehow diminishes their own achievements. So if you sense your feelings of envy are diminishing, take it as a good sign that your resilience is improving.


7. You live according to your values


Mentally strong people make decisions with relative ease because they understand their priorities and they live according to their values.


8. You don't need to achieve to feel good about yourself


It's natural to feel good when you succeed and bad when you fail, but the mentally strong don't let the ups and downs of life interfere with their essential self-image. Next time life deals you a blow, then, notice how deeply it affects you. If you can shrug it off more easily without feeling too bad about yourself, congratulations! You've likely achieved a high measure of mental strength.


9. You express gratitude


It's easy to look around and see all the things you lack, but the mentally strong choose to focus their attention on the things they do have--and feel grateful for them. Do you?


10. You don't try to hide your weaknesses


Not only does trying to mask your weaknesses waste your energy, it also makes you less likely to put in the work necessary to improve these areas.


How many of these 10 behaviors do you exhibit?


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