2019-06-06 英语期末复习 Unit 2

to and pro =  来回

the lift up = 拾级而上

lift up = 提, 抬, 举, 举起(身体一部分)

take hold of  =  catch hold of 变种 抓住,握住

pick up = take hold of and lift up from a surface

be sure of  = 确信

after all = in spite of everything, it must be important

look after = take care of

round / around the corner = very near in distance or time

at other times = on other occasions

tremble = shake uncontrollably with quick short movements

stoop = bend the body forwards and downwards

flutter = move quickly to and fro in the air


reluctantly = unwillingly

parcel = 包裹

disappointment = badness because that one does not get what one hopes for

pang = suddenly, sharp pain

writing = handwriting

seal = vt. 密封

sealed = a. 密封的

unsealed = a. 未密封的

granny = grandmother

clatter = a number of rapid short knocking sounds

cardigan = 羊毛衫

slipper = 拖鞋  a pair of slipper

mint =  薄荷糖

marigold = 万寿菊

bunch = things of the same kind that are tied together


brighten =  make bright or brighter

spot = round area that is different from the main surface

endure = bear, suffering

decade = ten years

efficient = able to plan and work well

funeral = 葬礼

operating table = special table in a hospital where operations are done

operate = cut the body in order to set right or remove diseased part

minor = not serious or important

arrange = plan; make preparations

primary = most important; earliest; fundamental

content = satisfied; pleased

aged = old

medal = 奖章

mayor = chief official of a city or town

occasion = special time; time when sth. happens

rare = not happening often

postman = 邮递员

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