赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 050 You're Sally, Aren't You? 你是萨莉,对不对?

I. Dialog 实用会话

George: Excuse me. You're Sally, aren't you?
Sally: Yes.
George: Hi! I'm George. You remember me, don't you?
Sally: No.
George: We met at Bill's party.
Sally: Now I remember. Nice to see you again.


II. Key Points 重点提示

  1. remember [rɪ'mɛmbɚ] vt.记得,想起
    例: I can't remember her telephone number.
  2. Nice to see you again.
    =lt's nice to see you again.
    例: A: Nice to see you again, Joe.
    B: Nice to see you again, too, Mary.

III. 请选出正确的一项

  1. Bob is a hard worker, ____ he?
    () aren't (B) is (C) isn't (D) doesn't
  2. They swim very fast, ____ they?
    (A) don't (B) doesn't (C) can't (D) do
  3. You didn't read that book, ____ you?
    (A) didn't (B) did (C) do (D) don't
  4. Do it, ____ you?
    (A) don't (B) do (C) didn't (D) will
  5. Let's go eat, ____ we?
    (A) will (B) won't (C) shall (D) shall not

解答→ 1.(C) 2.(A) 3.(B) 4.(D) 5.(C)


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