

1. 准备金率

requirement reserve ratio, RRR

The People's Bank of China decided on Sunday to cut the requirement reserve ratio (RRR) for RMB deposits by one percentage point starting from Oct 15.


股份制商业银行(share-holding commercial bank)

城市商业银行(city commercial bank)

非县域农村商业银行(non-county rural commercial bank)

外资银行(foreign bank)

人民币存款准备金率(requirement reserve ratio for RMB deposits)


中期借贷便利(medium-term lending facility, MLF)

增量资金(incremental capital)

降准(RRR cut)

通过降准置换MLF(use RRR cut to replace MLF operation)

实施稳健中性的货币政策(implement a prudent and neutral monetary policy)

不搞大水漫灌,注重定向调控,保持流动性合理充裕(refrain from using a deluge of stimulus and focus on targeted adjustment to maintain sound and sufficient liquidity)

货币信贷和社会融资(monetary credit and social financing)

供给侧结构性改革(supply-side structural reform)

弥补银行体系流动性缺口(fill in the liquidity gap of banks)

不会对人民币形成贬值压力(put no downward pressure on the yuan)


定向降准 targeted RRR cut

注入流动性 inject liquidity

货币政策工具 monetary policy tools

公开市场操作 open market operation, OMO

逆回购 reverse repurchase agreement, reverse repo

2. 影视行业税收

tax payment in the film and TV industry

China has decided to initiate a campaign to regulate tax payment in the film and TV industry and promote its healthy development, according to a notice from the State Administration of Taxation.


税务机关(taxation authorities)

影视制作公司(film and television production companies)

经纪公司(talent agencies)

演艺公司(performing companies)

明星工作室(celebrities' studios)

自查自纠(conduct self-inspection)

补缴税款(make remedial tax payments)

免予行政处罚,不予罚款(be exempt from administrative punishment and penalties)

对经提醒自我纠正的纳税人,可依法从轻、减轻行政处罚;对违法情节轻微的,可免予行政处罚(those who conduct self-correction after targeted reminder will be given a mitigated punishment or be exempt from administrative punishment)

对个别拒不纠正的[影视行业企业及从业人员开展重点检查,并]依法严肃处理(those who refuse to take action will be severely punished)

税款及罚款(tax and fines)

《大轰炸(Unbreakable Spirit)》


阴阳合同 dual contract

个人所得税 personal income tax

劳务报酬 remuneration for personal service

收入分配 distribution of income

逃税 tax evasion

避税 tax avoidance

3. 霸座

refuse to move after taking other people's seats

From December, high-speed train passengers in Guangdong province who refuse to move after taking other people's seats will face fines ranging from 500 to 2,000 yuan, according to a new regulation.


高铁乘客均需对号入座(take their seats according to their seat numbers)

霸座(refuse to vacate other people's seats)

信用信息管理制度(credit information management system)

对扰乱铁路运输秩序且危及铁路安全、造成严重社会不良影响,以及严重违反铁路运输安全管理规章制度的失信行为进行记录(keep a record of behaviors that may disturb railway transportation order and safety, have negative impact and seriously violate railway safety rules and regulations)

推送全国和地方信用信息共享平台(publish on national and regional credit information sharing platforms)


餐车 food trolley

餐车车厢 dining carriage

行李架 baggage storage

坐席 seat

卧铺 sleeper

商务座席 business seat

一等座 first class seat

二等座 second class seat

4. 紧急着陆

(make an) emergency landing

An astronaut from the US and another from Russia are safe after making an emergency landing in Kazakhstan on Thursday following the failure of a Russian booster rocket that was supposed to propel them toward the International Space Station.


运载火箭(carrier rocket)

发射逃逸系统(launch escape system)

乘员舱与发生故障的火箭脱离(crew capsule separates from the malfunctioning rocket)

紧急着陆(emergency landing)

短暂的失重(a brief period of weightlessness)

重力加速度(gravitational acceleration)


情况良好(in good condition)

加加林宇航员训练中心(Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center)

俄罗斯将暂停所有载人航天发射(all Russian manned space launches will be suspended)

"联盟号"飞船(Soyuz spacecraft)

向国际空间站输送宇航员的唯一运输工具(the only vehicle for ferrying astronauts to the International Space Station)


载人空间站 manned space station

安全着陆 land safely

助推火箭 booster rocket

发射中止系统 launch abort system

发射场 launch site

可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket

5. 数字搜身

digital strip searches

New Zealand launches "digital strip searches". Travelers who refuse to surrender passwords, codes, encryption keys and other information enabling access to electronic devices could be fined up to N$5,000 in New Zealand, according to new customs rules.


数字设备(digital equipment)

《海关和消费税法》(Customs and Excise Act)

还必须交出个人科技设备的密码(access to personal technology equipment must be handed over as well)

拒绝交出密码或用指纹等生物数据解锁设备的旅客(those who refuse to give over their passwords or unlock their devices with biometric data such as fingerprints)

没收设备作进一步检查(confiscate devices for a further examination)

被复制、审查或评估(be copied, reviewed or evaluated)

隐私侵犯(privacy encroachment)


强密码 strong password

加密术 encryption

侵入式搜身 invasive searches

机密信息 confidential information

一次性手机 burner phone


