赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 053 Country Life 乡间生活

赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 053 Country Life 乡间生活_第1张图片
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I. Reading 阅读

My parents prefer to live in the country. The streets there are cleaner. The air is fresher and the people are nicer and friendlier. Besides, it is busier and noisier in the city. But above all, it is safer to live in the country. My parents believe in the saying, "Safety first."


II. Vocabulary&ldioms 单词短语注解

  1. parent ['pɛrənt] n.父或母
  2. prefer [prɪ'fɝ] vt.比较喜欢
    prefer to+动词原形 比较喜欢······;宁愿······
    I prefer to stay in and rest tonight.
  3. country ['kʌntri] n.乡下(与定冠词the并用)
  4. street [strit] n. 街
  5. clean [klin] a.干净的
  6. air [ɛr] n.空气
  7. fresh [frɛʃ] a.新鲜的
  8. friendly [ˈfrɛndlɪ] a.友善的
    be friendly with+人 对某人友善
    例: I am friendly with my neighbors.
  9. busy [ˈbɪzɪ] a.忙碌的
    be busy (in)+动名词 忙着从事......
    例: He is busy to write a letter. ( X )
    He is busy writing a letter. ( O )
  10. noisy [ˈnɔɪzɪ] a.吵闹的
    The television is too noisy; turn it down.
  11. city ['sɪti] n. 城市
  12. above all 最重要的是
    =most important of all
    above all是作副词用的介词短语,使用时置于句首,之后置逗号,修饰全句。
    例: The doctor told my father to go on a diet. Above all, he told him to stop smoking.
  13. safe [sef] a.安全的
    safety ['sefti] n.安全
  14. believe in... 笃信......
    believe [bɪ'liv] vi. & vt. 相信
    例: I believe in working hard.
  15. saying ['seɪŋ] n.格言

III. Grammar Points 语法重点

  1. 本课仍侧重于形容词比较级的变化。如clean变成cleaner(更清洁的)、busy变成busier(更忙碌的)、noisy变成noisier(更吵闹的)、safe变成safer(更安全的)等。有关变化的原则,请参考Lesson 51的语法重点。

  2. prefer的用法
    a. prefer to+动词原形 比较喜欢·····
    例: I prefer to listen to music.
    b. prefer to+动词原形+rather than+动词原形
    此处rather than视为并列连词,表示"而非"之意,连接两个动词原形。
    例: I prefer to listen to music rather than watch TV.
    c. prefer+名词+to+名词 喜欢······胜于·····
    此处to是介词,有"针对"的意味,"prefer A
    to B"表示"就A和B而言,比较喜欢A"。
    例: I prefer music to movies.

  3. Besides, it is busier and noisier in the city.
    中文:房间里很闷。(stuffy ['stʌfi] a.闷热的)
    英文: In the room is stuffy. ( X )
    理由:in the room是介词短语,不能作主语。只有名词或代词方可作主语。
    改正: It is stuffy in the room. ( O )

  4. ... it is safer to live in the country.
    Live in the country is safer. ( X )
    动词应变成不定式(即to+动词原形)或动名词(即动词字尾加-in名)方可作主语。故上句中的动词应变成To live或Living才合语法。即
    To live in the country is safer. ( O )
    = Living in the country is safer.
    To live in the country is safer. ( O )
    =It is safer to live in the country. ( 佳 )
    Living in the country is safer. ( O )
    =lt is safer living in the country. ( 佳 )
    =It is safer to live in the country. ( 佳 )
    英文: Learn English is interesting. ( X )
    → Learning English is interesting. ( O )
    =lt is interesting to learn English. ( 佳 )

  5. believe可作及物或不及物动词。believe作及物动词时,之后直接接宾语。believe若作不及物动词时,须接介词in之后,方可接宾语。区别如下
    believe+宾语 相信某人/某人的话
    believe in+宾语 坚信某格言/信仰某宗教/相信某种神的存在(强调信仰或信念)
    例: I believe him.
    I believe what he says.
    He believes in Buddhism.
    Do you believe in God?
    I believe in the saying,"Live and learn."

IV. Substitution 替换

  1. My parents prefer to live in the country.
    He prefers to eat in a restaurant.
    We prefer to swim in a swimming pool.
    Sarah prefers to drink black tea.
    I prefer reading history novels.
  2. It is busier and noisier in the city.
    It is quieter and more relaxing in the country.
    It is hotter in the south.
    It is colder in the north.


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