public SpscLinkedArrayQueue(final int bufferSize) {
int p2capacity = Pow2.roundToPowerOfTwo(Math.max(8, bufferSize));
int mask = p2capacity - 1;
public boolean offer(final T e) {
if (null == e) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null is not a valid element");
// local load of field to avoid repeated loads after volatile reads
final AtomicReferenceArray buffer = producerBuffer;
final long index = lpProducerIndex();
final int mask = producerMask;
final int offset = calcWrappedOffset(index, mask);
if (index < producerLookAhead) {
return writeToQueue(buffer, e, index, offset);
} else {
final int lookAheadStep = producerLookAheadStep;
// go around the buffer or resize if full (unless we hit max capacity)
int lookAheadElementOffset = calcWrappedOffset(index + lookAheadStep, mask);
if (null == lvElement(buffer, lookAheadElementOffset)) { // LoadLoad
producerLookAhead = index + lookAheadStep - 1; // joy, there's plenty of room
return writeToQueue(buffer, e, index, offset);
} else if (null == lvElement(buffer, calcWrappedOffset(index + 1, mask))) { // buffer is not full
return writeToQueue(buffer, e, index, offset);
} else {
resize(buffer, index, offset, e, mask); // add a buffer and link old to new
return true;
final int lookAheadStep = producerLookAheadStep;
// go around the buffer or resize if full (unless we hit max capacity)
int lookAheadElementOffset = calcWrappedOffset(index + lookAheadStep, mask);
if (null == lvElement(buffer, lookAheadElementOffset)) { // LoadLoad
producerLookAhead = index + lookAheadStep - 1; // joy, there's plenty of room
return writeToQueue(buffer, e, index, offset);
说这个骚,不是一般的骚,不得不佩服大佬们写的代码。 在这里,我们会知道数组的容量为什么为2 ^ n + 1,而不是2 ^ n。 首先,我们还是先来看看整个扩容的过程。
private void resize(final AtomicReferenceArray oldBuffer, final long currIndex, final int offset, final T e,
final long mask) {
final int capacity = oldBuffer.length();
final AtomicReferenceArray newBuffer = new AtomicReferenceArray(capacity);
producerBuffer = newBuffer;
producerLookAhead = currIndex + mask - 1;
soElement(newBuffer, offset, e);// StoreStore
soNext(oldBuffer, newBuffer);
soElement(oldBuffer, offset, HAS_NEXT); // new buffer is visible after element is
// inserted
soProducerIndex(currIndex + 1);// this ensures correctness on 32bit platforms
public T poll() {
// local load of field to avoid repeated loads after volatile reads
final AtomicReferenceArray buffer = consumerBuffer;
final long index = lpConsumerIndex();
final int mask = consumerMask;
final int offset = calcWrappedOffset(index, mask);
final Object e = lvElement(buffer, offset);// LoadLoad
boolean isNextBuffer = e == HAS_NEXT;
if (null != e && !isNextBuffer) {
soElement(buffer, offset, null);// StoreStore
soConsumerIndex(index + 1);// this ensures correctness on 32bit platforms
return (T) e;
} else if (isNextBuffer) {
return newBufferPoll(lvNextBufferAndUnlink(buffer, mask + 1), index, mask);
return null;