


1.The thunderstorms are very severe; I've seen lightning countless times tonight.

2.That structure is towering over the surrounding buildings.


3.celestial ceiling星空穹顶

4.testify against 做出对…不利的证明

witness to testify against him 不利证人


1.Wow, look at how many layers that sandwich has!


2.She looks sideways to show her indifference.


3.Do you know why the game Pokémon Go has gone viral in the west?


4.the tip of the iceberg(冰山一角)

5.towering adj. 激烈的;高耸的;卓越的

residential tower 形容太瘦太摩天的住宅


1.She pours a bucket of water on her head to cool off.她往头上倒了一桶水,凉快一下。

2.I can get all of the updates on my cell phone.我从手机上得知这些最新消息。

He gives his friends a treat at home.



His salary is augmented by a small inheritance.一小笔遗产增加了他的收入

The king’s power has augmented.国王的权力扩大了


1.His limited movement ability made him depend on a wheelchair.他的行动不便使得他不得不依靠轮椅。

2.it’s physically impossible.现实中不可能

3.I think there’s something going on between me and Mathew.我觉得我和马修之间有戏。

4.She is stunning in that red gown.穿红色礼服美极了

5.Such projects are often tricky 棘手

6.my treat我请客,也可以说it’s on me


1.I'm charging my phone right now.我在给手机充电。

2.generate electricity 放电

3.The Red Army showed great resilience during the long march.在长征过程中,红军展现出了非凡的韧性

4.have a debate about 辩论

5.The children are supposed to live in this a safe and friendly environment.”应该...

6.subject to表示“屈服于...的, 易受...影响的”如:All citizens are subject to the law. 所有公民都要遵守这个法律。


1.These young people get their kicks from the night club.玩得很开心。

2.My cat sank into a deep depression since I had a boyfriend.沉入了无尽的抑郁之中。

3.Uptown Funk” soon became a hit after it was released.发行后迅速成为了热门歌曲。

4.stagnate 停滞 萧条 淤塞

5.For example, many old buildings that date back to the Qing dynasty are still existing in the city center. ”

6.the road there is snaking gently upwards 路缓缓蜿蜒向上

7.make a life 谋生/创造生活

make a life 和make a living 都可以表示“谋生”但是make a life偏向“过日子”而make a living偏向“求生”

也可以说:earn one's bread 或earn one's bacon


1.cull 选择性屠宰动物

He sees culling deer as a necessity.他认为杀死多余的鹿是必要的。

2.It is high time that the government enacted some policies.”政府是时候颁布一些政策了

3.try every means to do sth.尽全力去做
