Rosy —— Rosy(挚恋倾情)

—— Wind of Victoria Bay

Rosy —— Rosy(挚恋倾情)_第1张图片



----You  know

This is  the  last

That  can  be promise

Except anytime

Beside everywhere

Deep in ocean

Higher than sky

Forever last----



You arent comprehend

The tip of willow green

Adhere to morning sun

Shining all spring

Seem lily bud

Blossom in dewy shy

Always understand----



----I know

Thiss the first

That can be true

Among telephone ring

Outside office door

Wandering over lotus skirt

Vanish into autumn snow

Forever first----



I am disturb

Chaos you’ve made

Fill in inspiration

You are my leading role

Eye to eye linger around

Heart in heart cut across

Always undisturb----



The day

You cancelled date

The night

Among ghost and devil, I gonna fight

Every moments delayed

Every nights defeated

Whenever you tell me

Wherever Ill be

To the every mountain side

Till the each part of sky.

With your harmony play

Melancholy drive away

Slide over hill

Roll down each valley

Upset all the world.

The day isnt date

The night never fight.



Im so tired

To cry

Cause you still there

Not say a word

Even goodbye.

Every tear drop

Broken to gas

Up to the heaven

Perfume twinkle star

Fixed in you statue eye

Make my soul high


Youre so glad

To be apart

Tens of thousand mile

Before I make farewell

Before turn your face back

Your tear flow down

My tears gather around

Like rivulet surge

For your bosom lake

Flood each heart

Drown every piece of love



In my solitary life

Live your lonely proud

Time after time struggle

Time after time fail


I can not help

Save by myself

I can not reply

What you are desired


Just stay in dimmed cloud

From dawn to dust

Think what you think

Dream what you dream



Baby Baby

My baby girl

You are not a baby

You are a young girl

Yesterday you recite a poem

Only God can know


Baby Baby

My baby girl

How can you deal with

On this din world

What would you have

In your little head


Baby Baby

My baby girl

Canteen I give you

You said so small

A big one you prefer more

Then,what will you to fill?!


Baby Baby

My baby girl

Thousand days ago

You came to the earth

You told me everything

In your bewildered gaze


Baby Baby

My baby girl

Your mummy is stupid

Your daddy is foolish

You saying, you singing, you dancing

We can not follow


Baby Baby

My baby girl

All of I want to say

Just like you can tell

Every day fly your innocent mind

Every night land in my horizon heart



No leaves

Fallen street

No drizzles

Moisten the desert

And no weep

Stop over ebb tide

From Queens Rd. West to

Kings Rd. East

Roars on motor vehicles

Submerge all whisper

Drunk all bibbers

Late autumn

Stay in early spring

Love and hate

Faded away

As soon as awake!



Real isnt real

   If you merely dream it


Dream isnt dream

   If you bid for it


Time is no time

   If you just live it


Life is no life

   If you solely work it


Agony is no agony

   If you sense it


Happy is no happy

   If you finally get it


Cordial isnt cordial

   If you barely love it


Love isnt love

    If you only want to make it



Pisces is mooring

Beside star ferry

Till someone boat down

Rove around the signs of zodiac

To the destination of non terminus

Myriad twinkling light

Reflect from profound space

Illuminate Island Hongkong

Blockade Victoria Bay

Where locate eternal constellation

Between Libra and Virgo

Destined you and

Destined me

Propelling up the Milky Way

Yearning oasis out of galaxy

Isolated on river bank

Millions light-years away

Shouting at stellar torrent

To be congealed

Lonely souls came across and reunite

Among frozen universe

From the beginning of mass explosion

Make up our lot

Never repent



Drowsy midnight

Forget Nanjing

Dismiss Hongkong

How could sober up

A terrible mares nest

Tears dripping with perspiration

Authentic story

Betray by hypocrisy sentiment

Once again

      Once again

Per sunsets nightmare

Beyond restrain

Each arid field of heart

Grow up savage greed

Each greedy smile

Fabricate money

Multiply love

Immerse in murky twilight

Wait someone to




Galleria bell

Sound hour by hour,

Through out metropolis.

Upon merciless arena,

Knight strike a pose

Arouse demons, Dash around roads.

Shake stabilized homeland,

Smash all sorts of faith.

To be----

Or not to be----

Forever the motif

Of mortal beings.

All quarters get entrance

This to heaven,that to hell,

One pitfall after another.

Splendid phantom seduce

Each flabby character,

To be----

     In an instant!

Not to be----

     On theperpetuity!



Ode of Birthday

1th   Today

    Isnt yours----

    For it belong to all of you loved

    And all beloved of yours.


2th  You dont need flower

    You dont need wine

    You dont need smile

    You only need to sleep----

    Dream whatever will betrue!


3th  The most happiest----

    The most sadly!

    If happy is shared,

    Sadness soondis appears!


4th  In this sacred moment

     What you want----


    What you are wanted----

    Bear in it!


5th  If you gonna pray

     Dont let deities know

     If you got a hope

     Dust-ladenin your sole

     If you have a love

     Surelydedicate it away


6th  I wont cheat you

     ----In the nameof love

        Like you deceive all

     ----Say you are so delighted.

        This not a special day

     ----For Godcreate----

        Everyday is sunny birthday!



Sailing off pier,

In the dark harbor.

Left behind ablaze lights,

Illusions went over

Nightmares also disappeared.

Life on board,

Under the guidance of Lord.

Peace surround up word,

Kneel quietly with hope

Heaven so closed.

Hurry and worry fall away,

Sorrow escape,

Bright came into sole

Pray for like and dislike

For trouble or morn.


Youll be conqueror

Of your own!




Christmas Eve 1994

The midnight mass

Almighty God

Where lie down the hopeless heart

Hesitate day and night in dark

The men and women

From this continent to that island

Beauty or ordinary,young and old

In the name of Christ

We all share in one piece of bread

We are one body


Thousands years before

Thousands years after

Condense to this moment

Peace manifest upon holy sky

Shining all devout countenances

Expel any fear,worry,hate and jealous

Following the broad road to heaven

Save us from our sins

There hold on eternal life

Angels sing

Child crying

In glory,he is coming.




What mostthirsty in your mind?

What most dearest from your heart?


What most cheerful out of your dream?

Just keep your word

With autumn wind,

Blooming your smile

Among daybreak singing,

Nothing can be worried!



Stand on

Windy winter peak,

Lay down the new years eve.

Outmoded days wait

Brand-new knock in.

What cloud and fog can tell you,

Where is the deepest exultation.

You heart roam about street,

Flow into underground sewer

Dissolve happy

Disintegrate wish

Become fish food

So dung, so dirt cruise on water

Catch by someone

Cook by someone

Vomit by someone.

Then tear your soul up

Born a new baby.

Whatever youll be

Youll be.




    Silence in noise,

    Silence in abustle,

    Silence in thesilence!

Your heart so excited,

Your mind still quiet.

Yearn for tranquil wink,

Thirsty a couple of tenderness.

Changing your style,

Altering infatuation,

Even pretend smile.

But how to cast off

Or extricate yourself.

Summon perplexity anywhere,

Until you thoroughly give up!



Bury day

     Bury night----

In each page of diary

Flame all dreams----since

Never come excellence.

Laid bare lust,

On fancy prairie,

Idealism,Realism and


All sorts of rubbish

Crawling out of bloody holes,

Eating consciences eagerly

Discharge golden lies

Praise to be God!





     Forests fire

       Mountain alive


Whisper fly

  Feeling fly----

    Gods eye

       Souls cry




Say you are confident above all,

Say you prefer to hear an old man


Telling a story in Christmas.

The gift he bring to you,

Deities would be appreciating.

Under warm winter sun shine,

Brighten you, brighten me,

Everything must be real!

你可能感兴趣的:(Rosy —— Rosy(挚恋倾情))