Effortless English—Day of the Dead


Mini Story

原文来自《Effortless English》——New Method Learning English

I arrive in Guatemala on The Day of the Dead, November 1st. I’m curious about this holiday, so I go to the cemetery to see what’s happening. What I find is quite interesting.

The atmosphere is like a party. There are people everywhere. Families are sitting around the graves of their dead ancestors. They clean the graves and add fresh flowers. I walk through the cemetery and admire the beauty of all the colorful flowers.

There is also color in the sky because many kids are flying kites. Some families are having a picnic next to the graves. They eat, drink, and chat together. People laugh and smile.

In the United States, cemeteries are always somber. We certainly never have festivals or parties next to graves. We don’t laugh or play music or fly kites in cemeteries either.

I find that I prefer the Guatemalan approach. I like the way they remember and celebrate those who have passed away. I like that they acknowledge death, instead of denying it the way Americans do. I like that there is life, as well as death, in their cemeteries.

Guatemalans call it “The Day of the Dead”, but it is also a day to appreciate life.


  • Guatemala
    危地马拉共和国,是中美洲的一个总统共和制国家,位于北美洲大陆的南部,中美洲西北部。首都是危地马拉城,同时它也是危地马拉第一大城市,位于危地马拉中部的山谷中,由于四季如春,又叫“Spring City”。
Effortless English—Day of the Dead_第1张图片
  • Day of the Dead
Effortless English—Day of the Dead_第2张图片
  • cemetery

  • grave
       He said that the situation in his country is very grave...
        I have grave doubts that the documents tell the whole story.

  • there is color in the sky

  • sober
        It was a room filled with sad, sober faces……
        The euphoria is giving way to a more sober assessment of the situation.

  • approach
        //...the festival spirit that permeated the house with the approach of Christmas.

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