Android Studio 4.0Matisse遇到异常

AS4.0 报错
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':matisse'.
> Could not create an instance of type com.novoda.release.internal.compat.gradle5_3.AndroidSoftwareComponentCompat_Gradle_5_3.
   > org/gradle/api/internal/java/usagecontext/LazyConfigurationUsageContext

解决方法 : 删除以下内容 和 其相关的内容即可

apply plugin: 'com.novoda.bintray-release'
publish {
    userOrg = 'zhihu'
    groupId = ''
    artifactId = 'matisse'
    publishVersion = '0.5.2-beta4'
    desc = 'A well-designed local image selector for Android'
    website = ''


你可能感兴趣的:(Android Studio 4.0Matisse遇到异常)