# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
# 开发人员:Nash
# 开发时间:2021/4/12 21:04
# 文件名称:test.py
# 开发工具:PyCharm
# 提示:
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
@func:Use SVM to achieve Iris flower classification
@time:2018/5/30 0030上午 9:58
from sklearn import svm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import sklearn
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# define converts(字典)
def Iris_label(s):
it = {b'Iris-setosa': 0, b'Iris-versicolor': 1, b'Iris-virginica': 2}
return it[s]
# 1.读取数据集
path = 'F:/python_work/SVM/iris.data'
data = np.loadtxt(path, dtype=float, delimiter=',', converters={4: Iris_label})
# converters={4:Iris_label}中“4”指的是第5列:将第5列的str转化为label(number)
# print(data.shape)
# 2.划分数据与标签
x, y = np.split(data, indices_or_sections=(4,), axis=1) # x为数据,y为标签
x = x[:, 0:2]
train_data, test_data, train_label, test_label = train_test_split(x, y, random_state=1, train_size=0.6,test_size=0.4) # sklearn.model_selection.
# print(train_data.shape)
# 3.训练svm分类器
classifier = svm.SVC(C=2, kernel='rbf', gamma=10, decision_function_shape='ovo') # ovr:一对多策略
classifier.fit(train_data, train_label.ravel()) # ravel函数在降维时默认是行序优先
# 4.计算svc分类器的准确率
print("训练集:", classifier.score(train_data, train_label))
print("测试集:", classifier.score(test_data, test_label))
# 也可直接调用accuracy_score方法计算准确率
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
tra_label = classifier.predict(train_data) # 训练集的预测标签
tes_label = classifier.predict(test_data) # 测试集的预测标签
print("训练集:", accuracy_score(train_label, tra_label))
print("测试集:", accuracy_score(test_label, tes_label))
# 查看决策函数
print('train_decision_function:\n', classifier.decision_function(train_data)) # (90,3)
print('predict_result:\n', classifier.predict(train_data))
# 5.绘制图形
# 确定坐标轴范围
x1_min, x1_max = x[:, 0].min(), x[:, 0].max() # 第0维特征的范围
x2_min, x2_max = x[:, 1].min(), x[:, 1].max() # 第1维特征的范围
x1, x2 = np.mgrid[x1_min:x1_max:200j, x2_min:x2_max:200j] # 生成网络采样点
grid_test = np.stack((x1.flat, x2.flat), axis=1) # 测试点
# 指定默认字体
matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
# 设置颜色
cm_light = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(['#A0FFA0', '#FFA0A0', '#A0A0FF'])
cm_dark = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(['g', 'r', 'b'])
grid_hat = classifier.predict(grid_test) # 预测分类值
grid_hat = grid_hat.reshape(x1.shape) # 使之与输入的形状相同
plt.pcolormesh(x1, x2, grid_hat, cmap=cm_light) # 预测值的显示
plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=y[:, 0], s=30, cmap=cm_dark) # 样本
plt.scatter(test_data[:, 0], test_data[:, 1], c=test_label[:, 0], s=30, edgecolors='k', zorder=2,
cmap=cm_dark) # 圈中测试集样本点
plt.xlabel('花萼长度', fontsize=13)
plt.ylabel('花萼宽度', fontsize=13)
plt.xlim(x1_min, x1_max)
plt.ylim(x2_min, x2_max)
path = 'F:/python_work/SVM/iris.data'
data = np.loadtxt(path, dtype=float, delimiter=',', converters={4: Iris_label})
The string used to separate values. For backwards compatibility, byte strings will be decoded as ‘latin1’. The default is whitespace.分隔符默认是空格。
# define converts(字典)
def Iris_label(s):
it = {b'Iris-setosa': 0, b'Iris-versicolor': 1, b'Iris-virginica': 2}
return it[s]
# 1.读取数据集
path = 'F:/python_work/SVM/iris.data'
data = np.loadtxt(path, dtype=float, delimiter=',', converters={4: Iris_label})
# converters={4:Iris_label}中“4”指的是第5列:将第5列的str转化为label(number)
# print(data.shape)
# 2.划分数据与标签
x, y = np.split(data, indices_or_sections=(4,), axis=1) # x为数据,y为标签
x = x[:, 0:2]
train_data, test_data, train_label, test_label = train_test_split(x, y, random_state=1, train_size=0.6,test_size=0.4) # sklearn.model_selection.
# 3.训练svm分类器
classifier = svm.SVC(C=2, kernel='rbf', gamma=10, decision_function_shape='ovo') # ovr:一对多策略
classifier.fit(train_data, train_label.ravel()) # ravel函数在降维时默认是行序优先
# 4.计算svc分类器的准确率
print("训练集:", classifier.score(train_data, train_label))
print("测试集:", classifier.score(test_data, test_label))
# 5.绘制图形
# 确定坐标轴范围
x1_min, x1_max = x[:, 0].min(), x[:, 0].max() # 第0维特征的范围
x2_min, x2_max = x[:, 1].min(), x[:, 1].max() # 第1维特征的范围
x1, x2 = np.mgrid[x1_min:x1_max:200j, x2_min:x2_max:200j] # 生成网络采样点
grid_test = np.stack((x1.flat, x2.flat), axis=1) # 测试点
# 指定默认字体
matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
# 设置颜色
cm_light = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(['#A0FFA0', '#FFA0A0', '#A0A0FF'])
cm_dark = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(['g', 'r', 'b'])
grid_hat = classifier.predict(grid_test) # 预测分类值
grid_hat = grid_hat.reshape(x1.shape) # 使之与输入的形状相同
plt.pcolormesh(x1, x2, grid_hat, cmap=cm_light) # 预测值的显示
plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=y[:, 0], s=30, cmap=cm_dark) # 样本
plt.scatter(test_data[:, 0], test_data[:, 1], c=test_label[:, 0], s=30, edgecolors='k', zorder=2,
cmap=cm_dark) # 圈中测试集样本点
plt.xlabel('花萼长度', fontsize=13)
plt.ylabel('花萼宽度', fontsize=13)
plt.xlim(x1_min, x1_max)
plt.ylim(x2_min, x2_max)