Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- Disable In Inline Editors Attribute

Disable In Inline Editors Attribute:用于在Inline中禁用(灰态)对应的属性

Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- Disable In Inline Editors Attribute_第1张图片
public class DisableInInlineEditorsAttributeExample : MonoBehaviour
    [InfoBox("Click the pen icon to open a new inspector window for the InlineObject too see the difference this attribute make.")]
    [InlineEditor(Expanded = true)]
    public MyInlineScriptableObject InlineObject ;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "MyInline_ScriptableObject", menuName = "CreatScriptableObject/MyInlineScriptableObject")]
public class MyInlineScriptableObject : ScriptableObject
    public string ShownInInlineEditor;

    public string HiddenInInlineEditor;

    public string DisabledInInlineEditor;

更多教程内容详见:革命性Unity 编辑器扩展工具 --- Odin Inspector 系列教程

你可能感兴趣的:(Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- Disable In Inline Editors Attribute)