CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod

我自己发布了一个开源库到CocoaPods上,使用pod search也可以搜索到,

CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod_第1张图片

但每次使用pod install进行安装的时候,会报这个错

[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "DJExtension":
  In Podfile:
    DJExtension (~> 1.2.3)

Specs satisfying the `DJExtension (~> 1.2.3)` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod_第2张图片

使用pod repo update更新仓库,还是不行,最后找到原因了,如下:

我的开源库的DJExtension.podspec文件中关于deployment target的配置写的是10.0, s.ios.deployment_target = '10.0'
而我的项目的podfile中的platform是默认的9.0,platform :ios, '9.0'


  1. 如果这个库是你自己写的,可以改下podspec文件,把系统版本写小一点儿,比如8.0。
  2. 直接把自己项目的podfile中的版本改成10.0,同开源库要求的最低系统版本一致,就可以了。


CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod_第3张图片

Have fun.

你可能感兴趣的:(CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod)