



a person easily angered or disgruntled

relayrelay something (to somebody): 

to receive and send on information, news,etc. to somebody

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relay something (to somebody) to broadcasttelevision or radio signals

The game was relayed by satellite to audiences all over the



intended to last or perform an activityonly until someone or something permanent or final is available


an interim government/president/report

interim payment (=part of the full amountpaid in advance):

The insurance company made an interim payment while the claim was beinginvestigated.


[UNCOUNTABLE] the practice of spending alot of money, especially more than you should

-[COUNTABLE] something that you spend alot of money on, especially more than you should

Hermain extravagances are shoes and perfume.


wide out:

INFORMAL to make someone extremely tired

Theearly-morning meetings really wipe me out.



to not show what you are thinking orfeeling

Joeheld back his anger.


to decide not to do or say something, orto make someone decide not to do or say something

He heldback, remembering the mistake he had made before.


to stop someone from being as successfulas they should

Theyworried that the new classmates will hold them back.



to become successful or popular very fast

Herbusiness has really taken off.



a doctor with special training in how tocare for pregnant women and help in the birth of babies

wind down

to end, or to finish something gradually

Theparty started to wind down around 2.00 am.

to gradually reduce work before stoppingcompletely

Thefactory will wind down production before closing next year.


torelaxafter aperiodofexcitementorworry

Willyou bewindingdown abitbythen?




the use, especially in poetry, of thesame sound or sounds, especially consonants, at the beginning of several wordsthat are close together


"Roundthe rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran" uses alliteration.

