在 centos6.9 上 cdh-5.13.3的搭建报错

在 centos6.9 上 cdh-5.13.3的搭建报错, 报agent 端

[27/Jul/2018 10:52:19 +0000] 8858 MainThread util ERROR Lineage file not found, skipping Spark plugin creation: /etc/spark/conf.cloudera.spark_on_yarn/navigator.lineage.client.properties
[27/Jul/2018 10:52:32 +0000] 8858 MainThread client_configs INFO Client configs to delete: set([])
[27/Jul/2018 10:52:32 +0000] 8858 MainThread client_configs INFO Client configs to deploy: set([])
[27/Jul/2018 10:52:32 +0000] 8858 MainThread client_configs INFO Client configs to update: set([])
[27/Jul/2018 10:52:32 +0000] 8858 MainThread parcel INFO prepare_environment begin: {u'CDH': u'5.13.3-1.cdh5.13.3.p0.2'}, [u'cdh', u'spark'], [u'spark-plugin']
[27/Jul/2018 10:52:32 +0000] 8858 MainThread parcel INFO The following requested parcels are not available: {}
[27/Jul/2018 10:52:32 +0000] 8858 MainThread parcel INFO Obtained tags ['cdh', 'impala', 'kudu', 'sentry', 'solr', 'spark'] for parcel CDH
[27/Jul/2018 10:52:32 +0000] 8858 MainThread parcel INFO prepare_environment end: {'CDH': '5.13.3-1.cdh5.13.3.p0.2'}
[27/Jul/2018 10:52:32 +0000] 8858 MainThread init INFO Extracted 24 files and 0 dirs to /opt/cm-5.13.3/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ccdeploy_spark-conf_etcsparkconf.cloudera.spark_on_yarn_8400015795231283077.
[27/Jul/2018 10:52:34 +0000] 8858 MainThread util ERROR Lineage file not found, skipping Spark plugin creation: /etc/spark/conf.cloudera.spark_on_yarn/navigator.lineage.client.properties


在 centos6.9 上 cdh-5.13.3的搭建报错_第1张图片
image.![cdherr.PNG](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/5725481-297cfc9cb529e316.PNG?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240) png

你可能感兴趣的:(在 centos6.9 上 cdh-5.13.3的搭建报错)