

* 安装

执行pip install sigal就好,超简单。

* 初始化配置文件

在你的图片目录下,执行sigal init,就会在当前目录下生成一个配置文件sigal.conf.py,你可以根据个人喜好修改,需要关注以下红色标注的几个地方

# Gallery title. Can be set here or as the '--title' option of the `sigal

# build` command, or in the 'index.md' file of the source directory.

# The priority order is: cli option > settings file > index.md file

# title = "Sigal test gallery"

# ---------------------

# General configuration

# ---------------------

# Source directory. Can be set here or as the first argument of the `sigal

# build` command

source = 'taobaoMMT'

# Destination directory. Can be set here or as the second argument of the

# `sigal build` command (default: '_build')

# destination = '_build'

# Theme :

# - colorbox (default), galleria, photoswipe, or the path to a custom theme

# directory

theme = 'photoswipe'

# Author. Used in the footer of the pages and in the author meta tag.

# author = ''

# Use originals in gallery (default: False). If True, this will bypass all

# processing steps (resize, auto-orient, recompress, and any plugin-specific

# step).

# Originals will be symlinked if orig_link = True, else they will be copied.

use_orig = True

# ----------------

# Image processing (ignored if use_orig = True)

# ----------------

# Size of resized image (default: (640, 480))

#img_size = (800, 600)

# Show a map of the images where possible?

# This option only has an effect on the galleria theme for the while.

# The leaflet_provider setting allow to customize the tile provider (see

# https://github.com/leaflet-extras/leaflet-providers#providers)

# show_map = False

# leaflet_provider = 'OpenStreetMap.Mapnik'

# Pilkit processor used to resize the image

# (see http://pilkit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/#processors)

# - ResizeToFit: fit the image within the specified dimensions (default)

# - ResizeToFill: crop THE IMAGE it to the exact specified width and height

# - SmartResize: identical to ResizeToFill, but uses entropy to crop the image

# - None: don't resize

# img_processor = 'ResizeToFit'

# Autorotate images

# Warning: this setting is not compatible with `copy_exif_data` (see below),

# because Sigal can't save the modified Orientation tag (currently Pillow can't

# write EXIF).

# autorotate_images = True

# If True, EXIF data from the original image is copied to the resized image

# copy_exif_data = False

# Jpeg options

# jpg_options = {'quality': 85,

#                'optimize': True,

#                'progressive': True}

# --------------------

# Thumbnail generation

# --------------------

# Generate thumbnails

# make_thumbs = True

# Subdirectory of the thumbnails

# thumb_dir = 'thumbnails'

# Prefix and/or suffix for thumbnail filenames (default: '')

# thumb_prefix = ''

# thumb_suffix = '.tn'

# Thumbnail size (default: (200, 150))

# For the galleria theme, use 280 px for the width

# For the colorbox and photoswipe theme, use 200 px for the width

thumb_size = (280, 210)

# Crop the image to fill the box

# thumb_fit = True

# Delay in seconds to avoid black thumbnails in videos with fade-in

# thumb_video_delay = '0'

# Keep original image (default: False)

# keep_orig = True

# Subdirectory for original images

# orig_dir = 'original'

# Use symbolic links instead of copying the original images

orig_link = True

# Attribute of Album objects which is used to sort medias (eg 'title'). To sort

# on a metadata key, use 'meta.key'.

# albums_sort_attr = 'name'

# Reverse sort for albums

# albums_sort_reverse = False

# Attribute of Media objects which is used to sort medias. 'date' can be used

# to sort with EXIF dates, and 'meta.key' to sort on a metadata key (which then

# must exist for all images).

# medias_sort_attr = 'filename'

# Reverse sort for medias

# medias_sort_reverse = False

# Filter directories and files.

# The settings take a list of patterns matched with the fnmatch module on the

# path relative to the source directory:

# http://docs.python.org/2/library/fnmatch.html

ignore_directories = []

ignore_files = []

# -------------

# Video options

# -------------

# Video format

# specify an alternative format, valid are 'webm' (default) and 'mp4'

# video_format = 'webm'

# Webm options

# Options used in ffmpeg to encode the webm video. You may want to read

# http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/vpxEncodingGuide

# Be aware of the fact these options need to be passed as strings. If you are

# using avconv (for example with Ubuntu), you will need to adapt the settings.

# webm_options = ['-crf', '10', '-b:v', '1.6M',

#                '-qmin', '4', '-qmax', '63']

# MP4 options

# Options used to encode the mp4 video. You may want to read

# https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264

# mp4_options = ['-crf', '23' ]

# Size of resized video (default: (480, 360))

# video_size = (480, 360)

# -------------

# Miscellaneous

# -------------

# Write HTML files. If False, sigal will only process the images.

# write_html = True

# Name of the generated HTML files

# output_filename = 'index.html'

# Add output filename (see above) to the URLs

# index_in_url = False

# Use CDN for assets (Google fonts, JQuery).

# If False some fonts may not be available.

# use_assets_cdn = True

# A list of links (tuples (title, URL))

# links = [('Example link', 'http://example.org'),

#          ('Another link', 'http://example.org')]

# Google Analytics tracking code (UA-xxxx-x)

# google_analytics = ''

# Google Tag Manager tracking code (GTM-xxxxxx)

# google_tag_manager = ''

# Piwik tracking

# tracker_url must not contain trailing slash.

# Example : {'tracker_url': 'http://stats.domain.com', 'site_id' : 2}

# piwik = {'tracker_url': '', 'site_id' : 0}

# Set zip_gallery to either False or a file name. The final archive will

# contain all resized or original files (depending on `zip_media_format`).

# zip_gallery = False  # False or 'archive.zip'

# zip_media_format = 'resized'  # 'resized' or 'orig'

# Specify a different locale. If set to '', the default locale is used.

# locale = ''

# List of files to copy from the source directory to the destination.

# A symbolic link is used if ``orig_link`` is set to True (see above).

# files_to_copy = (('extra/robots.txt', 'robots.txt'),

#                  ('extra/favicon.ico', 'favicon.ico'),)

# Colorbox theme config

# The column size is given in number of column of the css grid of the Skeleton

# framework which is used for this theme: http://www.getskeleton.com/#grid

# Then the image size must be adapted to fit the column size.

# The default is 4 columns which gives 220px. 3 columns gives 160px.

# colorbox_column_size = 4

# --------

# Plugins

# --------

# List of plugins to use. The values must be a path than can be imported.

# Another option is to import the plugin and put the module in the list, but

# this will break with the multiprocessing feature (the settings dict obtained

# from this file must be serializable).

# plugins = ['sigal.plugins.adjust', 'sigal.plugins.copyright',

#            'sigal.plugins.upload_s3', 'sigal.plugins.media_page']

# Add a copyright text on the image (default: '')

# copyright = "© An example copyright message"

# Adjust the image after resizing it. A default value of 1.0 leaves the images

# untouched.

# adjust_options = {'color': 1.0,

#                  'brightness': 1.0,

#                  'contrast': 1.0,

#                  'sharpness': 1.0}

# Settings for upload to s3 plugin

# upload_s3_options = {

# 'bucket': 'my-bucket',

# 'policy': 'public-read',

# 'overwrite': False

# }

* 执行生成指令

执行sigal build

* 预览效果(目录链接到nginx或者启动sigal server)

相册生成后,如果你有现成的web server,你可以选择将相册目录ln到web server的文档目录,这个很简单,

譬如,ln -s /home/blackcat/taobaoSpider/taobao/ /data/

也可以直接启动sigal自带的web server,在相册目录执行sigal serve

