QuickServe is a successful home repair company快速服务是一家成功的家居维修公司
It provides quik,reliable repair services to homes 它提供快速,可信赖的家居维修服务
It was established 5 years ago and has been expanding rapidly 它5年前建立,一直在快速增长
In the last 2 years it has opened offices in 3 new cities 在过去两年里它已经在2个新城市开了办事处
To be reliable means to be dependable 被信赖的意思是能被依赖
Because of its rapid growth ,it has to hire many new employees 因为它的快速增长,他不得不雇佣了一些新职员
In the last 6 months ,it has hired 50 new employees 在过去的6个月里,已经雇佣了50个新职员
The total number of employees in the company is now over 500 现在公司里职员的总数已经超过500人了
And the number of customers has increased to more than 5000 顾客的数量已经增长到超过5000
The company has also improved its business model 公司也已经改善了它的商业模式
Instead of offering only repair services ,it can now help customers upgrade their appliances 而不是仅仅提供修理服务,现在它能帮助客户升级它们的家电
QuickServe does this by giving a choice通过提供一个选择,快速服务做到这些
Customers can choose to repair an appliance or upgrade it by buying a new one 顾客能选择修理家电 或者通过买一个新的升级
If they choose to buy a new one ,they will get a discounted price 如果他们选择买一个新的,他们将得到一个折扣的价格
So a customer can either repair a broken refrigerator for a small fee or buy a new one 因此客户要么修理坏的冰箱 要么花很少的费用买一个新的
If they buy a new one ,they will get a discounted price,along with free installation 如果他们买一件新的,他们将得到一个折扣的价格,连同免费安装
This is possible ,because several appliance manufactures have agreed to give QuickServe big discount 这是可能的,因为几个家电制造商已经同意给快速服务大的折扣
QuickServe then installs the new appliance and removes the old one快速服务 安装新家电和拆除旧的
Feedback from customers has been positive 客户的反馈是积极的
A high percentage of customers have taken adventage of this new service 很大比例的客户使用了这个新服务
As a reasult ,QuickServe has developed a great reputation 结果,快速服务已经成长一个很好的名声
Its dedication to high quality service has proven to be successful 它致力于高品质服务已经被证明是成功的
Its word-of-mouth approach to advertising has been cost effective 它的口碑接近于广告具有成本效益(很划算)
The appliance manufactures have also been happy with the results 这样的结果家电制造商也很高兴
Their growing relationship with QuickServe has helped to increase their sales 他们与快速服务公司增长的关系帮助他们增加了它们的销售额