拍卖术语(auction terms)||finance

Listing Price - the price that the seller wants the auction item to start at. It is also known as the base price.

Reserve Price - the price that the seller expects from the auction item should it be sold. This price is not revealed to the buyers who want to bid on a particular item.

Notify Price - the price that the seller, who posts the item, would want to be notified at. For example, if the seller's Notify Price is USD 50, and someone places a bid greater than or equal to USD 50, an email notification will be sent to the seller informing him/her about the bid. Hence, this price is useful for notifying and monitoring interest level on the auction item. The Notify Price is usually set to the reserve price, so that anyone who bids greater than or equal to your expectations stands a chance of winning the bid.

Minimum Bid Increment
- the minimum increase over and above the last bid price. When making a bid, take note that your bid must be higher than the last bid. At the same time, you will have to increase your bid amount by at least the minimum bid increment over the greatest bid to date.
