业界资讯:adobe flash player 升级至10.2

粘贴一下官方网的内容:一段英文,看起来有的意思,依稀猜测视频支持回放功能。adobe 和谷歌的视频合作还会继续加大投入

 增加了四种玩意,其中视频加速算是这次改进一大亮点,因为adobe和谷歌在视频领域上需要合作,而html5 的视频威胁也很大,因此这次改进有利于稳固视频的地位。还有一些其他鼠标光标自定义功能。而IE9支持了硬件加速渲染。看怕10.2beta还有很多改进地方。


Welcome to the Adobe® Flash® Player 10.2 beta. Flash Player 10.2 introduces new features and enhancements, including a new video hardware acceleration model that enables dramatically enhanced video playback performance.

Key new capabilities in the Flash Player 10.2 beta include:

  • Stage Video hardware acceleration — A new method for video playback in Flash Player will allow developers to leverage complete hardware acceleration of the video rendering pipeline, enabling best-in-class playback performance. Stage Video can dramatically decrease processor usage and enables higher frame rates, reduced memory usage, and greater pixel fidelity and quality.
  • Internet Explorer 9 hardware accelerated rendering support — Flash Player takes advantage of hardware accelerated graphics in Internet Explorer 9, utilizing hardware rendering surfaces to improve graphics performance and enable seamless composition.
  • Native custom mouse cursors — Developers can define custom native mouse cursors, enabling user experience enhancements and improving performance.
  • Support for full screen mode with multiple monitors — Full screen content will remain in full-screen on secondary monitors, allowing users to watch full-screen content while working on another display.
This preview beta allows developers to begin taking advantage of these new features and test existing content and new platforms for compatibility. Please use this opportunity to explore the new features and provide us with your feedback.

Below is a sneak peak of Stage Video hardware acceleration from Adobe MAX 2010. Learn
