天龙源码分析 - cegui 中文输入

一 普遍字符输入

case  WM_CHAR:
     WCHAR szCharW;
     CHAR szChar 
=  (CHAR)LOWORD(wParam);
if (szChar  >=   32   &&  szChar  <=   128  )
0 , (LPCSTR) & szChar,  1 & szCharW,  1 );

// AxTrace(0, 1, "Char:%02X", szCharW);


二 中文输入

         case  WM_IME_COMPOSITION:
            OutputDebugStringW( L
                LONG lRet;  
//  Returned count in CHARACTERS
                WCHAR wszCompStr[MAX_COMPSTRING_SIZE];
bool  bRet  =   false ;

// *trapped = true;
                 if ( NULL  ==  ( hImc  =  _ImmGetContext( GetHWND() ) ) )
break ;

if  ( lParam  &  GCS_RESULTSTR )
                    OutputDebugStringW( L
"   GCS_RESULTSTR\n "  );
=  _ImmGetCompositionStringW( hImc, GCS_RESULTSTR, wszCompStr,  sizeof ( wszCompStr ) );
if ( lRet  >   0  )
/=   sizeof (WCHAR);
=   0 ;   //  Force terminate
                         for ( int  i  =   0 ; i  < lRet;  ++ i )
// AxTrace(0, 0, "Result:%02X", (WCHAR)wszCompStr[i]);
=   true ;

                _ImmReleaseContext( GetHWND(), hImc );

//  Adjust Ime Window Pos. [4/21/2006]
// SetImeWindowPos();
                 return  bRet;



三 特殊字符输入

         case  WM_KEYDOWN:
switch  ( wParam )
case  VK_SHIFT:
break ;

break ;

case  VK_DELETE:
break ;

case  VK_LEFT:
break ;

case  VK_RIGHT:
break ;

case  VK_UP:
break ;

case  VK_DOWN:
break ;

case  VK_HOME:
break ;

case  VK_END:
break ;
break ;



四 复制/粘贴

             case  VK_CANCEL:  //  Ctrl-C Copy
             case   24 :         //  Ctrl-X Cut
*  pEdit  =  GetActiveIMEEditBox_Interface();
if (pEdit)
if ( 0   !=  pEdit -> getSelectionLength()  &&   ! (pEdit -> isTextMasked()))
// utf32 selection string
                            CEGUI::String32 szSel  =  (GetActiveIMEEditBox()) -> getText().substr(pEdit -> getSelectionStartIndex(), pEdit -> getSelectionLength());

                            size_t length 
=  szSel.length();
if (length  >   0 )
                                size_t pos 
=   0 ;
*  pWtxt  =   new  wchar_t[length + 1 ];
=   0 ;
// utf32 -> utf16
                                 while (length -- )
=  szSel.at(pos)  &   0xFFFF ;
++ ;

// paste to clipboard
                                 if (::OpenClipboard(::GetTopWindow(NULL)))
int  size  =  ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0 ,pWtxt,wcslen(pWtxt),NULL, 0 ,NULL,FALSE);
// alloc mem
                                    HGLOBAL hglb  =  ::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,(size_t)size + 1 );
char *  ptxt  =  ( char * )::GlobalLock(hglb);
=   0 ;
// utf16 -> ansi char
                                    ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0 ,pWtxt,wcslen(pWtxt),ptxt,size,NULL,FALSE);
// copy to clipboard
                                    ::SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hglb);
// free mem

                                delete [] pWtxt;

if ((WCHAR)wParam  ==   24 /* Ctrl-X need clear selection */
// end of if(length > 0)
//  end of if(pWin)
break ;

//  Ctrl-V Paste
             case   22 :
*  pWin  =  GetActiveIMEEditBox_Interface();
if (pWin)
if (::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)  &&  ::OpenClipboard(::GetTopWindow(NULL)))
                            HGLOBAL hglb 
=  ::GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT);
if (NULL  !=  hglb)
char *  ptxt  =  ( char * )::GlobalLock(hglb);

int  size  =  ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 ,ptxt,( int )strlen(ptxt),NULL, 0 );
*  pWtxt  =   new  wchar_t[size + 1 ];
=   0 ;

0 ,ptxt,( int )strlen(ptxt),pWtxt,size);


int  pos  =   0 ;
while (size -- )
++ ;
//  end of if(NULL != hglb)
//  end of if(pWin)
break ;



五 输入框定位

void  SetImeWindowPos( void )
// Set Ime Wnd Position.
    CEGUI::EditboxInterface *  pEdit  =  GetActiveIMEEditBox_Interface();
if (NULL  ==  pEdit)  return ;

*  pWnd  =  GetActiveIMEEditBox();
if (NULL  ==  pWnd)  return ;

    CEGUI::Rect ceguiRect 
=  pEdit -> getCaratTextExtent();
if (ceguiRect.getWidth()  <   0.01f   &&  ceguiRect.getHeight()  <   0.01f return ;

    POINT pt;
=  ( long )ceguiRect.d_left;
// pt.y = (long)ceguiRect.d_bottom;
    pt.y  =  ( long )ceguiRect.d_top;

    HIMC hImc 
=  _ImmGetContext(GetHWND());
if (NULL  ==  hImc)  return ;

=  pt;

& imeForm);

