33-3 Writing an Employes Retiring for Health Reasons


Patricia Brogden has been in charge of the library at McKinsey and Knoblett ever since it was set up 22 years ago. Recently she has been in poor health, and she has been advised by her doctor to seek a dry climate. She has resigned and plans to live in Arizona. Her immediate supervisor, the Director of Personnel Services, writes her a letter shortly before her departure to express regret on the condition of her health, review her accomplishments, and extend best wishes for the future.

The Letter:

Dear Patricia:

I have already told you how distressed I am that, because of health, your doctor has persuaded you to move to a mild, dry climate. The only satisfaction I can get from this development is that where you're going, you'll be a lot more comfortable and stand a good chance of full recovery. That's the important thing; the great void your leaving creates here must not even be considered.

Some people say that those who leave a company are quickly forgotten, and I guess that's true in some instances -- but not in your case, Patricia. You've made such an imprint here by establishing and operating one of the most repected and professional libraries in the country that your presence will be felt for many years to come. My association with you has been one of the genuine rewards of working at Mckinsey and Knoblett.

I hope and expect that you will find living in Arizona truly delightful. I have a suspicion that when your health permits, you may look for an opportunity to use your expertise in librarianship in that area. If you do, I would be honored to have you use my name as reference.

Warmest personal wishes,
