English 句型

To understand what's causing the problem, let's look at how C# effectively implements the two loops.


InitializeOne is essentially equivalent to ...


Compared with older alternatives to UI automation, the Microsoft UI Automation library is more powerful and more consistent.


相同的... 只是在某点上不同
If you thought InitializeOne and IntializeTwo are semantically identical (e.g. they differ only by performance), you'd be wrong.


与...相似, 除了...
The SHA1 is similar to MD5, except that SHA1 uses a different algorithm and returns a 20-byte fingerprint.


已经试过 假设相同
I've tried this in Visual Studio 2008 (VS2k8), I'm assuming the same thing happens in Visual Studio 2005 (VS2k5)


I'll also describe how you can extend and modify the test system presented here to meet your own needs.
