logistic回归是一种广义线性回归(generalized linear model),因此与多重线性回归分析有很多相同之处。它们的模型形式基本上相同,都具有 w‘x+b,其中w和b是待求参数,其区别在于他们的因变量不同,多重线性回归直接将w‘x+b作为因变量,即y =w‘x+b,而logistic回归则通过函数L将w‘x+b对应一个隐状态p,p =L(w‘x+b),然后根据p 与1-p的大小决定因变量的值。如果L是logistic函数,就是logistic回归,如果L是多项式函数就是多项式回归。
z ( x ( i ) ) = θ 0 + θ 1 x 1 ( i ) + θ 2 x 2 ( i ) + . . . + θ n x n ( i ) z(x^{(i)}) = \theta_0 + \theta_1 x^{(i)}_1 + \theta_2 x^{(i)}_2 + ... + \theta_n x^{(i)}_n z(x(i))=θ0+θ1x1(i)+θ2x2(i)+...+θnxn(i)
其中 i=1,2,…m,表示第 i个样本, n 表示特征数,当 z ( x ( i ) ) > 0 z(x^{(i)}) > 0 z(x(i))>0 时,对应着样本点位于分界线上方,可将其分为"1"类;当 z ( x ( i ) ) < 0 z(x^{(i)}) < 0 z(x(i))<0 时 ,样本点位于分界线下方,将其分为“0”类。
这就需要一个新的函数——sigmoid 函数
sigmoid 函数定义如下:
g ( z ) = 1 1 + e − z g(z) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-z}} g(z)=1+e−z1
由函数图像可以看出, sigmoid函数可以很好地将 (−∞,∞) 内的数映射到 (0,1) 上。
因此我们可以认为g(z)>= 0.5时为“1”类,反之为“0”类
y = { 1 , if g ( z ) ≥ 0.5 0 , otherwise y = \begin{cases} 1, & \text {if $g(z) \geq 0.5$ } \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} y={1,0,if g(z)≥0.5 otherwise
二项逻辑斯蒂回归模型(binomial logistic regression model)是一种分类模型,由条件概率分布 p(Y|X)表示,形式为参数化的逻辑斯谛分布。这里,随机变量 X 取值为实数,随机变量 Y 取值为 1或0。可通过监督学习的方法来估计模型参数。
p ( Y = 1 ∣ x ) = e θ T x 1 + e θ T x p(Y=1|x) = \frac{e^{\theta^Tx}}{1+e^{\theta^Tx}} p(Y=1∣x)=1+eθTxeθTx
p ( Y = 0 ∣ x ) = 1 1 + e θ T x p(Y=0|x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{\theta^Tx}} p(Y=0∣x)=1+eθTx1
其中, x∈Rn 是输入, Y∈{0,1} 是输出, θ 是参数。
对于 Y=1 :
p ( Y = 1 ∣ x ) = e θ T x 1 + e θ T x p(Y=1|x) = \frac{e^{\theta^Tx}}{1+e^{\theta^Tx}} p(Y=1∣x)=1+eθTxeθTx
而 e θ T x ≠ 0 e^{\theta^Tx} \neq 0 eθTx=0,故:
p ( Y = 1 ∣ x ) = 1 1 + e − θ T x p(Y=1|x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-\theta^Tx}} p(Y=1∣x)=1+e−θTx1
h θ ( x ( i ) ) = 1 1 + e − θ T x ( i ) h_\theta(x^{(i)}) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-\theta^Tx^{(i)}}} hθ(x(i))=1+e−θTx(i)1
z ( x ( i ) ) = θ 0 + θ 1 x 1 ( i ) + θ 2 x 2 ( i ) = θ T x ( i ) z(x^{(i)}) = \theta_0 + \theta_1 x^{(i)}_1 + \theta_2 x^{(i)}_2 = \theta^T x^{(i)} z(x(i))=θ0+θ1x1(i)+θ2x2(i)=θTx(i)
其中,$ \theta =[θ_0 θ_1 θ_2 ⋮ θ_n ]$
$ x^{(i)} = \begin{bmatrix} x^{(i)}_0 \ x^{(i)}_1 \ x^{(i)}_2 \ \vdots \ x^{(i)}_n \ \end{bmatrix} $
而 x(i)0=1是偏置项, n 表示特征数,i=1,2,…,m 表示样本数。
sigmoid函数 :
g ( z ) = 1 1 + e − z g(z) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-z}} g(z)=1+e−z1
h θ ( x ( i ) ) = g ( z ) = g ( θ T x ( i ) ) = 1 1 + e − θ T x i h_\theta(x^{(i)}) = g(z) = g( \theta^T x^{(i)} ) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-\theta^T x^{i}}} hθ(x(i))=g(z)=g(θTx(i))=1+e−θTxi1
我们可以对于新样本 $ x^{new} = [x^{new}1, x{new}*2,…,x{new}n]^T 进行输入,得到函数值进行输入,得到函数值 h\theta(x^{new}) ,根据 h\theta(x^{new}) $ 与0.5的比较来将新样本进行分类。
使用 sigmoid 函数求解出来的值为类1的后验估计 p(y=1|x,θ),故我们可以得到:
p ( y = 1 ∣ x , θ ) = h θ ( θ T x ) p(y=1|x,\theta) = h_\theta(\theta^T x) p(y=1∣x,θ)=hθ(θTx)
p ( y = 0 ∣ x , θ ) = 1 − h θ ( θ T x ) p(y=0|x,\theta) = 1- h_\theta(\theta^T x) p(y=0∣x,θ)=1−hθ(θTx)
其中 p(y=1|x,θ)表示样本分类为 y=1 的概率,而 p(y=0|x,θ) 表示样本分类为 y=0的概率。针对以上二式,我们可将其整理为:
p ( y ∣ x , θ ) = p ( y = 1 ∣ x , θ ) y p ( y = 0 ∣ x , θ ) ( 1 − y ) = h θ ( θ T x ) y ( 1 − h θ ( θ T x ) ) ( 1 − y ) p(y|x,\theta)=p(y=1|x,\theta)^y p(y=0|x,\theta)^{(1-y)} = h_\theta(\theta^T x)^y (1- h_\theta(\theta^T x))^{(1-y)} p(y∣x,θ)=p(y=1∣x,θ)yp(y=0∣x,θ)(1−y)=hθ(θTx)y(1−hθ(θTx))(1−y)
L ( θ ) = ∏ i = 1 m p ( y ( i ) ∣ x ( i ) , θ ) = ∏ i = 1 m [ h θ ( θ T x ( i ) ) y ( i ) ( 1 − h θ ( θ T x ( i ) ) ) 1 − y ( i ) ] L(\theta) = \prod^m_{i=1} p(y^{(i)}|x^{(i)},\theta) = \prod ^m_{i=1}[ h_\theta(\theta^T x^{(i)})^{y^{(i)}} (1- h_\theta(\theta^T x^{(i)}))^{1-y^{(i)}}] L(θ)=i=1∏mp(y(i)∣x(i),θ)=i=1∏m[hθ(θTx(i))y(i)(1−hθ(θTx(i)))1−y(i)]
log L ( θ ) = ∑ i = 1 m [ y ( i ) log h θ ( θ T x ( i ) ) + ( 1 − y ( i ) ) log ( 1 − h θ ( θ T x ( i ) ) ) ] \log L(\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^m [y^{(i)} \log{h_\theta(\theta^T x^{(i)})} +(1-y^{(i)}) \log{(1- h_\theta(\theta^T x^{(i)}))}] logL(θ)=i=1∑m[y(i)loghθ(θTx(i))+(1−y(i))log(1−hθ(θTx(i)))]
于是,我们便得到了代价函数,我们可以对求 logL(θ)logL(θ) 的最大值来求得参数 θθ 的值。为了便于计算,将代价函数做了以下改变:
J ( θ ) = − 1 m ∑ i = 1 m [ y ( i ) log h θ ( θ T x ( i ) ) + ( 1 − y ( i ) ) log ( 1 − h θ ( θ T x ( i ) ) ) ] J(\theta) = - \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m [y^{(i)} \log{h_\theta(\theta^T x^{(i)})} + (1-y^{(i)}) \log{(1- h_\theta(\theta^T x^{(i)}))}] J(θ)=−m1i=1∑m[y(i)loghθ(θTx(i))+(1−y(i))log(1−hθ(θTx(i)))]
此时,我们只需对 J(θ)求最小值,便得可以得到参数 θ。
梯度下降法过程为: θ j : = θ j − α Δ J ( θ ) Δ θ j \theta_j := \theta_j - \alpha \frac{\Delta J(\theta)}{\Delta \theta_j} θj:=θj−αΔθjΔJ(θ)
for i=1,…,m{
θ j : = θ j − α 1 m ( h θ ( x ( i ) ) − y ( i ) ) x j ( i ) \theta_j := \theta_j -\alpha \frac{1}{m}(h_{\theta}(x^{(i)})-y^{(i)})x_j^{(i)} θj:=θj−αm1(hθ(x(i))−y(i))xj(i)
(for j =0,1)
牛顿法是一种在实数域和复数域上近似求解方程的方法。方法使用函数f (x)的泰勒级数的前面几项来寻找方程f (x) = 0的根。牛顿法最大的特点就在于它的收敛速度很快。
首先,选择一个接近函数 f (x)零点的 x0,计算相应的 f (x0) 和切线斜率f ’ (x0)(这里f ’ 表示函数 f 的导数)。然后我们计算穿过点(x0, f (x0)) 并且斜率为f '(x0)的直线和 x 轴的交点的x坐标,也就是求如下方程的解:
我们将新求得的点的 x 坐标命名为x1,通常x1会比x0更接近方程f (x) = 0的解。因此我们现在可以利用x1开始下一轮迭代。迭代公式可化简为如下所示:
已经证明,如果f ’ 是连续的,并且待求的零点x是孤立的,那么在零点x周围存在一个区域,只要初始值x0位于这个邻近区域内,那么牛顿法必定收敛。 并且,如果f ’ (x)不为0, 那么牛顿法将具有平方收敛的性能. 粗略的说,这意味着每迭代一次,牛顿法结果的有效数字将增加一倍。下图为一个牛顿法执行过程的例子。
牛顿法中的Hesse矩阵H在稠密时求逆计算量大,也有可能没有逆(Hesse矩阵非正定)。拟牛顿法提出,用不含二阶导数的矩阵 Ut 替代牛顿法中的 Ht−1,然后沿搜索方向 −Utgt 做一维搜索。根据不同的 Ut 构造方法有不同的拟牛顿法。
牛顿法的搜索方向是 d ( t ) = − H t − 1 g t d^{(t)}=-H_t^{-1}g_t d(t)=−Ht−1gt
为了不算二阶导及其逆矩阵,设法构造一个矩阵 U,用它来逼近 H−1
现在为了方便推导,假设 f(x) 是二次函数,于是 Hesse 矩阵 H 是常数阵,任意两点 x(t)和 x(t+1)处的梯度之差是:
▽ f ( x ( t + 1 ) ) − ▽ f ( x ( t ) ) = H ⋅ ( x ( t + 1 ) − x ( t ) ) \bigtriangledown f(x^{(t+1)}) - \bigtriangledown f(x^{(t)}) = H\cdot (x^{(t+1)}-x^{(t)}) ▽f(x(t+1))−▽f(x(t))=H⋅(x(t+1)−x(t))
x ( t + 1 ) − x ( t ) = H − 1 ⋅ [ ▽ f ( x ( t + 1 ) ) − ▽ f ( x ( t ) ) ] x^{(t+1)}-x^{(t)} = H^{-1}\cdot [\bigtriangledown f(x^{(t+1)}) - \bigtriangledown f(x^{(t)})] x(t+1)−x(t)=H−1⋅[▽f(x(t+1))−▽f(x(t))]
那么对非二次型的情况,也仿照这种形式,要求近似矩阵 U 满足类似的关系:
x ( t + 1 ) − x ( t ) = U t + 1 ⋅ [ ▽ f ( x ( t + 1 ) ) − ▽ f ( x ( t ) ) ] x^{(t+1)}-x^{(t)}=U_{t+1}\cdot [\bigtriangledown f(x^{(t+1)})-\bigtriangledown f(x^{(t)})] x(t+1)−x(t)=Ut+1⋅[▽f(x(t+1))−▽f(x(t))]
Δ x t = U t + 1 ⋅ Δ g t \Delta x_t=U_{t+1}\cdot \Delta g_t Δxt=Ut+1⋅Δgt
将每一个参数的每一次迭代的梯度取平方,然后累加并开方得到 r,最后用全局学习率除以 r,作为学习率的动态更新。
令 α 表示全局学习率,r 为梯度累积变量,初始值为 0。
g = ∂ L ( w ) ∂ w i g=\frac{∂L(w)}{∂w_i} g=∂wi∂L(w)
累积平方梯度,一般来说 g 是一个向量,而向量的平方通常写为 gTg
r = r + g 2 或 r = r + g T g r=r+g^2 或r=r+g^Tg r=r+g2或r=r+gTg
w = w − α r g w=w-\frac{\alpha}{\sqrt{r}}g w=w−rαg
上述式子存在一个问题,r 在计算过程中有可能变为 0,在代码中分母为零通常都会报错,因此我们需要想办法让分母不为零,同时不会影响到参数的更新。
我们可以在分母上加一个极小的常数 σ,因为取值极小,即使开方后仍然不会影响参数的更新。通常,σ 大约设置为 10 的 -7 次方。
w = w − α σ + r g w=w-\frac{\alpha}{\sigma+\sqrt{r}}g w=w−σ+rαg
s t = γ s t − 1 + ( 1 − γ ) ▽ θ J ( θ ) ∗ ▽ θ J ( θ ) s_{t} = \gamma s_{t-1} + (1 - \gamma)\bigtriangledown_\theta J(\theta) * \bigtriangledown_\theta J(\theta) st=γst−1+(1−γ)▽θJ(θ)∗▽θJ(θ)
θ = θ − η s t + ϵ ∗ ▽ θ J ( θ ) \theta = \theta - \frac{\eta}{\sqrt{s_{t} + \epsilon}} * \bigtriangledown_\theta J(\theta) θ=θ−st+ϵη∗▽θJ(θ)
import math
import csv
import numpy as np
def loaddata(filename):
label = []
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
lines = csv.reader(f)
data = list(lines)
for i in range(len(data)):
for j in range(len(data[i])):
data[i][j] = float(data[i][j])
return np.array(data), np.array(label)
def J(theta, X, Y, theLambda=0):
m, n = X.shape
h = sigmoid(np.dot(X, theta))
J = (-1.0/m)*(np.dot(np.log(h).T, Y)+np.dot(np.log(1-h).T, 1-Y)) + (theLambda/(2.0*m))*np.sum(np.square(theta[1:]))
return J.flatten()[0]
def sigmoid(x):
return 1.0/(1 + np.exp(-x))
def gradient_sgd(X, Y, alpha=0.01, epsilon=0.00001, maxloop=1000, theLambda=0.0):
m, n = X.shape
theta = np.zeros((n, 1))
cost = J(theta, X, Y)
costs = [cost]
thetas = [theta]
# 随机梯度下降
count = 0
flag = False
while count < maxloop:
if flag:
for i in range(m):
h = sigmoid(np.dot(X[i].reshape((1, n)), theta))
theta = theta - alpha * (
(1.0 / m) * X[i].reshape((n, 1)) * (h - Y[i]) + (theLambda / m) * np.r_[[[0]], theta[1:]])
cost = J(theta, X, Y, theLambda)
if abs(costs[-1] - costs[-2]) < epsilon:
flag = True
count += 1
if count % 100 == 0:
print("cost:", cost)
return thetas, costs, count
def gradient_newton(X, Y, epsilon=0.00001, maxloop=1000, theLambda=0.0):
m, n = X.shape
theta = np.zeros((n, 1))
cost = J(theta, X, Y)
costs = [cost]
thetas = [theta]
count = 0
while count < maxloop:
delta_J = 0.0
H = 0.0
for i in range(m):
h = sigmoid(np.dot(X[i].reshape((1, n)), theta))
delta_J += X[i] * (h - Y[i])
H += h.T * (1 - h) * X[i] * X[i].T
delta_J /= m
H /= m
print(H, delta_J)
theta = theta - 1.0 / H * delta_J
cost = J(theta, X, Y, theLambda)
if abs(costs[-1] - costs[-2]) < epsilon:
count += 1
if count % 100 == 0:
print("cost:", cost)
return thetas, costs, count
def gradient_adagrad(X, Y, alpha=0.01, sigma=1e-7, epsilon=0.00001, maxloop=1000, theLambda=0.0):
m, n = X.shape
theta = np.zeros((n, 1))
r = [[0.0] for _ in range(n)]
cost = J(theta, X, Y)
costs = [cost]
thetas = [theta]
count = 0
flag = False
while count < maxloop:
if flag:
for i in range(m):
h = sigmoid(np.dot(X[i].reshape((1, n)), theta))
grad = (1.0 / m) * X[i].reshape((n, 1)) * (h - Y[i])
for j in range(n):
theta[j] = theta[j] - alpha * grad[j] / (sigma + math.sqrt(r[j][-1]))
cost = J(theta, X, Y, theLambda)
if abs(costs[-1] - costs[-2]) < epsilon:
flag = True
count += 1
if count % 100 == 0:
print("cost:", cost)
return thetas, costs, count
def gradient_adadelta(X, Y, rho=0.01, alpha=0.01, sigma=1e-7, epsilon=0.00001, maxloop=1000, theLambda=0.0):
m, n = X.shape
theta = np.zeros((n, 1))
r = [[0.0] for _ in range(n)]
deltax = [[0.0] for _ in range(n)]
deltax_ = [[1.0] for _ in range(n)]
cost = J(theta, X, Y)
costs = [cost]
thetas = [theta]
count = 0
flag = False
while count < maxloop:
if flag:
for i in range(m):
h = sigmoid(np.dot(X[i].reshape((1, n)), theta))
grad = (1.0 / m) * X[i].reshape((n, 1)) * (h - Y[i])
for j in range(n):
r[j].append((1-rho) * grad[j]**2 + rho * r[j][-1])
deltax[j].append(- (math.sqrt(deltax_[j][-1] / sigma + r[j][-1]))*alpha)
theta[j] = theta[j] + deltax[j][-1]
# print(deltax)
# print(deltax_)
cost = J(theta, X, Y, theLambda)
if abs(costs[-1] - costs[-2]) < epsilon:
flag = True
count += 1
if count % 100 == 0:
print("cost:", cost)
return thetas, costs, count
def gradient_RMSProp(X, Y, rho=0.01, alpha=0.01, sigma=1e-7, epsilon=0.00001, maxloop=1000, theLambda=0.0):
m, n = X.shape
theta = np.zeros((n, 1))
r = [[0.0] for _ in range(n)]
cost = J(theta, X, Y)
costs = [cost]
thetas = [theta]
count = 0
flag = False
while count < maxloop:
if flag:
for i in range(m):
h = sigmoid(np.dot(X[i].reshape((1, n)), theta))
grad = (1.0 / m) * X[i].reshape((n, 1)) * (h - Y[i])
for j in range(n):
r[j].append((1 - rho)*grad[j]**2+rho*r[j][-1])
theta[j] = theta[j] - alpha * grad[j] / (sigma + math.sqrt(r[j][-1]))
cost = J(theta, X, Y, theLambda)
if abs(costs[-1] - costs[-2]) < epsilon:
flag = True
count += 1
if count % 100 == 0:
print("cost:", cost)
return thetas, costs, count
def gradient_adam(X, Y, rho1=0.9, rho2=0.999, alpha=0.01, sigma=1e-7, epsilon=0.00001, maxloop=1000, theLambda=0.0):
m, n = X.shape
theta = np.zeros((n, 1))
s = [[0.0] for _ in range(n)]
r = [[0.0] for _ in range(n)]
cost = J(theta, X, Y)
costs = [cost]
thetas = [theta]
count = 0
flag = False
while count < maxloop:
if flag:
for i in range(m):
h = sigmoid(np.dot(X[i].reshape((1, n)), theta))
grad = (1.0 / m) * X[i].reshape((n, 1)) * (h - Y[i])
for j in range(n):
r[j].append((1 - rho2)*grad[j]**2+rho2*r[j][-1])
s[j].append((1 - rho1)*grad[j]+rho1*r[j][-1])
theta[j] = theta[j] - alpha * (s[j][-1]/(1-rho1**2))/(math.sqrt(r[j][-1]/(1-rho2**2))+sigma)
cost = J(theta, X, Y, theLambda)
if abs(costs[-1] - costs[-2]) < epsilon:
flag = True
count += 1
if count % 100 == 0:
print("cost:", cost)
return thetas, costs, count
if __name__ == '__main__':
train_data, train_label = loaddata('data/data43561/pima_train.csv')
test_data, test_label = loaddata('data/data43561/pima_test.csv')
# print(train_data)
# print(train_label)
m = train_data.shape[0]
# print(m)
X = np.concatenate((np.ones((m, 1)), train_data), axis=1)
# print(X)
thetas, costs, iterationCount = gradient_sgd(X, train_label, 0.05, 0.00000001, 100)
# thetas, costs, iterationCount = gradient_newton(X, train_label, 0.00000001, 10000)
# thetas, costs, iterationCount = gradient_adagrad(X, train_label, 0.05, 1e-7, 0.000000000000001, 10000)
# thetas, costs, iterationCount = gradient_adadelta(X, train_label, 0.9999999999, 1e-5, 1e-7, 0.000000000000001, 10000)
# thetas, costs, iterationCount = gradient_RMSProp(X, train_label, 0.9, 1e-5, 1e-7, 0.000000000000001, 10000)
# thetas, costs, iterationCount = gradient_adam(X, train_label, 0.9, 0.99, 0.001, 1e-7, 0.000000000000001, 10000)
print(costs[-1], iterationCount)
/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:4: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
after removing the cwd from sys.path.
/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:26: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
cost: 0.7724120224525658
0.7724120224525658 100