MIDLET 3.0 标准支持 auto start说明文件

Now you can make screen saver MIDlets. You can also set your MIDlets to be started during mobile start up.This is a surprising addition to the MIDP 3.0. Now you can create a MIDlet which will run when the device is idle for a specified amount of time.

To make a MIDlet into a screen saver MIDlet you will just need to add the following line in your JAD file or manifest file.

MIDlet-Category-1: screensaver

This line instructs the AMS(Application Management software) that the MIDlet is of category “screensaver”.

Screen Saver registration process

When Screen Saver MIDlet is installed following chronology of events happen

  • The AMS checks if any other screen saver is already registered.
  • If another screen saver is registered the user is prompted that there is already a screen saver configured and whether the user wants to change his screen saver.
  • If there is no screen saver then the user is prompted whether he wants to set a new screen saver.
  • In both the above cases screen saver is set only when the user agrees to it.
  • Finally after the screen saver is set the user is notified accordingly.

This screen saver functionality in MIDlets adds a new entertaining service to existing bouquet of MIDlet services. After this if the MIDP Expert Group asks me “What is your next wishlist?” I would say “Themes MIDlet”.

Auto Start MIDlets

MIDP 3.0 addresses the long requested functionality of auto start up of a MIDlet when the device is switched on. This functionality was already given by some device vendors. What the MIDP Expert group now brings to table a generic standard which has to be followed by all the vendors.

To make a MIDlet into a auto start up MIDlet you will just need to add the following line in your JAD file or manifest file.

MIDlet-Category-1: autostart

Get set to create your robotic MIDlet………………
