

declare @trun_name varchar(500)

 declare name_cursor cursor for


--select  'ALTER TABLE ['  + name +  '] NOCHECK CONSTRAINT  all '  from  sysobjects  a  where  a.xtype ='u'  


--select  'ALTER TABLE ['  + name +  '] DISABLE  TRIGGER  all '  from  sysobjects  a  where  a.xtype ='u'  


--select 'truncate table ' + name from sysobjects where xtype='U' and name not in ('xt_mksz','xt_mkczgn','xt_dwbm') order by name--排除不需要清空的表,以及清空过程报错的表需要单独处理


--select  'ALTER TABLE ['  + name +  '] CHECK CONSTRAINT  all '  from  sysobjects  a  where  a.xtype ='u'  


--select  'ALTER TABLE ['  + name +  '] enable  TRIGGER  all '  from  sysobjects  a  where  a.xtype ='u'  


--select  'dbcc checkident(['+name+'],reseed ,1) ' from  sysobjects  a  where  a.xtype ='u'  and objectproperty(id,'TableHasIdentity')=1  and name not in ('xt_mksz','xt_mkczgn','xt_dwbm')--排除不需要清空的表,以及清空过程报错的表需要单独处理
--重建索引 --select 'dbcc DBREINDEX(['+name+']) ' from sysobjects a where a.xtype ='u' open name_cursor fetch next from name_cursor into @trun_name while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin exec (@trun_name) print @trun_name fetch next from name_cursor into @trun_name end close name_cursor deallocate name_cursor

以上语句,用于sql sever 上数据库清空 ,需要把注释的语句依次执行。

