net = nn.DataParallel(net)#加在模型定义完成之后
torch.stack((a, b, c), dim=0)#将a、b、c进行拼接,假设abc的维度为CxHxW。
def my_collate(batch):
inputs, labels = list(zip(*batch))#重新组合batch数据,返回元组列表
inputs = ntorch.stack(inputs)
labels = torch.stack(labels)
return inputs, labels
def select_device(device='', batch_size=0, newline=True):
# device = 'cpu' or '0' or '0,1,2,3'
s = f'YOLOv5 {git_describe() or file_update_date()} torch {torch.__version__} ' # string
device = str(device).strip().lower().replace('cuda:', '') # to string, 'cuda:0' to '0'
cpu = device == 'cpu'
if cpu:
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '-1' # force torch.cuda.is_available() = False
elif device: # non-cpu device requested
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = device # set environment variable - must be before assert is_available()
assert torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.device_count() >= len(device.replace(',', '')), \
f"Invalid CUDA '--device {device}' requested, use '--device cpu' or pass valid CUDA device(s)"
cuda = not cpu and torch.cuda.is_available()
if cuda:
devices = device.split(',') if device else '0' # range(torch.cuda.device_count()) # i.e. 0,1,6,7
n = len(devices) # device count
if n > 1 and batch_size > 0: # check batch_size is divisible by device_count
assert batch_size % n == 0, f'batch-size {batch_size} not multiple of GPU count {n}'
space = ' ' * (len(s) + 1)
for i, d in enumerate(devices):
p = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(i)
s += f"{'' if i == 0 else space}CUDA:{d} ({p.name}, {p.total_memory / (1 << 20):.0f}MiB)\n" # bytes to MB
s += 'CPU\n'
if not newline:
s = s.rstrip()
# LOGGER.info(s.encode().decode('ascii', 'ignore') if platform.system() == 'Windows' else s) # emoji-safe
return torch.device('cuda:0' if cuda else 'cpu')
import warnings
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