

图1 I/O设备模型框架
 设备驱动通过函数rt_device_register将自己注册到IO设备管理器。应用程序可以使用函数rt_device_find查找设备;使用函数rt_device_open打开设备;使用函数rt_device_read读取设备数据;使用函数rt_device_close关闭设备。  RT_thread的设备模型是建立在内核对象模型基础之上的,每个设备都有继承关系,如图:


图2 设备继承关系



 * device (I/O) class type
enum rt_device_class_type
    RT_Device_Class_Char = 0,                           /**字符设备 */
    RT_Device_Class_Block,                              /**块设备 */
    RT_Device_Class_NetIf,                              /**网络接口设备 */
    RT_Device_Class_MTD,                                /**内存设备 */
    RT_Device_Class_CAN,                                /**< CAN设备 */
    RT_Device_Class_RTC,                                /**< RTC设备*/
    RT_Device_Class_Sound,                              /**声音设备 */
    RT_Device_Class_Graphic,                            /**图形设备 */
    RT_Device_Class_I2CBUS,                             /**I2C总线设备*/
    RT_Device_Class_USBDevice,                          /**USB设备 */
    RT_Device_Class_USBHost,                            /**USB host总线 */
    RT_Device_Class_SPIBUS,                             /**SPI总线设备*/
    RT_Device_Class_SPIDevice,                          /**SPI device */
    RT_Device_Class_SDIO,                               /**SDIO总线设备 */
    RT_Device_Class_PM,                                 /**PM pseudo device */
    RT_Device_Class_Pipe,                               /**Pipe device */
    RT_Device_Class_Portal,                             /**Portal device */
    RT_Device_Class_Timer,                              /**Timer device */
    RT_Device_Class_Miscellaneous,                      /**杂类设备 */
    RT_Device_Class_Sensor,                             /**传感设备 */
    RT_Device_Class_Unknown                             /**unknown device */


 * Base structure of Kernel object
struct rt_object
    char       name[RT_NAME_MAX];                       /*内核对象名称 */
    rt_uint8_t type;                                    /*内核对象类型*/
    rt_uint8_t flag;                                    /*内核对象标志*/

    void      *module_id;                               /**< id of application module */
    rt_list_t  list;                                    /*内核对象使用的双向链表 */
typedef struct rt_object *rt_object_t;  


 * Device structure
struct rt_device
    struct rt_object          parent;                   /*继承的内核对象*/

    enum rt_device_class_type type;                     /*设备类型*/
    rt_uint16_t               flag;                     /*设备标志*/
    rt_uint16_t               open_flag;                /*设备打开标识*/

    rt_uint8_t                ref_count;                /*相关计数器,用于记录打开和关闭次数*/
    rt_uint8_t                device_id;                /*设备的ID号0 - 255 */

    rt_err_t (*rx_indicate)(rt_device_t dev, rt_size_t size);
    rt_err_t (*tx_complete)(rt_device_t dev, void *buffer);

    const struct rt_device_ops *ops;
    /* 通用的设备访问接口 */
    rt_err_t  (*init)   (rt_device_t dev);
    rt_err_t  (*open)   (rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag);
    rt_err_t  (*close)  (rt_device_t dev);
    rt_size_t (*read)   (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
    rt_size_t (*write)  (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
    rt_err_t  (*control)(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args);

#if defined(RT_USING_POSIX)
    const struct dfs_file_ops *fops;
    struct rt_wqueue wait_queue;

    void                     *user_data;                /*设备私有数据*/


rt_device_t rt_device_create(int type, int attach_size)
    int size;
    rt_device_t device;

    size = RT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct rt_device), RT_ALIGN_SIZE);
    attach_size = RT_ALIGN(attach_size, RT_ALIGN_SIZE);
    /* use the totoal size */
    size += attach_size;

    device = (rt_device_t)rt_malloc(size);
    if (device)
        rt_memset(device, 0x0, sizeof(struct rt_device));
        device->type = (enum rt_device_class_type)type;

    return device;


 * This function registers a device driver with specified name.
 * @param dev the pointer of device driver structure
 * @param name the device driver's name
 * @param flags the capabilities flag of device
 * @return the error code, RT_EOK on initialization successfully.
rt_err_t rt_device_register(rt_device_t dev,
                            const char *name,
                            rt_uint16_t flags)
    if (dev == RT_NULL)
        return -RT_ERROR;

    if (rt_device_find(name) != RT_NULL)
        return -RT_ERROR;

    rt_object_init(&(dev->parent), RT_Object_Class_Device, name);
    dev->flag = flags;
    dev->ref_count = 0;
    dev->open_flag = 0;

    return RT_EOK;


#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDONLY 0x001 /* 只 读 */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_WRONLY 0x002 /* 只 写 */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR 0x003 /* 读 写 */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_REMOVABLE 0x004 /* 可 移 除 */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_STANDALONE 0x008 /* 独 立 */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_SUSPENDED 0x020 /* 挂 起 */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_STREAM 0x040 /* 流 模 式 */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_RX 0x100 /* 中 断 接 收 */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_DMA_RX 0x200 /* DMA 接 收 */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_TX 0x400 /* 中 断 发 送 */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_DMA_TX 0x800 /* DMA 发 送 */


void rt_object_init(struct rt_object         *object,
                    enum rt_object_class_type type,
                    const char               *name)
    register rt_base_t temp;					//存放中断状态					
    struct rt_list_node *node = RT_NULL;		//定义一个双向链表指针
    struct rt_object_information *information;  //定义对象信息指针

    /* 获取对象信息 */
    information = rt_object_get_information(type);
    RT_ASSERT(information != RT_NULL);

    /* 检查对象类型避免重复初始化*/

    /* 进入临界区 */
    /* 尝试查找对象 */
    for (node  = information->object_list.next;
            node != &(information->object_list);
            node  = node->next)
        struct rt_object *obj;

        obj = rt_list_entry(node, struct rt_object, list);
        RT_ASSERT(obj != object);
    /* 退出临界区 */

    /* 初始化对象参数 */
    /* 设置对象类型为Static */
    object->type = type | RT_Object_Class_Static;
    /* 赋值名字 */
    rt_strncpy(object->name, name, RT_NAME_MAX);
    RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(rt_object_attach_hook, (object));

    /* 失能中断,返回之前的中断状态 */
    temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();

        /* 插入对象信息到对象列表 */
        rt_list_insert_after(&(information->object_list), &(object->list));

    /* 使能中断 */


 * 此函数将返回指定类型的对象容器信息。
 * @param type 枚举,对象的类型
 * @return 成功返回对象容器句柄
struct rt_object_information *
rt_object_get_information(enum rt_object_class_type type)
    int index;

    for (index = 0; index < RT_Object_Info_Unknown; index ++)//RT_Object_Info_Unknown = 10
        if (rt_object_container[index].type == type) return &rt_object_container[index];

    return RT_NULL;

  结构体变量rt_object_container[RT_Object_Info_Unknown] *的数据类型是:

struct rt_list_node
    struct rt_list_node *next;                          /**指向下一个节点*/
    struct rt_list_node *prev;                          /**指向前一个节点*/
typedef struct rt_list_node rt_list_t;                  

struct rt_object_information
    enum rt_object_class_type type;                     /*对象类型 */
    rt_list_t                 object_list;              /*对象链表句柄 */
    rt_size_t                 object_size;              /*对象占用字节大小 */


static struct rt_object_information rt_object_container[RT_Object_Info_Unknown] =
    /* 初始化对象容器 - thread */
    {RT_Object_Class_Thread, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_Thread), sizeof(struct rt_thread)},...

  主要看第二个参数,我们知道struct rt_object_information的第二个成员是一个双向链表,所以第二个参数就是链表的值,是个宏,传递参数是一个枚举成员变量,我们看看宏展开是什么样子的,就是给链表初始化,直接前趋节点和后继节点都指向同一个节点。

#define _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(c)     \
    {&(rt_object_container[c].object_list), &(rt_object_container[c].object_list)}

  那么前面的函数rt_object_get_information实现的就是根据类型寻找到对应的对象容器。假设寻找到对象容器,那么接着继续执行rt_object_init代码,for循环实现了查找容器里面是否有相同的内核对象,RT_ASSERT(obj != object);如果为真表示即将初始化的object之前未存在。函数rt_list_entry返回的是某个成员变量所在结构体的地址,它是一个宏,展开之后比较好理解。

rt_inline void rt_list_insert_after(rt_list_t *l, rt_list_t *n)
    l->next->prev = n;
    n->next = l->next;

    l->next = n;
    n->prev = l;

  至此,对函数rt_err_t rt_device_register的学习到此结束,了解到设备是怎么注册的。

/* pin device and operations for RT-Thread */
struct rt_device_pin
    struct rt_device parent;
    const struct rt_pin_ops *ops;

  其中就继承了struct rt_device属性,这个struct rt_device_pin就是PIN设备,是具备硬件访问能力的,定义于设备驱动框架层,当然设备驱动框架层不止有PIN,还有很多接口驱动。当设备注册成功之后,就可以在FinSH命令行使用 list_device 命令查看系统中所有的设备信息,包括设备名称、设备类型和设备被打开次数。比如:
