
移动位置资源的保护 - 读《Apple planning location-aware App Store?》

很早以前曾经研究过移动网络中的LBS应用,目前可用的定位技术并不多,也就是网络定位、GPS和终端CellID 3种技术手段较为可行。最初使用的网络定位技术,但是可伸缩性较差,无法提供大量的用户。2006年开始左右,主流的技术变为GPS方案,主要原因GPS芯片成本降低,智能手机已经可以内置GPS芯片,但是GPS的问题在于无法室内定位,因此后来又折腾AGPS。不过当时我看好的技术还是终端CellID技术,这种方案只需使用智能手机就OK了,而无需GPS芯片。但是这种方案需要收集CellID,并研究基于路径的定位算法,仅在客户端实施是不可行的。需要由服务器辅助计算。无奈后来GMS项目不采用这种方案,而自己也不再参与ULS项目。最后也没有让想法变成现实。

后来,THB推荐了一款谷歌地图软件,这个软件是基于GPS和CellID技术的定位软件,和Google Map集成。在智能手机上面非常好用。仅仅使用CellID的时候,虽然精度不高 - 有时候精度为1900米,但是实际上还是非常有帮助的。






Apple planning location-aware App Store?

A new patent application filed Thursday by Apple suggests the computing giant is planning to introduce location-aware services tied to the iPhone's App Store virtual application storefront. United States Patent Application 20090063293, entitled Dynamic Presentation of Location-Specific Information, seeks to patent "improved approaches to allow a portable electronic device to dynamically present location-specific information while the portable electronic device is at a predetermined location... In one embodiment, the portable electronic device has a display that can display the location-specific information and has wireless capabilities for use in receiving the location-specific information from the server. The location-specific information can, for example, augment other information that is to be presented on the display. In one embodiment, the location-specific information can be information pertaining to a media item being played in an establishment, such as a store, where the portable electronic device is located."

The dynamic presentation concept is closely aligned with the "Now Playing" feature that Apple introduced on its iTunes music store in late 2007. The service enables consumers visiting Starbucks coffeehouses to log into iTunes via iPhone, laptop or iPod touch to instantly browse a location-specific iTunes menu displaying information on the song currently playing in-store and purchase music from the Starbucks playlist.

Location awareness and improved user relevancy appear to represent the next evolution of the app store concept. At last month's Mobile World Congress event, Nokia confirmed the launch of Ovi Store, touting a customized and contextually relevant user experience determined by factors like personal contacts and physical whereabouts (or as Nokia calls it, "Social Location"). Consumers can activate social discovery features to receive updates and recommendations on content enjoyed within their social networking circles--in addition, Ovi Store will present content and applications tied to the user's present location. "The central idea is that the media you consume is no longer just about what you bought, but also where, when and who bought it," said Nokia executive vice president Niklas Savander.


