
"Where is it gone?"

Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace exchanged many letters as she worked on the details of her paper, translating an article by Luigi Menabrea, and adding "notes" that were three times the length of the original. He expressed great admiration for her work, calling her the "Enchantress of Number", and writing earlier in this letter "I like much the improved form of the Bernoulli Note ... I am very reluctant to return the admirable and philosophic view of the Anal. Engine contained in Note A." He summarized the state of play on Ada's notes: three had been returned to her, four were with him, but one "G" was missing - "Where is it gone?"




Collaboration with Babbage

Preparing her paper for publication strained the relationship between Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage almost to breaking point. Ada found the process troublesome and time-consuming and resented what she saw as his interference. On August 15, 1843, she wrote to her mother that she continued to want to work with Babbage, but had been obliged to lay down strict conditions for any future collaboration. They remained friends but never worked together again.



