Multiple Types of Entry, One Application
Within a collaboration environment, it is common to have multiple typesof entry for a singular web application that will resolve to the samecontent for varying types of users (not even in the context of a webapplication in MOSS, a .NET web application even in general). Forexample, customers may enter through one URL to access an extranet thatyou output sales metrics through whereas end users enter through anintranet URL using local domain accounts to view those very samereports all through your various MOSS site collections.
In order to procure an environment where it becomes much easier tobuild grouping and sorting of these diverse entry points that althoughwill bind to the same content, yet provide granular control that canhook to such things as security policies or authentication providers,Microsoft Office Server System builds off a concept known as zones.
Because of this paradigm of people entering a Microsoft OfficeServer System environment from a variety of access points, zones are anecessary portion in order to properly architect a SharePointenvironment. Since in most perimeter deployments it is exceptionallycommon to have these types of multiple entry mechanisms, specificallywith multiple types of authentication providers, it is necessary toexplore the concept of zones.
Before the concept of zones becomes apparent, it is best to stepback and look at the basis technology that provides the granularframework that zones implement, Alternative Access Mapping (AAM),authentication providers, and web application policies.
Alternative Access Mapping (AAM)
Alternative Access Mapping, although crucially more important in thisrevision of SharePoint, is a borrowed concept from the 2003 version.AAM builds up the central factory of how users are redirected uponentry, and through there entire stay on your MOSS instance. It soundsvery fancy, however AAM provides the backbone of how the URL formattingwill happen throughout the entire user experience. What it provides ismultiple entry points to a singular web application, as opposed tohaving all users conform to a singular point of entry, that others maynot have access to. This becomes increasingly important when you arecreating multiple facing deployments, such as those that will face bothan internal set of users, as well as an extranet scenario wherebypartners and other trusted individuals may attempt to get access toyour MOSS instance. What AAM provides is the method to conform to alogical URL, a URL that is familiar to users and conveys the meaning ofa site, as well as maintaining URL formatting conventions since howusers will enter a site internally (usually just through ahttp://sharepointsecurity) is different than how external users willaccess it (typically something like( Whatever the URL standard iswithin your organization, multiple points of entry are achieved throughAlternate Access Mapping.
Besides some of the neater features that AAM provides, there arealso several rudimentary problems that is solves as well, such askeeping search results uniform. If AAM didn’t exist, it would bepossible that a user may return results via an improperly formatted URLwhich may, in turn, lead to an ugly access denied screen.
The default URL, which is bound to the default zone, in thebeginning is setup for you by default. If you are only going to haveone points of entry for your application, then you have no need toimplement any further modifications to the AAM settings. Clearly,having the same URL entries within AAM is not possible, since it ismeant to promote the segregation of the URLs that an arbitrary user mayuse when attempting to gain access to the site. If, for any reasons atall, one of the production URL’s that AAM is using is deleted, it isimportant to realize that the relevant content DB’s must be updated toreflect this change, otherwise there will be ghost site resultsreturned on various pages.
Policies and Authentication Providers
While the concept of AAM is a neat idea, however it doesn’t really showthe power that can exist when you bind them with the concept of Zonesin MOSS. MOSS Zones are a method of logical grouping of your AAMsettings that both
MOSS Zones don’t have to imply different policies or authenticationproviders, however they can or don’t have to be closely hookedtogether. This at first may seem confusing, however the concept initself is rather simplistic in design an purpose. Consider thefollowing three scenarios:
Although zones are a relatively simple concept in theory, they allowthe exploitation of some true power behind what SharePoint allow inregards to authentication and web application policy binding. It iswise to plan zones correctly, they are how the user is going to betraversed throughout your web application as well as how they areauthenticated, along with right overriddance provided by webapplication policies.