pip install lvm_read
import lvm_read
filename = r'...\Case_B_(+00)\Case_B_(+00)_1\sine_sweep.lvm'
lvm = lvm_read.read(filename, read_from_pickle=False)
print(lvm[0]['Channel names'])
数据读取如下,注意0应该是时间戳 ch1-ch8对应的8个振动传感器的监测信号a1-a8
vib_data1 = lvm[0]['data'][:,1]
fs = 1666
t = np.arange(0, time, 1/fs)
plt.plot(t, vib_data1)
fft_data = fft.fft(vib_data1)
complex_real = fft_data.real # 获取实数部分
complex_imag = fft_data.imag # 获取虚数部分
freqs = fft.fftfreq(t.size, t[1] - t[0])
pows = np.abs(complex_array) / (fs * 2)
pows[freqs == 0] = pows[freqs == 0] / 2
pows = pows[freqs >= 0]
freqs = freqs[freqs >= 0]
plt.xlabel('Frequency 频率')
plt.ylabel('Power 功率')
plt.plot(freqs[freqs >= 0], pows[freqs >= 0], c='skyblue', label='Frequency')
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