DBL:图中左下角所示,也就是代码中的Darknetconv2d_BN_leaky,是yolov3基本组件。就是卷积+BN+leaky relu。对于v3来说,BN和leaky relu和卷积组成不可分离部分,共同组成最小组件。
为了加强算法对小目标检测的精确度,yolov3中采用类似FPN(feature pyramid networks)的upsample和融合做法(融合了3个scale,13x13,26x26,52x52),在多个scale的feature map上做检测。
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import math
from collections import OrderedDict
# 基本的darknet块,图中的Res_unit
class BasicBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, inplanes, planes):
super(BasicBlock, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(inplanes, planes[0], kernel_size=1,
stride=1, padding=0, bias=False)
self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes[0])
self.relu1 = nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(planes[0], planes[1], kernel_size=3,
stride=1, padding=1, bias=False)
self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes[1])
self.relu2 = nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)
def forward(self, x):
residual = x
out = self.conv1(x)
out = self.bn1(out)
out = self.relu1(out)
out = self.conv2(out)
out = self.bn2(out)
out = self.relu2(out)
out += residual
return out
class DarkNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, layers):
super(DarkNet, self).__init__()
self.inplanes = 32
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, self.inplanes, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False)
self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(self.inplanes)
self.relu1 = nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)
self.layer1 = self._make_layer([32, 64], layers[0])
self.layer2 = self._make_layer([64, 128], layers[1])
self.layer3 = self._make_layer([128, 256], layers[2])
self.layer4 = self._make_layer([256, 512], layers[3])
self.layer5 = self._make_layer([512, 1024], layers[4])
self.layers_out_filters = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]
# 进行权值初始化
for m in self.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
n = m.kernel_size[0] * m.kernel_size[1] * m.out_channels
m.weight.data.normal_(0, math.sqrt(2. / n))
elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
# 图中的resn
def _make_layer(self, planes, blocks):
layers = []
# 下采样,步长为2,卷积核大小为3
layers.append(("ds_conv", nn.Conv2d(self.inplanes, planes[1], kernel_size=3,
stride=2, padding=1, bias=False)))
layers.append(("ds_bn", nn.BatchNorm2d(planes[1])))
layers.append(("ds_relu", nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)))
# 加入darknet模块,res_unit
self.inplanes = planes[1]
for i in range(0, blocks):
layers.append(("residual_{}".format(i), BasicBlock(self.inplanes, planes)))
return nn.Sequential(OrderedDict(layers))
def forward(self, x):
x = self.conv1(x)
x = self.bn1(x)
x = self.relu1(x)
x = self.layer1(x)
x = self.layer2(x)
out3 = self.layer3(x)
out4 = self.layer4(out3)
out5 = self.layer5(out4)
return out3, out4, out5
# Darnet-53整体结构,调用Darknet
def darknet53(pretrained, **kwargs):
model = DarkNet([1, 2, 8, 8, 4])
if pretrained:
if isinstance(pretrained, str):
raise Exception("darknet request a pretrained path. got [{}]".format(pretrained))
return model
网络中作者进行了3次检测,分别在32倍降采样,16倍降采样,8倍降采样时进行检测,多尺度的feature map上进行预测。
网络中使用upsample(上采样)的原因:网络越深的特征表达越好。比如在进行16倍降采样检测时,如果直接使用第四次下采样的特征来检测,这样就使用了浅层特征,效果一般不好。如果想使用32倍降采样后的特征,但深层特征的大小太小,因此yolov3使用了步长为2的upsample(上采样),吧32倍降采样得到的feature map的大小提升一倍,也就是成了16倍降采样后的维度。同理8倍采样也是对16倍降采样的特征进行步长为2的上采样,这样可以使用深层特征进行检测。
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from collections import OrderedDict
from nets.darknet import darknet53
def conv2d(filter_in, filter_out, kernel_size):
pad = (kernel_size - 1) // 2 if kernel_size else 0
return nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
("conv", nn.Conv2d(filter_in, filter_out, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1, padding=pad, bias=False)),
("bn", nn.BatchNorm2d(filter_out)),
("relu", nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)),
# 对应图中的DBL*5+DBL+conv
def make_last_layers(filters_list, in_filters, out_filter):
m = nn.ModuleList([
conv2d(in_filters, filters_list[0], 1),
conv2d(filters_list[0], filters_list[1], 3),
conv2d(filters_list[1], filters_list[0], 1),
conv2d(filters_list[0], filters_list[1], 3),
conv2d(filters_list[1], filters_list[0], 1),
conv2d(filters_list[0], filters_list[1], 3),
nn.Conv2d(filters_list[1], out_filter, kernel_size=1,
stride=1, padding=0, bias=True)
return m
class YoloBody(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config):
super(YoloBody, self).__init__()
self.config = config
# backbone
self.backbone = darknet53(None)
# out_filters = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]
out_filters = self.backbone.layers_out_filters
# last_layer0
# final_out_filter0 = 3*(5+num_classes)=3*(5+80)=255 (coco)
final_out_filter0 = len(config["yolo"]["anchors"][0]) * (5 + config["yolo"]["classes"])
# self.last_layer0对应图中的第81层
self.last_layer0 = make_last_layers([512, 1024], out_filters[-1], final_out_filter0)
# embedding1
final_out_filter1 = len(config["yolo"]["anchors"][1]) * (5 + config["yolo"]["classes"])
# self.last_layer1_conv对应图中的第84层
self.last_layer1_conv = conv2d(512, 256, 1)
# self.last_layer1_upsample对应图中85层上采样
self.last_layer1_upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')
# concat后再进行DBL*5+DBL+conv,对应框架图中的y2前的7次卷积
self.last_layer1 = make_last_layers([256, 512], out_filters[-2] + 256, final_out_filter1)
# embedding2
final_out_filter2 = len(config["yolo"]["anchors"][2]) * (5 + config["yolo"]["classes"])
# 对应图中第96层
self.last_layer2_conv = conv2d(256, 128, 1)
# 对应图中97层上采样
self.last_layer2_upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')
# 对应框架图中y3前的7次卷积
self.last_layer2 = make_last_layers([128, 256], out_filters[-3] + 128, final_out_filter2)
def forward(self, x):
# branch将make_last_layer里的7次卷积分成5次和后两次,对应结构图中的后面部分
# last_layer输入的是nn.ModuleList,layer_in输入darknet53的输出
def _branch(last_layer, layer_in):
for i, e in enumerate(last_layer):
layer_in = e(layer_in)
# 到第五次卷积时,将结果用out_bracn输出
if i == 4:
out_branch = layer_in
return layer_in, out_branch
# backbone,x0对应图中第74层darknet53的#(13,13,1024),x1对应61层#(26,26,512),x2对应36层#(52,52,256)
x2, x1, x0 = self.backbone(x)
# yolo branch 0
# 得到out0是最后的y1结果,out0_branch是结构图中y1前分支出的部分
out0, out0_branch = _branch(self.last_layer0, x0)
# yolo branch 1
# 用out0_branch去进行上采样,然后再进行concat
x1_in = self.last_layer1_conv(out0_branch)
x1_in = self.last_layer1_upsample(x1_in)
x1_in = torch.cat([x1_in, x1], 1)
# 与上同理
out1, out1_branch = _branch(self.last_layer1, x1_in)
# yolo branch 2
x2_in = self.last_layer2_conv(out1_branch)
x2_in = self.last_layer2_upsample(x2_in)
x2_in = torch.cat([x2_in, x2], 1)
out2, _ = _branch(self.last_layer2, x2_in)
return out0, out1, out2
class DecodeBox(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, anchors, num_classes, img_size):
super(DecodeBox, self).__init__()
self.anchors = anchors
self.num_anchors = len(anchors)
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.bbox_attrs = 5 + num_classes
self.img_size = img_size
def forward(self, input):
# input为bs,3*(1+4+num_classes),13,13,以13*13为例
# 一共多少图片
batch_size = input.size(0)
# 13,13
input_height = input.size(2)
input_width = input.size(3)
# 计算步长
# 每一个特征点对应原来的图片上多少个像素点
# 如果特征层为13*13的话,一个特征点就对应原来图片上的416/13=32个像素点
stride_h = self.img_size[1] / input_height
stride_w = self.img_size[0] / input_width
# 归一到特征层上
# 把先验框的尺寸调整为特征层大小的形式
# 计算出先验框在特征层上对应的宽高
scaled_anchors = [(anchor_width / stride_w, anchor_height / stride_h) for anchor_width, anchor_height in self.anchors]
# 对预测结果进行resize
# bs,3*(5+num_classes),13,13 -> bs,3,13,13,(5+num_classes)
prediction = input.view(batch_size, self.num_anchors,
self.bbox_attrs, input_height, input_width).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous()
# 先验框的中心位置的调整参数
x = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 0])
y = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 1])
# 先验框的宽高调整参数
w = prediction[..., 2] # Width
h = prediction[..., 3] # Height
# 获得置信度,是否有物体
conf = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 4])
# 种类置信度
pred_cls = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 5:]) # Cls pred.
FloatTensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.FloatTensor
LongTensor = torch.cuda.LongTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.LongTensor
# 生成网格,先验框中心,网格左上角
grid_x = torch.linspace(0, input_width - 1, input_width).repeat(input_width, 1).repeat(
batch_size * self.num_anchors, 1, 1).view(x.shape).type(FloatTensor)
grid_y = torch.linspace(0, input_height - 1, input_height).repeat(input_height, 1).t().repeat(
batch_size * self.num_anchors, 1, 1).view(y.shape).type(FloatTensor)
# 生成先验框的宽高
anchor_w = FloatTensor(scaled_anchors).index_select(1, LongTensor([0]))
anchor_h = FloatTensor(scaled_anchors).index_select(1, LongTensor([1]))
anchor_w = anchor_w.repeat(batch_size, 1).repeat(1, 1, input_height * input_width).view(w.shape)
anchor_h = anchor_h.repeat(batch_size, 1).repeat(1, 1, input_height * input_width).view(h.shape)
# 计算调整后的先验框中心与宽高
pred_boxes = FloatTensor(prediction[..., :4].shape)
pred_boxes[..., 0] = x.data + grid_x
pred_boxes[..., 1] = y.data + grid_y
pred_boxes[..., 2] = torch.exp(w.data) * anchor_w
pred_boxes[..., 3] = torch.exp(h.data) * anchor_h
# 用于将输出调整为相对于416x416的大小
_scale = torch.Tensor([stride_w, stride_h] * 2).type(FloatTensor)
output = torch.cat((pred_boxes.view(batch_size, -1, 4) * _scale,
conf.view(batch_size, -1, 1), pred_cls.view(batch_size, -1, self.num_classes)), -1)
return output.data
from random import shuffle
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import math
import torch.nn.functional as F
from matplotlib.colors import rgb_to_hsv, hsv_to_rgb
from PIL import Image
from utils.utils import bbox_iou
def clip_by_tensor(t,t_min,t_max):
result = (t >= t_min).float() * t + (t < t_min).float() * t_min
result = (result <= t_max).float() * result + (result > t_max).float() * t_max
return result
def MSELoss(pred,target):
return (pred-target)**2
def BCELoss(pred,target):
epsilon = 1e-7
pred = clip_by_tensor(pred, epsilon, 1.0 - epsilon)
output = -target * torch.log(pred) - (1.0 - target) * torch.log(1.0 - pred)
return output
class YOLOLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, anchors, num_classes, img_size):
super(YOLOLoss, self).__init__()
self.anchors = anchors
self.num_anchors = len(anchors)
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.bbox_attrs = 5 + num_classes
self.img_size = img_size
self.ignore_threshold = 0.5
self.lambda_xy = 1.0
self.lambda_wh = 1.0
self.lambda_conf = 1.0
self.lambda_cls = 1.0
def forward(self, input, targets=None):
# 一共多少张图片
bs = input.size(0)
# 特征层的高
in_h = input.size(2)
# 特征层的宽
in_w = input.size(3)
# 计算步长
stride_h = self.img_size[1] / in_h
stride_w = self.img_size[0] / in_w
# 把先验框的尺寸调整成特征层大小的形式
scaled_anchors = [(a_w / stride_w, a_h / stride_h) for a_w, a_h in self.anchors]
# reshape
prediction = input.view(bs, int(self.num_anchors/3),
self.bbox_attrs, in_h, in_w).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous()
# 对prediction预测进行调整
x = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 0]) # Center x
y = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 1]) # Center y
w = prediction[..., 2] # Width
h = prediction[..., 3] # Height
conf = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 4]) # Conf
pred_cls = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 5:]) # Cls pred.
# 找到哪些先验框内部包含物体
mask, noobj_mask, tx, ty, tw, th, tconf, tcls, box_loss_scale_x, box_loss_scale_y =\
self.get_target(targets, scaled_anchors,
in_w, in_h,
noobj_mask = self.get_ignore(prediction, targets, scaled_anchors, in_w, in_h, noobj_mask)
box_loss_scale_x = (2-box_loss_scale_x).cuda()
box_loss_scale_y = (2-box_loss_scale_y).cuda()
box_loss_scale = box_loss_scale_x*box_loss_scale_y
mask, noobj_mask = mask.cuda(), noobj_mask.cuda()
tx, ty, tw, th = tx.cuda(), ty.cuda(), tw.cuda(), th.cuda()
tconf, tcls = tconf.cuda(), tcls.cuda()
# losses.
loss_x = torch.sum(BCELoss(x, tx) / bs * box_loss_scale * mask)
loss_y = torch.sum(BCELoss(y, ty) / bs * box_loss_scale * mask)
loss_w = torch.sum(MSELoss(w, tw) / bs * 0.5 * box_loss_scale * mask)
loss_h = torch.sum(MSELoss(h, th) / bs * 0.5 * box_loss_scale * mask)
loss_conf = torch.sum(BCELoss(conf, mask) * mask / bs) + \
torch.sum(BCELoss(conf, mask) * noobj_mask / bs)
loss_cls = torch.sum(BCELoss(pred_cls[mask == 1], tcls[mask == 1])/bs)
loss = loss_x * self.lambda_xy + loss_y * self.lambda_xy + \
loss_w * self.lambda_wh + loss_h * self.lambda_wh + \
loss_conf * self.lambda_conf + loss_cls * self.lambda_cls
# print(loss, loss_x.item() + loss_y.item(), loss_w.item() + loss_h.item(),
# loss_conf.item(), loss_cls.item(), \
# torch.sum(mask),torch.sum(noobj_mask))
return loss, loss_x.item(), loss_y.item(), loss_w.item(), \
loss_h.item(), loss_conf.item(), loss_cls.item()
def get_target(self, target, anchors, in_w, in_h, ignore_threshold):
# 计算一共有多少张图片
bs = len(target)
# 获得先验框
anchor_index = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8]][[13,26,52].index(in_w)]
subtract_index = [0,3,6][[13,26,52].index(in_w)]
# 创建全是0或者全是1的阵列
mask = torch.zeros(bs, int(self.num_anchors/3), in_h, in_w, requires_grad=False)
noobj_mask = torch.ones(bs, int(self.num_anchors/3), in_h, in_w, requires_grad=False)
tx = torch.zeros(bs, int(self.num_anchors/3), in_h, in_w, requires_grad=False)
ty = torch.zeros(bs, int(self.num_anchors/3), in_h, in_w, requires_grad=False)
tw = torch.zeros(bs, int(self.num_anchors/3), in_h, in_w, requires_grad=False)
th = torch.zeros(bs, int(self.num_anchors/3), in_h, in_w, requires_grad=False)
tconf = torch.zeros(bs, int(self.num_anchors/3), in_h, in_w, requires_grad=False)
tcls = torch.zeros(bs, int(self.num_anchors/3), in_h, in_w, self.num_classes, requires_grad=False)
box_loss_scale_x = torch.zeros(bs, int(self.num_anchors/3), in_h, in_w, requires_grad=False)
box_loss_scale_y = torch.zeros(bs, int(self.num_anchors/3), in_h, in_w, requires_grad=False)
for b in range(bs):
for t in range(target[b].shape[0]):
# 计算出在特征层上的点位
gx = target[b][t, 0] * in_w
gy = target[b][t, 1] * in_h
gw = target[b][t, 2] * in_w
gh = target[b][t, 3] * in_h
# 计算出属于哪个网格
gi = int(gx)
gj = int(gy)
# 计算真实框的位置
gt_box = torch.FloatTensor(np.array([0, 0, gw, gh])).unsqueeze(0)
# 计算出所有先验框的位置
anchor_shapes = torch.FloatTensor(np.concatenate((np.zeros((self.num_anchors, 2)),
np.array(anchors)), 1))
# 计算重合程度
anch_ious = bbox_iou(gt_box, anchor_shapes)
# Find the best matching anchor box
best_n = np.argmax(anch_ious)
if best_n not in anchor_index:
# Masks
if (gj < in_h) and (gi < in_w):
best_n = best_n - subtract_index
# 判定哪些先验框内部真实的存在物体
noobj_mask[b, best_n, gj, gi] = 0
mask[b, best_n, gj, gi] = 1
# 计算先验框中心调整参数
tx[b, best_n, gj, gi] = gx - gi
ty[b, best_n, gj, gi] = gy - gj
# 计算先验框宽高调整参数
tw[b, best_n, gj, gi] = math.log(gw / anchors[best_n+subtract_index][0])
th[b, best_n, gj, gi] = math.log(gh / anchors[best_n+subtract_index][1])
# 用于获得xywh的比例
box_loss_scale_x[b, best_n, gj, gi] = target[b][t, 2]
box_loss_scale_y[b, best_n, gj, gi] = target[b][t, 3]
# 物体置信度
tconf[b, best_n, gj, gi] = 1
# 种类
tcls[b, best_n, gj, gi, int(target[b][t, 4])] = 1
print('Step {0} out of bound'.format(b))
print('gj: {0}, height: {1} | gi: {2}, width: {3}'.format(gj, in_h, gi, in_w))
return mask, noobj_mask, tx, ty, tw, th, tconf, tcls, box_loss_scale_x, box_loss_scale_y
def get_ignore(self,prediction,target,scaled_anchors,in_w, in_h,noobj_mask):
bs = len(target)
anchor_index = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8]][[13,26,52].index(in_w)]
scaled_anchors = np.array(scaled_anchors)[anchor_index]
# print(scaled_anchors)
# 先验框的中心位置的调整参数
x_all = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 0])
y_all = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 1])
# 先验框的宽高调整参数
w_all = prediction[..., 2] # Width
h_all = prediction[..., 3] # Height
for i in range(bs):
x = x_all[i]
y = y_all[i]
w = w_all[i]
h = h_all[i]
FloatTensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.FloatTensor
LongTensor = torch.cuda.LongTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.LongTensor
# 生成网格,先验框中心,网格左上角
grid_x = torch.linspace(0, in_w - 1, in_w).repeat(in_w, 1).repeat(
int(self.num_anchors/3), 1, 1).view(x.shape).type(FloatTensor)
grid_y = torch.linspace(0, in_h - 1, in_h).repeat(in_h, 1).t().repeat(
int(self.num_anchors/3), 1, 1).view(y.shape).type(FloatTensor)
# 生成先验框的宽高
anchor_w = FloatTensor(scaled_anchors).index_select(1, LongTensor([0]))
anchor_h = FloatTensor(scaled_anchors).index_select(1, LongTensor([1]))
anchor_w = anchor_w.repeat(1, 1, in_h * in_w).view(w.shape)
anchor_h = anchor_h.repeat(1, 1, in_h * in_w).view(h.shape)
# 计算调整后的先验框中心与宽高
pred_boxes = torch.FloatTensor(prediction[0][..., :4].shape)
pred_boxes[..., 0] = x.data + grid_x
pred_boxes[..., 1] = y.data + grid_y
pred_boxes[..., 2] = torch.exp(w.data) * anchor_w
pred_boxes[..., 3] = torch.exp(h.data) * anchor_h
pred_boxes = pred_boxes.view(-1, 4)
for t in range(target[i].shape[0]):
gx = target[i][t, 0] * in_w
gy = target[i][t, 1] * in_h
gw = target[i][t, 2] * in_w
gh = target[i][t, 3] * in_h
gt_box = torch.FloatTensor(np.array([gx, gy, gw, gh])).unsqueeze(0)
anch_ious = bbox_iou(gt_box, pred_boxes, x1y1x2y2=False)
anch_ious = anch_ious.view(x.size())
noobj_mask[i][anch_ious>self.ignore_threshold] = 0
# print(torch.max(anch_ious))
return noobj_mask