Google has thrown their hat in the router and smarthome ring at once with the introduction of their OnHub router, a router that promises to be the easiest and most hassle free router experience you’ve ever had with super easy setup, automatic security updates, smarthome integration, and more. Does it live up to that promise?
Google推出了OnHub路由器后,便立即在路由器和智能家居环网中大放异彩,该路由器有望为您提供前所未有的最简单,最轻松的路由器体验,包括超级简单的设置,自动安全更新,智能家居集成等等。 履行诺言吗?
The Google OnHub is Google’s first offering in the home router/home automation hub market (but it should be noted not their first smarthome equipment as they’ve previously purchased Nest and Dropcam). The device, manufactured to Google’s specs by the well established networking company TP-Link, is an unconventional looking router by traditional standards that sports a cylindrical body with no external antennas. Unlike many of the recent routers we’ve reviewed, such as the Netgear Nighthawk X6 or the D-Link DIR-890L, it doesn’t look like a cyborg beetle or a spaceship but instead like an understated speaker (and, in fact, everyone that saw it asked us if it was a new speaker).
Google OnHub是Google在家庭路由器/家庭自动化集线器市场上的首个产品(但应该注意的是,他们先前购买过Nest和Dropcam并不是他们的第一批智能家庭设备)。 该设备由完善的网络公司TP-Link按照Google的规格制造,是一种采用传统标准的非常规外观路由器,具有圆柱形主体,没有外部天线。 与我们评测过的许多最新路由器不同,例如Netgear Nighthawk X6或D-Link DIR-890L ,它看起来不像电子人的甲虫或太空飞船,而是像个低调的扬声器(事实上,看到它的每个人都问我们这是不是新演讲者)。
Why a tall cylinder instead of a traditional box with bristling antennas? It’s not just a stylistic choice but a practical one given Google’s goals for the OnHub. The biggest selling point for the OnHub is that it is a dead simple and powerful router that you’ll place in a prominent location in the center of your home to maximize Wi-Fi coverage.
为什么用一个高圆筒而不是带有天线的传统盒子? 考虑到Google对OnHub的目标,这不仅是一种风格选择,而且是一种实际的选择。 OnHub的最大卖点是,它是一台简单而强大的死机,您可以将其放置在房屋中心的显眼位置,以最大程度地覆盖Wi-Fi。
To that end not only is the OnHub designed to be pleasant enough to look at (your opinion might be different on that matter but we can all agree it looks more subtle sitting on a side table than a traditional LED-bedazzled router with antennas hanging off the back), but to blast out Wi-Fi in an omni-directional fashion thanks to the circular layout of the antennas, seen below in a product diagram, around the cylinder.
The device sports a 2.4Ghz 3×3 array and a 5GHz 3×3 array, as well as an auxiliary 2.4Ghz 1×1 array that exists solely for monitoring network congestion (more on that when we dig into the feature set).
该设备具有2.4Ghz 3×3阵列和5GHz 3×3阵列,以及专用于监视网络拥塞的辅助2.4Ghz 1×1阵列(在深入研究功能集时会更多)。
In addition to Google’s push for easy setup and excellent Wi-Fi coverage, the OnHub also receives automatic security updates. At first glance this might not seem like a huge deal, but given the number of high profile router security issues we’ve seen lately (and how infrequently people take the time to manually update their routers) it’s a huge step in the right direction.
除了Google推动设置简便和出色的Wi-Fi覆盖范围外,OnHub还收到自动安全更新。 乍一看,这看起来似乎不算什么大问题,但是鉴于我们最近看到的许多知名路由器安全问题(以及人们很少花时间手动更新路由器),这是朝着正确方向迈出的一大步。
Before we dive into the actual setup process, let’s take a quick peek under the shroud surrounding the core of the router for a closer look at the physical ports. With the shroud removed for a closer look we can see the physical layout of the device is pretty spartan: one gigabit Ethernet input, one gigabit Ethernet output (for peripheral devices to connect to the router via Ethernet), one power port, and one USB port (which is available for use via future firmware but is currently disabled).
在进入实际的设置过程之前,让我们快速浏览一下路由器核心周围的保护罩,以更仔细地查看物理端口。 卸下护罩以便更仔细地看一下,我们可以看到设备的物理布局很简单:一个千兆以太网输入,一个千兆以太网输出(用于外围设备通过以太网连接到路由器),一个电源端口和一个USB端口(可通过将来的固件使用,但当前已禁用)。
Speaking of currently disabled, in addition to the host of Wi-Fi radios on the device there are also two additional home automation-oriented radios: a Bluetooth radio and a ZigBee/Thread radio. Both will be, presumably, activated in future firmware iterations to unlock home automation connectivity. Other indicators that Google is positioning itself to have a combination router/home automation hub is the present of an ambient light sensor in the device as well as a 3 watt speaker. Curiously, the device lacks an on-board microphone (ala the Amazon Echo); although we’d prefer it as is, sans microphone, when we first heard Google’s announcements on the matter we assumed it would have on in order to accept voice commands.
说到当前已禁用,除了设备上的Wi-Fi无线电主机之外,还有两个其他面向家庭自动化的无线电:蓝牙无线电和ZigBee / Thread无线电。 据推测,两者都将在以后的固件迭代中激活,以解锁家庭自动化连接。 Google定位为具有路由器/家庭自动化集线器组合的其他指标还包括设备中的环境光传感器以及3瓦扬声器。 奇怪的是,该设备没有内置麦克风(例如Amazon Echo)。 尽管我们还是喜欢它,没有麦克风,但是当我们第一次听到Google关于此事的公告时,我们假设它会接受语音命令。
The OnHub comes in jet black or a deep navy blue (we’ll admit we didn’t realize we had the deep blue one and not the black one until we scrutinized it closely) and retails for $199; good luck getting your hands on one at the time of this publication, however, as they are sold out practically everywhere.
OnHub有深黑色或深海军蓝色(我们会承认,直到我们仔细检查之后,我们才意识到我们只有深蓝色而不是黑色),零售价为199美元; 祝您好运!在本出版物发行之时,请多多指教,因为它们到处都是卖光了。
Setting up the Google OnHub is easy peasy once you get over one big hurdle. Don’t worry, it’s not a real hurdle that prevents you from getting right down to setting up the router, it’s a mental one. Are you ready for this? You don’t use your web browser. Seriously, after years of setting up our networking gear with a web-based portal (the old routine) Google mixes it all up and takes that away from us.
一旦克服了一大障碍,就可以轻松设置Google OnHub。 别担心,这不是阻止您着手设置路由器的真正障碍,这是一个心理问题。 你准备好了吗? 您不使用网络浏览器。 认真地说,经过多年使用基于Web的门户网站(旧的http://例程)设置我们的网络设备之后,Google才将其混为一谈,并将其从我们手中夺走了。
You don’t use a browser-accessed configuration portal on the router to set it up, you download a smartphone app for your iOS or Android device. While we fully realize the probability of somebody going out and buying Google’s new premium router and not having an iOS or Android device of some sort is most likely zero the design choice still doesn’t sit well with us. There’s really no good reason why the device couldn’t have the snazzy smartphone app and a fallback router interface you could access via local computer on the network. Supposedly future updates will include a web-based interface, but given that every other router on the market from bargain basement brands to premium routers all have this simple feature we were pretty surprised to see it missing from the OnHub.
您无需在路由器上使用浏览器访问的配置门户进行设置,而是下载适用于iOS或Android设备的智能手机应用。 尽管我们完全意识到有人外出购买Google的新型高级路由器而没有某种iOS或Android设备的可能性很可能为零,但设计选择仍然对我们不利。 确实没有充分的理由说明该设备无法具有时髦的智能手机应用程序和可通过网络上的本地计算机访问的后备路由器接口。 据推测,将来的更新将包括基于Web的界面,但是考虑到市场上从廉价地下室品牌到高级路由器的所有其他路由器都具有此简单功能,我们很惊讶地发现OnHub缺少它。
That said the router setup was a total breeze once we got over the geek-shock of the missing web interface. To set up the OnHub you simply download Google On (iOS/Android) from the appropriate app store, install it, launch it, and follow the simple steps.
那就是说,一旦我们克服了缺少的Web界面的怪胎,路由器的设置就轻而易举。 要设置OnHub,您只需从相应的应用商店中下载Google On( iOS / Android ),然后安装,启动并遵循简单的步骤。
You select the Google account you wish to manage the application with, a simple tutorial guides you through the physical setup (plug everything in, place it in a central location, etc.), and then you’re shown how to connect, wirelessly, to the device to complete the configuration. If you’ve done any smarthome setup you’re likely familiar with the routine: you connect your phone directly to the device (which is setup in a Wi-Fi ad-hoc mode for the initial setup), configure it to your liking, and then restart it.
您选择要用来管理应用程序的Google帐户,然后通过一个简单的教程来指导您进行物理设置(将所有内容插入,放置在中央位置等),然后向您展示如何进行无线连接,到设备以完成配置。 如果您已完成任何智能家居设置,则可能会熟悉以下例程:将手机直接连接到设备(该设备在初始设置中以Wi-Fi临时模式进行设置),根据需要进行配置,然后重新启动它。
Power users will find the whole configure-it-to-your-liking bit to be rather Spartan. The big angle Google is going for with the OnHub is powerful Wi-Fi coverage with dead-simple user interactions. As such the sum of your entire customization process is picking an SSID name, setting a password, and, once you restart it with the new networking info, possibly making a few tweaks if you need it (like static IP assignments and port forwarding).
超级用户会发现整个“按需配置”部分都是Spartan。 Google希望通过OnHub获得的最大视角是强大的Wi-Fi覆盖范围以及简单的用户交互。 这样,整个定制过程的总和就是选择一个SSID名称,设置一个密码,并在使用新的网络信息重新启动它之后,如果需要的话可能会进行一些调整(例如静态IP分配和端口转发)。
If you’re used to mucking about the depths of a complex router control panel (or the even murkier depths of a router flashed with DD-WRT or other third-party firmwares) the whole experience feels so incredibly simple and frictionless. There are few options to toggle, everything is straight forward, and you’re done in two minutes or so. The price you pay for the frictionless experience, however, is a router devoid of all the advanced features that take time to set up.
如果您习惯于复杂的路由器控制面板的深度(或者用DD-WRT或其他第三方固件闪烁的路由器的更暗的深度),那么整个体验是如此的简单和轻松。 切换选项很少,一切都很简单,两分钟左右即可完成。 但是,您为无摩擦体验付出的代价是缺少所有需要花费时间来设置的所有高级功能的路由器。
We review a fair number of routers here at How-To Geek, and we typically spend the “Specialty Features” section outlining and digging into the, well, specialty features like print servers, attached storage, parental controls, and so on.
我们在How-To Geek上回顾了很多路由器,并且通常会在“特殊功能”部分中概述并深入研究特殊功能,例如打印服务器,附加存储,父母控制等。
In this regard, our review of the OnHub is going to break a bit from tradition in a few different ways. First, there aren’t any traditional specialty features to speak of on the OnHub. There’s no parental controls page, there’s no USB support yet (even though the port is on there) so we won’t be walking you through how to attach a network drive or a printer, and the home networking component (controlled by the Zigbee/Thread radios) is, at present, disabled. Second, the best features of the OnHub are invisible to the user as they are designed to be automated and friction free. We can tell you all about those features but there’s really no way for you, the end user, to access them or see them in action.
在这方面,我们对OnHub的评论将以几种不同的方式与传统有所不同。 首先,OnHub上没有任何传统的特色功能。 没有家长控制页面,还没有USB支持(即使端口在那儿),所以我们不会逐步引导您如何连接网络驱动器或打印机以及家庭网络组件(由Zigbee /目前已禁用线程广播)。 其次,OnHub的最佳功能对用户是不可见的,因为它们被设计为自动化且无摩擦。 我们可以向您介绍所有这些功能,但最终用户实际上是无法访问或查看它们的。
Regardless, let’s dig into the features of the OnHub, starting with the few features that are actually very tangible to the user and interactive.
This was, by far, our favorite feature of the OnHub. It has a built in speed test that’s remarkably useful. Not only does the speed test perform the basic function you would expect of any speed test (it measures your upload and download speed) it also measures signal strength and your physical relationship to the router.
到目前为止,这是我们最喜欢的OnHub功能。 它具有内置的速度测试,非常有用。 速度测试不仅可以执行任何速度测试所期望的基本功能(它可以测量您的上传和下载速度),还可以测量信号强度以及与路由器的物理关系。
So not only do you get an upload/download readout, you get a readout for the strength of the Wi-Fi signal and a little explainer indicating why your speeds are good (or bad). It’s a feature that made us go “Huh. That’s useful. Why isn’t this included in modern router interfaces?” We’d love to see this feature built into the software of other routes: on-router speed testing with Wi-Fi strength feedback if the test is conducted via a Wi-Fi device.
因此,您不仅可以获取上载/下载读数,还可以获取Wi-Fi信号强度的读数,还可以使用一个小小的解释器来说明为什么速度好(或坏)。 这个功能使我们走到了“嗯。 这很有用。 为什么这不包含在现代路由器接口中?” 我们很乐意看到此功能内置于其他路线的软件中:如果通过Wi-Fi设备进行测试,则具有Wi-Fi强度反馈的路由器速度测试。
Another handy feature is a built-in system for sharing your Wi-Fi credentials. Whether your friend is right there beside you or they’re coming in a week to house sit (and you want to send them the credentials in advance) it’s extremely easy to share those credentials with them via any sharing method your phone supports (AirDrop, email, text messaging, etc.)
另一个方便的功能是用于共享Wi-Fi凭据的内置系统。 无论您的朋友就在您旁边,还是他们要在一周内坐下来(并且您想提前将凭据发送给他们),通过手机支持的任何共享方式与他们共享这些凭据非常容易(AirDrop,电子邮件,短信等)
The router even features, seen center panel above, a simple way to show them the router password so they can copy it off your phone screen. It’s a simple thing, to be sure, but it is just one element of the whole frictionless-user-experience Google is going for and we appreciate the effort.
路由器甚至还具有显示路由器密码的简单方法,如上方的中间面板所示,以便他们可以将其复制到手机屏幕上。 可以肯定的是,这很简单,但这只是Google所追求的无摩擦用户体验的全部内容之一,我们对此表示赞赏。
Nearly every router supports remote access, that’s a given. What makes remote access different on the OnHub is that the remote access is authorized through a login at the external IP/router level (like traditional routers) but through a Google account and the OnHub app. Whether you’re away from your own home or you’ve said up the OnHub for a relative, you can always fire up the OnHub app, the same one you used to set everything up, and control the router.
几乎每个路由器都支持远程访问,这就是给定的。 使OnHub上的远程访问与众不同的是,远程访问是通过外部IP /路由器级别的登录(例如传统路由器)通过Google帐户和OnHub应用进行授权的。 无论您是出门在外,还是为亲戚说了OnHub,您都可以启动OnHub应用程序,该程序与您用来设置所有东西的方式相同,并且可以控制路由器。
You might not be able to control much (the OnHub is still pretty light on features) but the remote access experience is butter smooth and easy to use.
Maybe you like the indicator lights on your router to look like the control bank for a shuttle launch but most people don’t. The OnHub eschews the bright-blinky-blink-blink bank of lights found on most routers for a simple and understated light ring located around the top of the router. Everything cool? The ring is a solid blue/green. Network problems? It blinks slowly in a shade of orange.
也许您希望路由器上的指示灯看起来像是控制库中的航天飞机发射器,但大多数人却不喜欢。 OnHub避开了在大多数路由器上发现的明亮,闪烁,闪烁的灯串,而在路由器顶部周围放置了一个简单且低调的灯环。 一切都很酷吗? 戒指是纯蓝色/绿色。 网络问题? 它以橙色阴影缓慢闪烁。
Given how rarely (if ever) we actually study the complex router lights for any kind of feedback it’s nice to see a push toward this kind of easy to digest ambient information. From across a room you can easily see if the router is happy and humming along or malfunctioning.
鉴于我们实际上很少(如果有的话)研究复杂的路由器灯以获得任何形式的反馈,很高兴看到人们正在推动这种易于消化的环境信息。 从整个房间中,您可以轻松查看路由器是否快乐,嗡嗡作响或发生故障。
Further, you can adjust the brightness of the indicator ring from within the control application so that it’s just bright enough to alert you without being a nuisance.
Now we’re getting into the invisible-to-the-user territory. One of the primary reasons people get poor Wi-Fi performance on the 2.4Ghz band is because of channel interference. The channels, or sub-divisions, of the portion of the 2.4Ghz band allocated for Wi-Fi and other radio communication, usually overlap each other and as such if you’re running your router on a channel close to the channel your neighbor is using then it can decrease the effectiveness of your Wi-Fi network. Add in a couple more neighbors (if you live in a tightly spaced apartment) and you’ve got a recipe for slow cruddy wireless Internet.
现在,我们进入了用户看不见的领域。 人们在2.4Ghz频段上获得较差的Wi-Fi性能的主要原因之一是由于信道干扰 。 分配给Wi-Fi和其他无线电通信的2.4Ghz频段部分的信道或细分通常相互重叠,因此,如果您在与邻居所在的信道接近的信道上运行路由器使用会降低Wi-Fi网络的效率。 再加上几个邻居(如果您住在密密麻麻的公寓中),您就会发现无线网络速度缓慢的秘诀。
Remember that extra 2.4GHz Wi-Fi antenna we mentioned earlier in the review? The OnHub has a 3×3 array of 2.4GHz antennas for actual data transmission but it has an extra 2.4GHz antenna whose sole purpose is for testing and diagnostics. That extra antenna checks out what is going on with your local 2.4GHz spectrum and automatically switches the OnHub between channels with no input from the user.
还记得我们之前在评论中提到的额外的2.4GHz Wi-Fi天线吗? OnHub具有3×3的2.4GHz天线阵列,用于实际数据传输,但它还有一个额外的2.4GHz天线,其唯一目的是进行测试和诊断。 额外的天线可以检查本地2.4GHz频谱的状况,并自动在通道之间切换OnHub,而无需用户输入。
This dedicated antenna coupled with automatic detection and shifting is an enormous step up from manually checking and changing the channels (and still a big step up from the “auto” function found on some routers that lack a dedicated antenna).
While we were at first a tad dubious about the utility of the function, after we tested it out, turned on a bunch of old routers nearby to try and throw it for a loop, and monitored the whole process we have to admit it is really smooth and completely automatic.
Speaking of automatic updates, the biggest selling point for the OnHub (simple user interface aside) is automatic updates. Google’s big pitch is a well founded one: most router companies do a poor job keeping their routers up to date with security holes patched and, further compounding the problem, most people never update their routers in the first place. There are millions of people around the world running 5+ year old routers with 5+ year old firmware. That’s a problem.
说到自动更新,OnHub(除了简单的用户界面)的最大卖点是自动更新。 Google的一举一动是有充分根据的:大多数路由器公司的工作都做得很糟糕,无法通过修补安全漏洞来使路由器保持最新状态,而且使问题更加复杂的是,大多数人从来没有首先更新路由器。 世界各地有数百万的人使用5年以上的旧固件运行5年以上的路由器。 那是个问题。
Google’s solution is for the OnHub to receive frequent and automatic security updates in the background that don’t require user input, don’t wipe your settings and force you to reconfigure anything, and function largely in the same seamless and nobody-really-notices-it way updates happen on platforms like iOS.
Although the router is so new we haven’t had a chance to test out (or, more accurately, observe) the update process, Google claims the update process is so smooth that it won’t even disrupt connectivity during the update and, as such, you shouldn’t even notice it happening. We’ll see about that. Fingers crossed that it’s really that smooth.
尽管路由器太新了,我们还没有机会测试(或更准确地说是观察)更新过程,但是Google声称更新过程非常顺利,甚至在更新过程中都不会中断连接,并且这样,您甚至都不会注意到它的发生。 我们会看到的。 手指间的交叉真的那么平滑。
Performance in the router world has become something of an arms race. At this point every router we review is more than adequate for our needs, completely covers our house with wall-to-wall Wi-Fi, and outside of actually running strict performance benchmarks we truly don’t notice a difference. In fact, dare we say, benchmarking has become kind of boring. Who cares if one car can max out at 220MPH and another can max out at 225MPH when everyone is just driving around at 45MPH picking their kids up from school?
路由器世界中的性能已经成为军备竞赛的内容。 在这一点上,我们审查的每个路由器都足以满足我们的需求,并通过墙到墙的Wi-Fi完全覆盖了我们的房屋,并且在实际运行严格的性能基准之外,我们确实没有发现任何差异。 实际上,我们敢说基准测试已经变得很无聊。 谁在乎当每个人都以45MPH的速度开车接送孩子放学时,一辆车最大可以达到220MPH,另一辆可以最大达到225MPH?
To that end we, dutifully, ran benchmark tests on the OnHub and compared them to past router reviews like the recent D-Link flagship router the DIR-890L. Did it beat the super premium routers in a toe-to-toe showdown? No, not it did not. In fact in some categories it couldn’t even compete (because it has no network-attached storage functionality at the moment, for example, to test router-to-client speeds). The real question is, does it matter? No, no it does not. We’re reaching a point in the router arms race where, aside from serious duds and screw-ups in the design and manufacturing process, routers are beefier than ever and really exceeding the needs of the average consumer the way super powered street-legal sports cars really exceed the needs of the average commuter.
为此,我们尽职尽责地在OnHub上进行了基准测试,并将其与过去的路由器评测(例如最近的D-Link旗舰路由器DIR-890L)进行了比较。 它在从头到脚的对决中击败了超高级路由器吗? 不,不是。 实际上,在某些类别中,它甚至无法竞争(因为它目前没有网络连接的存储功能,例如,测试路由器到客户端的速度)。 真正的问题是,这有关系吗? 不,不,不是。 我们在路由器军备竞赛中达到了一个点,除了在设计和制造过程中出现严重的缺陷和麻烦外,路由器比以往任何时候都更强大,并且确实以超级动力的街头合法体育的方式超越了普通消费者的需求汽车确实超出了普通通勤者的需求。
The OnHub is fast. With the hub centrally placed in our test home we were able to completely max our broadband connection in 80% of the house, almost max it out in the remaining 20% of the house, and even get a Wi-Fi signal in places we don’t even need a Wi-Fi signal (like the middle of the street almost a whole block away from our house).
OnHub速度很快。 通过将集线器集中放置在测试房屋的中央,我们能够在80%的房屋中完全最大化宽带连接,几乎在其余20%的房屋中最大化宽带连接,甚至在我们不喜欢的地方获得Wi-Fi信号甚至都不需要Wi-Fi信号(例如,距离我们家几乎整整街区的街道中间)。
The OnHub might lack for power user features like multiple USB 3.0 ports (or even a USB 3.0 port that’s enabled for that matter) but it’s plenty fast and the radial design with the multiple internal antennas really blasts the signal out.
OnHub可能缺少针对电力用户的功能,例如多个USB 3.0端口(甚至是为此启用的USB 3.0端口),但是速度非常快,而且带有多个内置天线的放射状设计确实可以将信号爆破。
After setting up, bench marking, and then using the OnHub as a daily driver router, what do we have to say about it? Let’s break it down.
设置好之后,进行基准测试,然后将OnHub用作日常驱动路由器,我们要说些什么? 让我们分解一下。
Wi-Fi coverage and speed is excellent. You’ll saturate your broadband connection before you even come close to making the OnHub break a sweat.
Wi-Fi覆盖范围和速度极佳 。 在使OnHub出汗之前,您将使宽带连接饱和。
It’s difficult to write a verdict on the OnHub because it feels as if we’re writing a verdict on a half-actualized product. Google’s big thing is that the OnHub is a smart router with plenty of onboard storage and onboard gear that will be activated in the future so that the router grows with the technology. The reality, however, is that the inactive features in the OnHub are needed now. The USB port isn’t the technology of the future, it’s the technology of yesterday and people expect it now. The home automation stuff? That’s the technology of right now and it baffles us why Google didn’t release a product with cutting edge home automation integration ready to rock. What are they waiting for? They already own Nest, they already bought Dropcam, they’re already clearly building a home automation ecosystem (albeit piece by piece). Why on earth wouldn’t they roll out their home router in a fully-baked state with all these features ready to go? We don’t want home automation features in a future update or in OnHub 2.0 sometime next year; we want them today.
很难在OnHub上做出判决,因为感觉就像我们在对半成品产品做出判决一样。 Google的大事是OnHub是一款智能路由器,具有大量板载存储和板载设备,将来会被激活,从而使路由器随着技术的发展而发展。 但是现实情况是,现在需要OnHub中的非活动功能。 USB端口不是未来的技术,而是昨天的技术,人们现在期望它。 家庭自动化的东西? 这就是现在的技术,这使我们感到困惑,为什么Google不会发布具有可动摇的尖端家庭自动化集成的产品。 他们在等什么? 他们已经拥有Nest,已经购买了Dropcam,并且已经在清晰地构建家庭自动化生态系统(尽管是逐块的)。 他们为什么不以所有功能准备就绪的完全成熟的状态推出家用路由器? 我们不希望明年某个时候或将来的OnHub 2.0中使用家庭自动化功能。 我们今天要他们。
Now, perhaps you might think it is unfair we drive so hard on that particularly point, but it is a fair criticism. If you’re just buying a plain old router then the OnHub is not worth $200. It’s a good router. It’s extremely user friendly. In fact, if all you want for yourself (or a family member) is a very powerful but dead-simple router it might even be the best value on the market right now in terms of a power-to-simplicity balance. But if all you want is a router then $200 will get you more router for your buck with more features.
现在,也许您可能会认为我们在这一点上如此努力,这是不公平的,但这是公平的批评。 如果您只是购买普通的老式路由器,那么OnHub的价值就不值200美元。 这是一个很好的路由器。 这是非常用户友好的。 实际上,如果您想为自己(或家庭成员)所拥有的功能非常强大但又非常简单的路由器,那么就功率与简单性的平衡而言,它甚至可能是目前市场上的最佳价值。 但是,如果您只需要一台路由器,那么200美元就能为您带来更多具有更多功能的路由器。
So our verdict is thus: if you want the router with the easiest to use interface on the market and one that handles automatic channel selection and security updates like a champ, go ahead and get the OnHub. You’ll get exactly what you want: a no maintenance but beefy router. If you’re interested in the OnHub because it integrates network routing with home automation, don’t get it (yet). Sit back. Wait awhile. See what the future updates or a totally new OnHub 2.0 brings. We have a feeling when it all gets ironed out it’ll be pretty great, but at the moment we’re more than a little disappointed that Google shipped a router packed with so many features left unrealized.
因此,我们的判断是:如果您希望路由器具有市场上最易于使用的接口,并且能够处理诸如冠军之类的自动通道选择和安全更新的路由器,请继续使用OnHub。 您将获得所需的一切:无需维护但功能强大的路由器。 如果您对OnHub感兴趣,因为它将网络路由与家庭自动化集成在一起,请不要使用它。 坐吧 等一会儿。 看看未来的更新或全新的OnHub 2.0带来了什么。 我们有种感觉,那就是一切都会好起来的,但是目前,我们对Google交付了一个路由器,其中包含许多未实现的功能感到非常失望。