create database Bookstore;
创建一个名为“Bookstore” 的数据库,采用字符集 gb2312 和校对规则gb2312_chinese_ci【注意:mysql校对规则的命名约定:它们以其相关的字符集名开始,通常包括一个语言名,并且以_ci(对大小写不敏感)、_cs(对大小写敏感)、_bin(二元)结束】:
create database lxw
default character set gb2312
collate gb2312_chinese_ci;
修改数据库 “Bookstore”的默认字符集为 “utf8mb4”、校对规则为“utf8mb4_09900_ai_ci”:
alter database lxw
default character set utf8mb4
default collate utf8mb4_09900_ai_ci;
Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_09900_ai_ci’
alter database lxw
default character set utf8
default collate utf8_general_ci;
use Bookstore;
create table book (
图书编号 char(10) not null primary key,
图书类别 varchar(20) not null default '计算机',
书名 varchar(40) not null,
作者 char(10) not null,
出版社 varchar(20) not null,
出版时间 date not null,
单价 float(5,2) not null,
数量 int(5),
折扣 float(3,2),
封面图片 blob
) engine=innodb;
use Bookstore;
alter table book
add 浏览次数 tinyint null,
drop column 书名;
use Bookstore;
alter table book
rename to mybook;
use Bookstore;
rename table mybook to booklist,members to memberlist;
create table book_copy1 like book;
create table book_copy2
(select * from book);
drop table if exists test;
use Bookstore;
show tables;
describe book;
desc book 图书编号;
疑惑:Empty set (0.00 sec)
create table book_copy (
图书编号 varchar(6) null,
书名 varchar(20) not null primary key,
出版日期 date
create table course
学号 varchar(6) not null,
姓名 varchar(8) not null,
毕业日期 date not null,
课程号 varchar(3),
学分 tinyint,
primary key (学号,课程号,毕业日期)
create table coursel
学号 varchar(6) not null,
姓名 varchar(18) not null,
毕业日期 datetime not null,
课程号 varchar(3),
学分 tinyint,
primary key index_course1(学号,课程号,毕业日期)
create table book_copy3
图书编号 varchar(20) not null,
书名 varchar(20) not null unique,
出版日期 date null,
primary key(图书编号)
create table book_copy4
图书编号 varchar(20) not null,
书名 varchar(20) not null,
出版日期 date null,
primary key(图书编号),
alter table book
add primary key(图书编号),
add unique u_idx(书名);
:ERROR 1068 (42000): Multiple primary key defined
alter table booklist
drop primary key,
drop index u_idx;
create table book_ref
图书编号 varchar(20) null,
书名 varchar(20) not null,
出版日期 date null,
primary key (书名),
foreign key (图书编号)
references booklist (图书编号)
on delete restrict
on update restrict
select * from book_ref
where 图书编号 not in
(select 图书编号 from booklist);
create table book_ref1
图书编号 varchar(20) null,
书名 varchar(20) not null,
出版日期 date null,
primary key (书名),
foreign key (图书编号)
references booklist (图书编号)
on update cascade
alter table booksell
add foreign key (用户号)
references members (用户号)
on delete cascade
on update cascade;
create table student
学号 char(6) not null,
性别 char(2) not null check(性别 in (`男`,`女`))
:ERROR 3813 (HY000): Column check constraint ‘student_chk_1’ references other column
create table student1
学号 char(6) not null,
出生日期 date not null,
学分 int null,
check (出生日期>`2001-01-01`)
:ERROR 3820 (HY000): Check constraint ‘student1_chk_1’ refers to non-existing column ‘2001-01-01’
create table student2
学号 char(6) not null,
最好成绩 int(1) not null,
平均成绩 int(1) not null,
: ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘骞冲潎鎴愮哗`))’ at line 1
create table student3
学号 char(6) not null,
最好成绩 int(1) not null,
平均成绩 int(1) not null,
:ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘鏈?ソ鎴愮哗
<= 100))’ at line 1
alter table book drop primary key;
alter table book_ref drop foreign key book_ref_ibfk_1;
alter table student drop check student_chk_1;
alter table student1 alter check student1_chk_1 not enforced;
show create table;
use bookstore;
insert into booklist values (
:ERROR 1406 (22001): Data too long for column ‘作者’ at row 1
解决方案(暂定):alter table booklist modify column 作者 char(20);
insert into booklist (
values ('TP.9502','宝丽嘉','高等教育出版社','2022-01- 20',33.25,52,0.8);
insert into booklist
set 图书编号='TP.9503',作者='宝丽嘉',图书类别='DEFAULT',
出版社='高等教育出版社',出版时间='2021-02-06',单价=32,数量=20,折 扣=0.6;
replace into booklist values('TP.9504','计算机','林小红','高等教育出版社','2020-06-08',23.5,30,0.6);
:ERROR 1136 (21S01): Column count doesn’t match value count at row 1
解决方法:检查表格:select * from 表名; desc 表名;
replace into booklist values('TP.9504','计算机','林小红','高等教育出版社','2020-06-08',23.5,30,0.6,62015,3);
insert into booklist
insert into booklist values
update booklist
set 数量=数量+10;
update members
set 联系电话='18798372060',密码='147369'
where 姓名='张三';
update sell,booklist
set sell.订购册数=订购册数-2,booklist.数量=数量+2
where sell.图书编号=book.图书编号 and sell.订单号='6';
update booklist set booklist.数量=数量+2;
use bookstore;
delete from members
where 姓名='张三';
use bookstore;
delete from booklist
where 数量<5;
delete sell,members
from sell,members
where sell.用户号=members.用户号
and members.用户号='D1973';
from sell,members
using sell,members
where sell.用户号=members.用户号
and members.用户号='D1973';
truncate table 表名;
use bookstore;
select 姓名,联系电话,注册时间
from members;
[^1]显示members中的所有列:select * from members;
select 书名 as name,作者 as auther,出版社 as publisher
from booklist
where 图书类别='计算机';
select 作者 as auther,出版社 as publisher
from booklist
where 图书类别='计算机';
select 作者 as 'name of Auther',出版社 as Publish
from booklist where 图书类别='计算机';
select 性别 as sex from members where sex='男';
select 图书编号,书名
when 数量 is null then '尚未进货'
when 数量<5 then '需进货'
when 数量>=5 and 数量<=50 then '库存正常'
else '库存积压'
end as 库存
from booklilst;
select 图书编号,作者
when 数量 is null then '尚未进货'
when 数量<5 then '需进货'
when 数量>=5 and 数量<=50 then '库存正常'
else '库存积压'
end as 库存
from booklilst;
select 图书编号,round(订购册数*订购单价,2) as 订购金额
from sell
where 是否发货='已发货';
select distinct 列名1,列名2;
select distinct 图书类别,出版社 from book;
select *
from book
where 书名='网页程序设计';
select *
from book
where 单价>30;
select 订单号,订购时间,是否收货
from sell
where 是否收货<=>null;
select * from book
where (出版社='清华大学出版社' or 出版社='高等教育出版社')
and 单价>=35;
select * from book
where(出版社='高等教育出版社' and 单价>=30)
or (出版社='清华大学出版社' and 单价>=30);
select *
from sell
where 是否收货='已收货' and 是否结清='已结清';
select 用户名,姓名,注册时间
from members
where 姓名 like '李__';
select 图书编号,书名 from book
where 图书编号 like '%6_';
select 图书编号,书名
from book
where 书名 like '%#_A%'eacape '#';
select * from book
where 出版时间 between '2020-1-1' and '2020-12-31';
select * from book where 出版时间>='2020-1-1' and 出版时间<='2020-12-31';
select *
from book
where 出版时间 not between '2020-1-1' and '2020-12-31';
select * from book where 出版时间<='2020-1-1' and 出版时间>='2020-12-31';
select * from book
where 出版社 in ('高等教育出版社','北京大学出版社','人民邮电出版社');
select * from book
where 出版社='高等教育出版社' or 出版社='北京大学出版社' or '人民邮电出版社';
select * from sell
where 是否发货 is null;
select *
from members as users;
select book.书名,sell.订购册数,sell.订购时间
from book,sell
where book.图书编号=sell.图书编号;
select book.书名,sell.订购册数,sell.订购时间
from book inner join sell
on (book.图书编号=sell.图书编号);
select 书名,订购册数
from book join sell
on book.图书编号=sell.图书编号
where 书名='mysql数据库' and 订购册数>5;
select book.图书编号,姓名,书名,订购册数
from sell join book on book.图书编号=sell.图书编号
join members on sell.用户号=members.用户号
where 书名='mysql数据库' and 订购册数>5;
select distinct a.订单号,a.图书编号,a.订购册数
from sell as a join sell as b
on a.图书编号=b.图书编号 and a.订单号=b.订单号;
select distinct 姓名 from members
join sell using(用户号);
select distinct 姓名
from members join sell
on members.用户号=sell.用户号;
select book.图书编号,book.单价,用户号
from book left outer join sell
on book.图书编号=sell.图书编号 and 图书类别='计算机';
select 订单号,图书编号,订购册数,members.姓名,members.联系电话
from sell right join members
on members.用户号=sell.用户号 and 性别='男';
select *
from sell
where 用户号 in
( select 用户号 from members where 姓名='张三');
select * from members where 用户号 in
(select 用户号 from sell where 图书编号 not in
(select 图书编号 from book where 书名='mysql数据库'));
select * from members where 用户号=any
(select 用户号 from sell
where 图书编号='TP.2525');
select 用户号 from sell where 图书编号='TP.2525';
select 图书编号,图书类别,单价 from book
where 单价>all
(select 单价 from book where 图书类别='网页设计');
select 图书编号,订购册数 from sell where 订购册数>=some
(select 订购册数 from sell where 图书编号='Ts.3035');
select 图书编号,订购册数 from sell where 图书编号='Ts.3035';
select 姓名 from members where exists
( select * from sell
where 用户号=members.用户号 and 订购册数>10);
select 订单号,用户号,图书编号,订购册数 from sell where 用户号='c0138';
select 订单号,用户号,图书编号,订购册数 from sell where 图书编号='TP.5252';
select 订单号,用户号,图书编号,订购册数 from sell where 用户号='c0138'
union [all]
select 订单号,用户号,图书编号,订购册书 from sell where 图书编号='TP.2525';
select 图书编号,订购册数,订购单价 from sell where 订购册数>30;
select 图书编号,数量,单价 from book where 数量>50;
select 图书编号,订购册数,订购单价 from sell where 订购册数>30
select 图书编号,数量,单价 from book where 数量>50;
(select 图书编号,订购册数,订购单价 from sell where 订购册数>30
order by 订购单价 limit 2)
union all
(select 图书编号,数量,单价 from book where 数量>50 order by
单价 limit 2);
select count (*) as '会员数' from members;
select count(是否收获) as '已收货的订单数' from sell;
select count(订购册数) as '订购册书在5本以上的订单数'
from sell where 订购册数>5;
select max(订购册数),min(订购册数)
from sell
where 图书编号='Ts.3035';
select sum(订购册数) as '订购总册数'
from sell where 图书编号='Ts.3035';
select avg(订购册数) as '每笔订单平均册数'
from sell where 图书编号='Ts.3035';
----------GROUP BY 子句----------
select 图书类别
from book
group by 图书类别;
select 图书类别,sum(数量) as '库存数'
from book
group by 图书类别;
select 图书编号,avg(订购册数) as '订购册数',
count(订单号) as '订单数'
from sell
group by 图书编号;
select 图书类别,出版社,sum(数量) as '库存数'
from book group by 图书类别, 出版社;
select 图书类别,出版社,sum(数量) as '库存数'
from book
group by 图书类别,出版社
with rollup;
select 用户号,avg(订购册数) as '平均订购册数'
from sell
group by 用户号
having avg(订购册数) >5;
select 用户号
from sell
where 订购册数 > 5
group by 用户号
having count(*) >= 2;
select 用户号,订购册数 from sell where 订购册数 >5;
select * from book
group by 出版时间;
select * from sell
group by 订购册数 desc;
select * from members
group by 注册时间
limit 5;
select * from book
order by 图书编号
limit 3,5;
create or replace view jsj_sell
select 订单号,sell.图书编号,书名,订购册数
from book,sell
where book.图书编号=sell.图书编号
and book.图书类别='计算机'
with check option;
create view sale_avg (name,sale_avg)
select 书名,avg(订购册数)
from jsj_sell
group by 书名;
select 订单号,订购册数
from jsj_sell;
create view kh_avg (userID,order_avg)
select 用户号,avg(订购册数)
from sell
group by 用户号;
select * from kh_avg where order_avg > 5;
create or replace view jsj_book
select *
from book
where 图书类别='计算机'
with check option;
insert into jsj_book
update jsj_book
set 单价=单价*(1-0.05);
update jsj_sell
set 书名='PHP网站制作'
where 图书编号='TP.2525';
update jsj_sell
set 订购册数=100
where 图书编号=5;
update jsj_sell
set 书名='PHP网站制作',订购册数=100
where 订单号=5 and 图书编号='TP.2525';
delete from jsj_book
where 出版社='人民邮电出版社';
alter view jsj_book
select 图书编号,书名,单价 from book
where 图书类别='计算机';
create index name_book
on book(书名(6) asc);
create index user_bh_sell
on sell(用户号,图书编号);
alter table book
add index(书名);
alter table book
add primary key (图书编号),
add index (出版社,出版时间);
show index from book;
create table sell(
用户号 char(18) not null,
图书编号 char(20) not null,
订购册数 int(5),
订购时间 datetime,
primary key(用户号,图书编号),
index (订购册数)
drop index 书名 on book;
alter table book
drop primary key,
drop index name_book;
alter table book
add index (出版社) invisible;
alter table sell
partition by range(year(订购时间))
(partition p1 values less than (2010),
partition p2 values less than (2015),
partition p3 values less than maxvalue);
partition_name part,
partition_expression expr,
partition_description descr,
from information_schema.partitions
where table_schema=schema() and table_name='sell';
alter table sell
partition by list (是否结清)
(partition p1 values in (1),
partition p2 values in (0));
alter table sell
partition by hash(订单号) partitions 3;
alter talbe sell
partition by key() partitions 3;
alter table sell
add partition (partition p3 values in (2));
alter table sell
reorganize partition p2,p3 into (partition m values in (0,2));
alter talbe sell
drop partition p2;
alter table sell
remove partitioning;
set @b_name=(select 书名 from book where 图书编号='TP.0837');
select * from book where 书名=@b_name;
select substring(姓名,1,1) as 姓,
substring(姓名,2,length(姓名)-1) as 名
from members order by 姓名;
select 姓名,year(now())-year(注册时间) as 注册年数
from members;
select 姓名,if(性别='男',1,0) as 性别
from members
where 姓名 like '__';
if n2>n2 then
set result='大于';
elseif n1=n2 then
set result='等于';
set result='小于';
end if;
case str
when 'U' then set direct='上升';
when 'D' then set direct='下降';
else set direct='不变';
end case;
when str='U' then set direct='上升';
when str='D' then set direct='下降';
else set direct='不变';
end case;
declare a int default 5;
where a > 0 DO
set a=a-1;
end while;
没有不可治愈的伤痛,只有不可结束的沉沦。 所有失去的,会以另一种方式归来。