lock, stock and barrel

lock, stock and barrel。
Stock在这儿解释枪托,而barrel则是枪管。这儿的lock意思是枪的扳机。这个习惯用语起源于两百年前。当时枪支是由枪管、枪托和扳机三部分组成的。换句话说,lock, stock and barrel就是整个一支枪了。那么这个习惯用语意思究竟是什么呢?我们听个例子来琢磨吧:

例句-1:In the old days the bell Telephone Company became the biggest in the world by buying up a lot of local phone companies, lock, stock and barrel and merging them into one giant corporation.


Bell公司一古脑儿地网罗了那些小公司,以成为规模巨大的企业,所以这里的 lock, stock and barrel 显然解释“统统地、一古脑儿地。”

Lock, stock and barrel

例句-2:The firemen did their best, but the house burned right down to the ground, lock, stock and barrel -- nothing left but ashes.


这里的lock, stock and barrel仍解释“完全彻底地。”
