命令行是firebug中最有用的功能之一。如果你在使用VS中有些经验,当调试的时候,你可能知道VS的“immediate window”和“watch window”。
firebug的命令行就像VS中的"immediate window"一样,你可以在任何时候检查特定的对象的值。更好的是,firebug的命令行也可以在设计的时候使用(注意:vs 的"immediate"窗口只能在调试的时候使用)。并且,另外一个优势是你可以在命令行写javascript代码然后实时地执行它。
自动完成工作在很多层次。你可以直接按下tab键来循环全局变量,而不用输入任何东西。你可以输入“document.b”,再按TAB,来遍历所 有以"b"开头的属性。你甚至可以输入一个复杂的表达式像“document.getElementsByTagName(’a')[0].”来看文档中 第一个链接的所有属性。另外,你可以使用“上”“下”得到你刚才输过的命令。
下载~ Demo Zip File
Name : <input id="nameTextBox" class="normalText" type="text" />
var txt = $('nameTextBox');
txt.value = 'Michael Sync';
txt.textAlign = 'center'; = 'blue'; = 'double'; = 'pink';
例子( 1.1 )~
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<style type="text/css">
background-color:Black;color:White; border: solid 1px grey;
<div id='div1'>This is DIV1.</div>
<br />
<div id='div2'>Here is one more.</div>
注意:如果你不了解XPath,你可以看下xpath指南here [^].
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<title>CommandLine - $</title>
<div id='container' style="width:800px">
<div id='leftsidebar' style="width:100px; background-color:Gray;min-height:400px;float:left;"> </div>
<div id='content' style="width:600px;min-height:400px; background-color:ThreeDShadow;float:left;">
<div id='content-header' style="padding:2px;font-family:Calibri,Trebuchet MS;">
<h2>All about Firebug</h2>
<div id='content-body' style="padding:2px;font-family:Calibri,Trebuchet MS;">
<p>Firebug is the most popular tool in web revolution.</p>
<div id='rightsidebar' style="width:100px; background-color:Gray;height:400px;float:right;"></div>
var obj = $x('html/body/div/div');
var obj = $x('html/body/div/div');
下边的图片显示出了这个例子的结果。你将会得到这三个div对象的所有属性和方法。(leftsidebar, content, rightsidebar)
#5. dirxml(note)
#6. cd(window)
#7. clear()
#8. inspect(object[,tabName])
在一个最合适的标签中检查对象,或是通过可选的参数实现标签识别可用的标签名字是“html”, “css”, “script”, 和“dom”.
#9. keys(object)
返回一个数组,数组中包含这个标签的对象的所有属性的名字。这个对象可以是js对象( eg: var objCar = new Car() )或者是html对象(eg: document.getElementById(’table1′))。
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<title>Keys and Values</title>
<table id="tbl1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function Car(){
this.Model = "Old Model";
this.getManufactor = new function(){
return "Toyota";
#10. values(object)
例子:参考 例1.4
#11. debug(fn) and undebug(fu)
#12. monitor(functionName) and unmonitor(functionName)
通常,如果我们想知道一个特定的函数是否被激发。我们通常使用"alert()"或者"console.log()"。如果我们使用了很多js文 件,那就是一个相当大的工作量了。因为我们需要在所有的js文件中找到这个函数,然后再放上"alert()"或者是"console.log",并且再 一次保存那个文件然后在浏览器中运行。用了firebug你不需要做那些事情了。你只需要知道这个函数,你可以跟踪他被执行了多少次。当你监视的那个函数 被激发后,你可以在控制台中得到通知。另外,它将会给你指向这个函数的链接。
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<title>Monitor and Profiler</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function func1(){
function func2(){
function func3(){
<input id="btn1" type="button" value="Invoke func1()" onclick="func1();"/>
<input id="btn2" type="button" value="Invoke func2()" onclick="func2();"/>
<input id="btn3" type="button" value="Invoke func3()" onclick="func3();"/>
#13. monitorEvents(object[, types]) and unmonitorEvents(object[, types])
这些可用的类型的列表包括composition”, “contextmenu”, “drag”, “focus”, “form”, “key”, “load”, “mouse”, “mutation”, “paint”, “scroll”, “text”, “ui”, 和“xul”
#14. profile([title]) and profileEnd()
打开和关闭javascript profiler。这个可选的参数标题包含在报告头中输出的文本。有三种方式可以打开javascript profiler
如果你想知道更多关于在firebug中profiler的信息。请阅读我以前的指南(Firebug Tutorial - Logging, Profiling and CommandLine (Part II)).
这个都是关于控制台选项卡的。即使仅仅一个选项卡,我也必须把我的指南分成三部分part 1, part 2 和这个)。现在我现在已经解释了关于控制台选项卡的所有事情。希望你觉得他有用
Section 1: Console Tab : Logging, Profiling and CommandLine (Part II)
Overview of Console Tab
This tab is mainly used for logging. It also can be used as CommandLine window (like immediate window in Microsoft Visual Studio) while you are debugging the Javascript. It can be used for monitoring the execution of Javascript code by using Profiling service.
The following topic will be covered in this section.
#1. Logging in Firebug
Firebug supports logging in Console tab. So, you don’t need to use alert(‘something’) or document.write(‘something’) anymore.
There are five types of logging in Firebug.
Example Code:
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<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> console.log('This is log message'); console.debug('This is debug message'); console.error('This is error message');'This is info message'); console.warn('This is warning message'); </script> |
You will get the following output. If you click on hyperlink (“test.htm” in this case), it will take you to script tab and will highlight the line that wrote this message.
String Substitution Patterns
String substitution parterns can be used in console.log,, console.debug, console.warn and console.error . You can use the same way that we used in C/C++.
%s |
String |
%d, %i |
Integer (numeric formatting is not yet supported) |
%f |
Floating point number (numeric formatting is not yet supported) |
%o |
Object hyperlink |
Example :
Note: I will use console.log in the example below even all console objects (console.log,, console.debug, console.warn and console.error ) support string substitution.
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<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
//This is for normal string substitution " %s, %d, %i, %f". console.log("My Name is <strong>%s</strong>. My Date of Birth is <strong>%dth %s, %i</strong>. My height is <strong>%f</strong> m.", "Nicolas Cage", 7, 'January', 1964, 1.8542);
function Foo(){ this.LeftHand = function(){ return "Left Hand"; } this.RightHand = function(){ return "Right Hand"; } }
//This is for object "%o". var objFoo = new Foo(); console.log('This is <strong>%o</strong> of Foo class.', objFoo);
</script> |
If you are using %o in your log, the object will be shown as a hyperlink in green color. This hyperlink is linked to the DOM tab. So, If you click “object” in second line, you will see the list of properties of that object (LeftHand and RightHand in this case.)
#2. Grouping
Firebug allows you to group the message or log in Console tab. If you have some many logs in your code, you can probably divide your log into small group or subgroup
Example ~
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<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var groupname = 'group1';"message group : %s " , groupname); console.log("log message 1 from %s", groupname); console.log("log message 2 from %s", groupname); console.log("log message 3 from %s", groupname); console.groupEnd();
groupname = 'group2';"message group : %s " , groupname); console.log("log message 1 from %s", groupname);
var subgroupname = 'subgroup1';"message group : %s " , subgroupname); console.log("log message 1 from %s", subgroupname); console.log("log message 2 from %s", subgroupname); console.log("log message 3 from %s", subgroupname); console.groupEnd();
console.log("log message 3 from %s", groupname); console.groupEnd();
</script> |
#3. console.dir and console.dirxml
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<table id="tbl1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td>A</td> <td>B</td> <td>C</td> </tr> </table> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> //Create a class function Car(){ this.Model = "Old Model";
this.getManufactor = new function(){ return "Toyota"; } }
//Create a object var objCar = new Car();
//Firebug console.dir(objCar); console.dirxml(document.getElementById('tbl1'));
</script> |
#4. Assertion ( console.assert() )
You can use console.assert() to test whether an expression is true or not. If the expression is false, it will write a message to the console and throw an exception.
Example :
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<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function whatIsMyAge(year){ var currYear = 2007; return currYear - year; }
var yearOfBirth1 = 1982; var age1 = 25; console.assert(whatIsMyAge(yearOfBirth1) == age1);
var yearOfBirth2 = 1982; var age2 = 11; console.assert(whatIsMyAge(yearOfBirth2) == age2); //You should get the error here. </script> |
#5. Tracing ( console.trace() )
This function is very interesting. Before I tell you the way that I understand, let’s take a look what console.trace does exactly in official website.
Prints an interactive stack trace of JavaScript execution at the point where it is called.
The stack trace details the functions on the stack, as well as the values that were passed as arguments to each function. You can click each function to take you to its source in the Script tab, and click each argument value to inspect it in the DOM or HTML tabs.
This function will tell you about the route information from start point to end point. If you are not clear what I mean, let’s take a look at the sample code and the result.
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" > <head> <title>Firebug</title> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function startTrace(str){ return method1(100,200); } function method1(arg1,arg2){ return method2(arg1 + arg2 + 100); } function method2(arg1){ var var1 = arg1 / 100; return method3(var1); } function method3(arg1){ console.trace(); var total = arg1 * 100; return total; }
</script> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="Trace" onclick="startTrace('Result');"/> </body> </html> |
Suppose: we wanna know how “method3″ function is invoked. So, we put this code “console.trace()” in that method. then, we run the program and we got the result as picture above. If we read the result from bottom to top, we will see “onclick(click clientX=34, clientY=26)”. That means the execution of Javascript started at on click event of button. then, we got “startTrace(“Result”)” in second line. That means startTrace function is invoked after firing onclick event and the parameter is “Result”. If we keep on checking from bottom to top, we will figure out the completed route from onclick event to method3.
If you wanna test more, you can move this code “console.trace()” to method2(). then, firebug will give the new route from onclick event which is a started point to method2() which is the end point.
I think that it’s pretty useful if you are debugging the other developer’s source code and you have no idea why this function is invoked.
Let me know if you are not clear what I’m trying to explain about console.trace();.
#6. Timing ( Measuring the time of your code)
You can use console.time(timeName) function to measure how long a particular code or function take. This feature is very helpful if you are trying to improve the performance of your Javascript code.
Example :
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" > <head> <title>Firebug</title> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function measuretheTime(){ var timeName = 'measuringTime'; console.time(timeName);
for(var i=0;i<1000;i++){ ///do something for(var j=0;j<100;j++){ //do another thing. } }
console.timeEnd(timeName); } </script> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="Trace" onclick="measuretheTime();"/> </body> </html> |
Result : measuringTime: 16ms
#7. Javascript Profiler
You can start the profiler thought code (console.profile(‘profileName’)) or by clicking “Profile” button from “Console” tag. It can be used for improving the performance of Javascript. It is similiar to the console.time() function but profiler can give your more advanced and detailed information.
I will tell you about this more details in next tutorial (Part2) . I hope you all are clear about this tutorial. If you have any comment or suggestion, please drop a comment.. Thanks. C ya tomorrow.
Reference ~
Firebug Tutorial
Section 1: Console Tab : Logging, Profiling and CommandLine (Part II)
This tutorial is the part II of “Firebug Tutorial – Logging, Profiling and CommandLine“. (If you haven’t read the part I of this tutorial, I would recommend you to read the part 1 first.)
The following topic will be covered in this section.
#1. Javascript Profiler
Javascript Profiler is very useful feature of Firebug for measuring the execution time of each javascript code. It is useful for improving the performance of your code or if you wanna find out why a particular function takes soooo long. It is a bit similar to console.time() that I mentioned already to previous part but Javascript Profiler can give you more detailed information about what’s happening with your code.
There are three ways to use Javascript Profiler. You can call this function by clicking “Profile” button on the toolbar of Firebug console or through code “console.profile()” or by typing “profile()” in commandline. I will cover first two in this tutorial but not for using profile() in commandline. If you want to know how to use it in commandline, please check-out this article.
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" > <head> <title>Firebug</title> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function startDoSomething(){ <strong>console.profile('Measuring time');</strong> doSomething(); <strong>console.profileEnd();</strong> } function doSomething(){ doThis(1000); doThis(100000); doThat(10000); doThisAndThat(1000,10000);
} function doThis(count){ for(var i=0;i<count;i++){} }
function doThat(count){ for(var i=0;i<count;i++){} }
function doThisAndThat(countThis,countThat){ for(var i=0;i<countThis;i++){ for(var j=0;j<countThat;j++){} } } </script> </head> <body> Open the console tab. Click the button below and wait a lit.. <br /> <input type="button" value="Start" onclick="startDoSomething();"/> </body> </html> |
(The list is sorted based on the execution time.)
Columns and Description of Profiler
Note: You can set the title of profiler by passing one string to console.profile() function. In our example (console.profile(‘Measuring time’);), ‘Measuring time’ is the title of profiler.
Profiler button from Console tab’s toolbar
If you don’t want to profile thru the code, you can use “Profile” button from the toolbar of Firebug console.
In order to test this,
That’s all about Javascript Profiler. Let me know if you have any question or comment.
Okay. Let’s move on to next topic.
#2. Options of Console tab
There is one link called “Options” at the right-side of Firebug console. If you click this link, you will see the menu as shown in picture below.
I will divided those times in three categories.
#2.1 Errors Tracing and Filtering
Those options are used for tracing the errors of your script, style sheet and XML. You can also filter the error messages based on the type of error that you wanna.
Example Code
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" > <head> <title>Firebug</title> <style type="text/css"> .normalText{ bcolor : red; /* This is ERROR!! */ } </style> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function foo(){ var objTxt = doucmnet.getElementById('nameTextBox'); //This is ERROR!! alert(objTxt.value); } </script> </head> <body>
<input id="nameTextBox" class="normalText" type="text" /> <input type="button" value="Start" onclick="foo();"/> </body> </html> |
Output ~
I think those options are very sample to use. If you wanna see the errors, just check the option in menu. then, Firebug will give very good information about the errors that you are getting. Uncheck it if you don’t want.
#2.2. Tracing XmlHttpRequest object
This is also one of the most popular feature of Firebug and it is really helpful for Ajax developer. The problem with Ajax is that it is very difficult to figure out if something goes wrong in XmlHttpRequest. Sometimes, you have no idea about what’s going on behind the sense while the indicator keep on cycling all the time. One of the problem that I face when I was playing around with ajax, it is difficult to find out whether the response format from Web service are correct or not.
but things are very simple with Firebug. You only need to select “Show XmlHttpRequest” option. Firebug will tell the following thing.
Example : I used Yahoo UI DataTable in this sample. This sample is the updated version of this sample from Yahoo UI.
Download : SourceCode
Note: If you don’t wanna download or if you don’t have PHP installed on your machine, you may try to check this online sample from Yahoo. But there won’t be any button so you should select the “Show XmlHttpRequests” option first and reload or open the link…
Okay. That’s all for today. I was thinking to write about CommandLine in this part but I don’t have the enough time to write it today. Don’t worry. I will tell about CommandLine tomorrow.
Cya. Don’t hesitate to drop a comment if you have any suggestion or comment. I appreciate it.