If you upgraded your Surface Pro tablet to the Windows 10 preview and everything broke, or you just need to completely reinstall the thing, today we’re going to show you how to reload Windows with a recovery USB.
如果您将Surface Pro平板电脑升级到Windows 10预览版并且一切都坏了,或者您只需要完全重新安装,今天我们将向您展示如何使用恢复USB重新加载Windows。
This should work for any Surface tablet, although we’re using the Surface Pro 3. And yes, we upgraded to the Windows 10 preview which currently has some serious bugs for Surface tablet users. Note that we’re not complaining, it’s a preview, and Microsoft even warned us ahead of time that it would probably not work well.
尽管我们使用的是Surface Pro 3,但它适用于任何Surface平板电脑。是的,我们已升级到Windows 10预览版,目前对于Surface平板电脑用户存在一些严重的错误。 请注意,我们并不是在抱怨,它只是一个预览,Microsoft甚至提前警告我们它可能无法正常工作。
But now it’s time to reload Windows 8.1 on the Surface tablet. And because we replaced Windows 8 entirely we’ll need to download the recovery USB.
但是现在是时候在Surface平板电脑上重新加载Windows 8.1了。 而且由于我们完全替换了Windows 8,因此需要下载恢复USB。
If your Surface tablet is still running Windows 8.x and you are able to boot, you can just do a Reset from the PC Settings to completely reinstall, which is probably a better option. If you can’t boot, or you wiped the drive for some reason, you’ll need to keep reading.
如果您的Surface平板电脑仍在运行Windows 8.x,并且能够启动,则可以从PC设置中进行重置以完全重新安装,这可能是一个更好的选择。 如果无法启动,或者由于某种原因擦除了驱动器,则需要继续阅读。
Note: if you have any data on this tablet that you want to keep, you should have already backed it up. Because this is going to completely wipe the computer.
注意:如果您想保留此平板电脑上的任何数据,则应该已经备份了。 因为这将彻底清除计算机。
First you’ll want to head over to Microsoft’s website and download the Recovery USB image. You’ll have to enter the serial number from the back of your Surface tablet.
首先,您需要转到Microsoft的网站并下载Recovery USB映像。 您必须从Surface平板电脑的背面输入序列号。
While your recovery image is downloading, insert your USB drive and format it to FAT32 (right-click the drive in Computer and choose Format). We highly recommend using a USB3 flash drive instead of a USB2 if you have one. Just make sure to get a good drive like this one.
下载恢复映像时,插入USB驱动器并将其格式化为FAT32(在“计算机”中右键单击驱动器,然后选择“格式化”)。 强烈建议您使用USB3闪存驱动器,而不要使用USB2。 只要确保获得像这样的良好驱动力。
Once you’ve downloaded the very large recovery image, you’ll need to unzip it to a folder.
And then copy the contents of the folder to the root of the USB drive.
That should be all you need to do.
Now that you have your Recovery USB, insert it into the USB port on your Surface tablet.
And now hold down the Volume Down button, press the Power button, and continue holding the Volume Down button until you see the Surface logo.
You’ll be presented with a prompt for language and such before getting to the actual recovery menu.
You’ll want to select Troubleshoot…
And then select Reset your PC.
You’ll be presented with a somewhat confusing Reset your PC screen. Here’s what you need to do:
会出现一些令人困惑的“重置PC”屏幕。 这是您需要做的:
Now you’ll be asked to choose your target operating system. You’ll want to select the one that you want to wipe… even if it says Windows 10 or something else. It doesn’t matter, because it’ll reload from the USB drive you created.
现在,将要求您选择目标操作系统。 您将要选择一个要擦除的窗口,即使该窗口显示的是Windows 10或其他名称。 没关系,因为它将从您创建的USB驱动器中重新加载。
You’ll be prompted whether or not you want to repartition the drives. If you want to make sure the old operating system is completely wiped or you made changes to partitions, select Yes here. Again, you should have already backed everything up before you got to this point, because everything is going to be wiped no matter what you do.
系统将提示您是否要重新分区驱动器。 如果要确保完全清除旧操作系统或更改分区,请在此处选择是。 同样,在达到这一点之前,您应该已经备份了所有内容,因为无论您做什么,所有内容都将被擦除。
Once you reboot you might get prompted to reset the TPM. Just hit the F12 key on the keyboard (you’ll need to hold down the Fn key at the same time).
重新启动后,可能会提示您重置TPM。 只需按键盘上的F12键(您需要同时按住Fn键)。
After a fairly long process of reinstalling the computer, everything should be clean and just like the first time you took it out of the box.
We’ll try installing Windows 10 again later, once they work out more of the bugs.
一旦发现更多错误,我们将在以后再次尝试安装Windows 10。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/208780/how-to-reload-windows-on-your-surface-pro-tablet/