Delphi XE5教程12:注释和编译器指示字

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3 Comments and Compiler Directives


Comments are ignored by the compiler, except when they function as separators (delimiting adjacent tokens) or compiler directives.


There are several ways to construct comments:


 { Text between left and right braces is a comment. }


{  由一对花括号所包含的文字构成注释  }


 (* Text between left-parenthesis-plus-asterisk and an

  asterisk-plus-right-parenthesis is also a comment *)


(*  由左圆括号加一个星号和

一个星号加右圆括号之间的文字也构成注释 *)

 // Text between double-slash and end of line is a comment.


//  由两个斜杠开始直到这一行的结束,这里的文字是注释

Comments that are alike cannot be nested. For instance, (*{}*) will. This latter form is useful for commenting out sections of code that also contain comments.


Here are some recommendations about how and when to use the three types of comment characters:


  • Use the double-slash (//) for commenting out      temporary changes made during development. You can use the Code Editor's      convenient CTRL+/ (slash) mechanism to quickly insert the double-slash      comment character while you are working.

使用双斜线(//)注释掉开发过程中做出的临时变化。在您工作期间,您可以使用代码编辑器的快捷键Ctrl +/(斜杠)来快速插入双斜线注释字符。

  • Use the parenthesis-star "(*...*)" both      for development comments and for commenting out a block of code that      contains other comments. This comment character permits multiple lines of      source, including other types of comments, to be removed from      consideration by the compiler.


  • Use the braces ({}) for in-source documentation that      you intend to remain with the code.

使用大括号({})在源文档中注释你打算继续保留的代码。注意: {}不能嵌套。


A comment that contains a dollar sign ($) immediately after the opening { or (* is a compiler directive. For example,

若$  符紧跟在  { 或  (* 之后,则这里的注释是编译器指示字。例如


tells the compiler not to generate warning messages.

