clc; clear all; close all; %--------------------Input parameters------------------ %R=input('Number of Robots: '); %L=input('Length of the Room (m): '); %N=input('Number of Steps: '); %S=input('Maximum Size of each Step (cm):'); %typeN=input('Type of the North Wall (Reflecting(0)/Absorbing(1)): '); %typeS=input('Type of the South Wall (Reflecting(0)/Absorbing(1)): '); %typeW=input('Type of the West Wall (Reflecting(0)/Absorbing(1)): '); %typeE=input('Type of the East Wall (Reflecting(0)/Absorbing(1)): '); %-----------random---------------- %R = round(unifrnd(3,10,1,1)); %L = round(unifrnd(1,10,1,1)); %N = round(unifrnd(10,100,1,1)); %S = round(unifrnd(10,100,1,1)); %---------pre_assignment------------------ R = 8; L = 1; N = 10; S = 50; typeN = 0; typeS = 0; typeW = 0; typeE = 0; %B=zeros(N+1,3); B=[]; B(1,:)=[0 0 0]; save result B; M=N; for i=1:R N = M; t = 1; position=[0 0 0]; while N>0 B(M-N+1,:)=position; save result B; step = rand(1,1)*S; d = floor(rand(1,1)*4); [nextposition,N] = newposition(d,step,position,L,typeN,typeS,typeW,typeE,N); position=nextposition; N=N-1; t=t+1; %disp(position); end B(t,:)=position; disp(B); plot3(B(:,1),B(:,2),B(:,3),'*-','color',[mod(floor((i-1)/4),2),mod(floor((i-1)/2),2),mod((i-1),2)]); hold on; title('Position of the Robots'); text(0,0,0,'Origin'); text(0,50*L,0,'North'); text(0,-50*L,0,'South'); text(50*L,0,0,'West'); text(-50*L,0,0,'East'); axis([-50*L 50*L -50*L 50*L 0 M]); grid on end
function [ nextposition ,N] = newposition( d,step,position,L,typeN,typeS,typeW,typeE,N ) %disp(position); if d==0 nextposition = position + [0 step 1]; if nextposition(2)>50*L if typeN==0 new=100*L-nextposition(2); nextposition(2)=new; else nextposition(2)=50*L; N=0; end end elseif d==1 nextposition = position + [0 -step 1]; if nextposition(2)<-50*L if typeS==0 new=-100*L-nextposition(2); nextposition(2)=new; else nextposition(2)=- 50*L; N=0; end end elseif d==2 nextposition = position + [step 0 1]; if nextposition(1)>50*L if typeE==0 new=100*L-nextposition(1); nextposition(1)=new; else nextposition(1)=50*L; N=0; end end else nextposition = position + [-step 0 1]; if nextposition(1)<-50*L if typeW==0 new=-100*L-nextposition(1); nextposition(1)=new; else nextposition(1)=-50*L; N=0; end end end end